The aftertaste of the cuisine has not completely dissipated until now

Erina really can’t believe that there is such an “incredible” cuisine in the world.

After being silent for a long time, she bit Bo Xiao tightly and raised her head to look at Chen Fei

“Mother she…. Is her cooking skill at this level? ”

Chen Fei shook his head:


“Mom, her cooking skills, how to say, although it is also very good, but it has not reached this level.”

Chen Fei’s words did not contain the slightest element of exaggeration.

Don’t look at Shinki Tsutsuki is also a special executive of WGO

In fact, Chen Fei is the strongest chef in WGO, which is recognized by the entire WGO.

I don’t know if Chen Fei’s answer gave Erinai some touches

At this moment, her eyes finally produced some emotional waves

Erinai glanced at Chen Fei, and then moved her gaze to the window

Looking quietly into the distance, the next second she said softly:

“While talking to my mother on the phone,” I said

“My mother told me that you are recognized as the first chef in the entire WGO.”

“In this world, only your cuisine can make my mother look forward to it.”

“Although my mother ran away from home very early, I know that she is a person who does not like to talk with exaggeration.”

“Since she has given you such a high affirmation and evaluation, then, I am thinking in my heart…”

“In any case, I have to experience the “world” for myself. ”

I just didn’t expect that after the reality came, this “cruelty” was far beyond my imagination. ”

“You know what?”

“Since I was a child, whether at home or in the outside world, because I have the tongue of God, I have never lacked praise and attention.”

“But…. As soon as I close my eyes now, those eyes seem to turn into ridicule and ridicule! ”

“I’m actually, actually far from it…. Right? ”

Listen to Erina’s words

Chen Fei can actually understand her feelings now.

As the future heir of the Kakukiri family, and at the same time the owner of the Tongue of God

From childhood to adulthood, Erinai has gradually grown up under the eyes of everyone’s expectation and praise.

Nobility from the bloodline!

Rich from the family!

These are all the sources of Erina’s self-confidence than others.

And today, all this was poked in front of Chen Fei.


No kidding.

In the face of Chen Fei’s cooking, he couldn’t even take out the courage to stand there.

Is he worthy of being called a genius like this?

Why fear, why upset?

It is because Erina has encountered a more terrifying existence than her.

The “tongue of God”, which he has always been proud of, is in the hands of the other party

It can only be reduced to the point of being “wantonly played”.

This is the huge gap between yourself and a true genius.


To be honest, seeing Erina’s state at this time,

Chen Fei really felt a little numb in his scalp.

Who is this girl bad compared to?

You have to compare with yourself!

Why Chen Fei rarely cooks now is because the people who were hit by him to autism are not two.

It has the “super five senses” that have been upgraded to the full level.

It would be strange if his cooking skills did not reach this level.

In fact, Erinai is undoubtedly a “petite girl of heaven”.

However, in fact, she has not even fully developed the “Tongue of God” until now.

How can it be compared to yourself.

Chen Fei originally thought that Erinai could survive this incident before he would bring out all his strength to fight her in this duel.

But now it seems that behind Erina’s “pride” and “confidence”, there is also a side called “vulnerability”.

Chen Fei hesitated, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Xue Che Zhenjie.

“Mom, am I being tricked by you?”

Just now, Chen Fei thought of something

Erinai will ask for a duel with herself, which her mother may have expected.

Unexpectedly, this text message had just been sent

The call from Tsutsu was sincere.

“Baby, what happened?”

“Why did you ask that just now?”

Hearing Xue Che’s curious inquiry, Chen Fei whispered

“Sister Erina said she wanted to have a duel with me.”

“Let me give my full strength, the kind without reservation.”

“Because my sister said that I want to feel the world in which the WGO special executive is located.”

“So I agreed.”

“But looking back now, I feel like it was so weird.”

‘Mom, what the hell did you tell your sister?’ ’

“How could she react so strongly?”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Xue Che really

laughed out loud:

“Baby, did Erinai really have a duel with you?”

“What was the result? Did my lovely baby daughter cry? ”

Chen Fei glanced at Erinai and whispered

“I didn’t cry, but my sister feels like I’m sad now.”

After hearing Chen Fei’s answer, Xue Che said with a smile

on his face

“Just a little sad, isn’t it?”

“That’s fine, Xiao Erinai is not as fragile as her mother thought.”

“Baby, why do you feel like your mom is behind this?”

“Did your mother show her stuffing and then you noticed it?”

Chen Fei thought for a moment and replied

“Because I feel that mom, you don’t need to mention too much about my strength to Sister Erina.”

“But now, I really feel as if mom you have said a lot to Sister Erina.”


Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Xue Che on the other end of the phone secretly smiled:

“Hey, my little baby is really smart and a little too smart.”

“That’s right, you guessed it!”

“Mom did say a lot to Erina.”

“When I was on the phone before, I told her, as long as my precious girl’s cooking skills can meet your approval, then I will go home and return to her.”

“Mom is indeed deliberately stimulating Xiao Erina, the purpose is so that she can continue to grow.”


When Chen Fei heard this, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes:

“Mom, now is not the time to make sense.”

“Sister Erina, who is putting this on hold now.”

“Seeing her current state, I feel very uncomfortable.”

“What should I do to make her feel better?”

I heard Chen Fei asking for help from himself

The beak on the other end of the phone is really cute, and the smile is really cute:

“Baby, you know what?”

“Although your cooking skills are very strong, you are really a little immature in terms of insight into girls’ minds!”

“If you want to comfort a girl who is in an injured state, you have to understand what the other person is need.”

“Is Erinai by your side?”

“Baby, give her the phone.”

“Then let her turn on the hands-free, and mommy will teach the baby a few tricks!”

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