Chapter 63 Our teacher is a child?!!

Chen Fei didn’t expect that even when he got up, he could touch Alice and Erina.

He really wasted his strength to calm these two “sisters” down for breakfast, and they would “stare at each other” from time to time.

Senzoemon seemed to be used to this kind of thing, so he didn’t say anything more.

After eating breakfast, he looked at Chen Fei and asked, “Do you understand all the things that the head of the teaching department needs to do?” ”

Hearing the old man’s inquiry, Chen Fei nodded: “Teacher Shiomirun spoke in great detail. ”

“I basically know it all.”

Hearing Chen Fei’s answer, the old man nodded: “Since you understand clearly, then take good jade.” ”

“Because I heard that you don’t seem to like being noticed by too many people, I deliberately explained to the people in the school not to publicize that you are a special executive of WGO.”

“Do you have any work arrangements for today?”

Chen Fei glanced at the old man and replied, “I should go to the office later and carefully read the next study plan of the whole school.” ”

“Then there was a class at ten o’clock in the morning that I needed to go to.”

At the beginning of this year, a teacher left the school, and the curriculum he was in charge of had to be topped.

Although he could arrange for others to be in charge of this teacher’s class, Chen Fei thought about it later, he was not very busy anyway, so he simply left it to himself.

After breakfast at home, Chen Fei went to work.

After coming to the office, Chen Fei found that Teacher Shiomirun had already come over, “Teacher Shiomirun, good morning!” ”

Seeing Chen Fei coming, Shiomi Jun immediately stood up.

She looked at Chen Fei and greeted him a little nervously: “Master Chen Fei. Good morning! ”

Chen Fei looked at Xi Jian Run and said with a smile: “Teacher Xi Mi Run will just call me Teacher Chen Fei directly next time, Dong.” ”

“There’s no need to add adults.”

“It feels like a bit of a raw thing, but we’re actually colleagues, right?”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Xi Jianrun immediately became nervous: “No, it can’t be like this.” ”

“Master Chen Fei… The adult is the head of the teaching department, and I have to show due respect no matter what. ”

Forget it, this sister’s paper seems to be a little unable to turn her head, so Chen Fei didn’t say anything more on this matter.

After sitting down at his desk, he looked at Shiomi Jun and asked, “Shiomi-sensei, at ten o’clock this morning, I have a class I need to go to. ”

“I remember the name of the course was “General Cooking Teaching”, what exactly does this class need to talk about? ”

“What did that teacher who left teach in this class before?”

“Is there a fixed study plan, or is it what to say?”

Hearing Chen Fei’s inquiry, Xi Jianrun quickly replied, “Is it a comprehensive course?” ”

“This type of course generally does not have a fixed learning plan.” “Whether it is theoretical knowledge or organizational practice, it is possible.” ”

“The teacher who left before did just that.”

There is no fixed teaching plan, it all depends on what kind of courses you want to organize, right?

Chen Fei nodded to Xi Jianrun: “I see.” ”

“Then I’ll see the arrangement by then.”

At ten o’clock sharp, Chen Fei took some teaching materials and came to the classroom where he needed to take classes.

Is Classroom A in Academic Building 3?

It should be here.

After looking at the door number, Chen Fei walked into this classroom, and in the next second, the realization of the entire class was all moved to Chen Fei.

“Huh? How did a child come? ”

“Which teacher’s child?”

Chen Fei glanced at the students sitting in the classroom and asked, “Is this Class A of the third year of high school?” ”

Hearing Chen Fei’s inquiry, a girl stood up and spoke, “This is Class A of the third grade of high school, this child, who are you?” ”

Seeing that he did not go to the wrong class, Chen Fei came to the podium, and after putting the teaching materials in his hand, he looked at the students in front of him and said, “Hello students!” ”

“My name is Chen Fei!”

“I am the teacher in charge of today’s “Integrated Cooking Teaching” class. ”

“This is my instructor testimonial.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you here.”

After introducing himself, Chen Fei put his lecturer card on the podium.

The entire class fell silent in an instant.

What the?

The teacher in charge of their lesson turned out to be a child?

Originally, a few students were still chatting there, but now, they really don’t even have the mood to chat.

The female classmate who first began to answer Chen Fei’s question looked at Chen Fei in disbelief and said, “Little friend… You… Are you really the instructor in charge of our lesson? ”

“Did you get that lecturer card from your parents??”

Chen Fei looked at this female classmate and smiled slightly: “Because of my age, there have actually been misunderstandings on many occasions. ”

“But in fact, I’m really the instructor in charge of your class.”

Perhaps hearing the noise coming from here, a teacher in the next classroom came over: “Is something happening here?” ”

Looking at the teacher in the next class, the female student asked in disbelief: “Teacher Kozaki, this… This little friend… Is it the instructor in charge of our lesson? ”

Hearing the female classmate’s inquiry, Kawasaki teacher subconsciously looked at Chen Fei.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, you were shocked when you saw it, and after seeing Chen Fei, Teacher Kawasaki quickly ran over: “Department… Your Honor… How did you end up here? ”

Seeing Kawasaki teacher Bi respectfully running in front of Chen Fei, the classmates in the class were all frightened.


What does this mean to lift?

Why did Mr. Kawasaki call this child “Minister?” ”

Chen Fei looked at Teacher Kawasaki and said with a smile: “Yesterday I read all the materials of all the lecturers in the school in the office. ”

“I remember you were Kawasaki-sensei who taught food nutrition, right? ”

“Matsushita’s teacher, who was previously in charge of the subject of “comprehensive cuisine teaching”, left, and it just so happened that I also had teaching tasks, so I temporarily took this course.

“It’s just that because of my age, it seems that some of the classmates in the class are frightened by me.”

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