Chapter 79 Yuan Guo Come on!!

Seeing Vivian’s “crazy” expression, Kikuchi Yuanguo blinked her beautiful big eyes, and the next second, she burst out laughing: “Okay, okay!” ”

“Vivian, don’t be angry.”

“I’m kidding you!”

“People aren’t as stupid as you think, okay?”

Vivian glared at her a little speechlessly: “I told you so much, you still have the mind to joke with me here?” ”

“The one sitting outside now is our special executive officer of WGO!”

“Yuanguo, do you understand, how serious is this matter now?”

Mu Jiu Zhi Yuanguo lowered his head and whispered a little: “I know.” ”

“Special executive, but the most powerful person in WGO.”

“Why, there are such powerful “big people” who come to our Chunguo Pavilion to eat.” ”

“Vivian, what if my cooking can’t satisfy this adult?”

“Will he scold us…”

“What should I do now?”

“I’m a little afraid to cook.”

Seeing that Mujiu Zhiyuanguo seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter, Vivian breathed a sigh of relief: “Yuanguo, if only you could understand this truth!” ”

“I shouldn’t have scolded you.”

“I’ve heard people say it before, it seems that Lord Chen Fei is very good in both personality and temper.”

“But because I haven’t been in contact with it, I don’t know the real situation.”

“But I can tell you now that Lord Chen Fei’s coming to eat with you is not only a huge challenge for you, but also a huge opportunity at the same time!”


Mu Jiu Zhi Yuanguo raised his head with some doubt: “What does this mean?” ”

Vivian looked at Mujiuzhi Yuanguo, and said a little excitedly: “Do you still need to ask?” ”

“Master Chen Fei is willing to travel thousands of miles to come to you to eat, which is a very huge propaganda for Chunguo Pavilion in itself!”

“As long as Master Chen Fei is well entertained, the fame and influence of Chunguo Pavilion in the future can be increased by at least five times, oh no, it is more than ten times.”

“Moreover, isn’t your Chunguo Pavilion waiting to be rated a two-star rating now?”

“Although I don’t know who the person who will be in charge of the assessment will be, as long as Master Chen Fei says that he is satisfied, I believe that it is absolutely impossible for the other party not to give Lord Chen Fei a face”

“Therefore, the most urgent thing now is to entertain Master Chen Fei well!”

“In this way, the matter of Chunguo Pavilion’s rating is definitely stable.”

Seeing Mujiu Zhiyuanguo looking at herself blankly, Vivian poked her: “Did you listen to what I just said?” ”

Kikuchi Yuanguo nodded cutely: “I heard it!” ”

“That’s it now, no matter how much effort I put in, I must treat the special executive to the best, right?”

“Vivian… Is this Lord Special Executive really not going to scold me? ”

Vivian glanced at Mu Jiuzhiyuano’s chest: “Where has your IQ grown?” ”

“Forget it, I won’t tell you this nonsense.”

“You hurry up and cook!”

“I’ll go outside now to help them entertain Master Chen Fei together.”

“By the way, see if you can help Chunguoting say something good.”

Hearing Vivian’s words, Mujiu Zhiyuanguo was very moved: “Vivian, thank you!” ”

“If it weren’t for you, I really wouldn’t know what to do.”

“Whether you can pass the rating or not, I will entertain you with my best cuisine in the evening.”

Vivian glanced at Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo, and said a little speechless: “I’ll talk about the things of the evening at night.” ”

“The most urgent thing now is to entertain Master Chen Fei well!”

“You first bring out your best dishes to entertain Master Chen Fei!”

“I went out first…”

After saying these words, Vivian ran to the restaurant, and Kikuchi Yuanguo stood in the kitchen, biting his fingertips with some distress, what kind of cooking must be made to make the special executive feel satisfied?

The picture returned to the restaurant, and after Chen Fei took his seat, a beautiful waiter sister soon brought him a cup of tea.

“Thank you!”

After Chen Fei said thank you, he looked around.

The decoration style of the Spring Fruit Pavilion is quite good-looking, looking at this, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuanguo should have spent a lot of thought on it.

The smile on the face of every clerk here is also very sincere.

The cleanliness and cleaning of the store are also very clean.

Just as Chen Fei was looking at everything here, Vivian ran over a little nervously: “Master Chen Fei, you… What is the dining environment like? ”

Hearing Vivian’s inquiry, Chen Fei smiled and replied, “The environment is not bad, I quite like it here.” ”

“I remember you just said that your name is Vivian, right?”

“It shouldn’t matter if I call you that.”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Vivian quickly spoke, “No problem!” ”

“Master Chen Fei, just call me Vivian.”

“So, Master Chen Fei, did you come to Tokyo by chance?”

“How do you know about this shop in Chunguoting?”

Hearing Vivian’s inquiry, Chen Fei discovered something, it seemed that Vivian and Mujiuzhiyuanguo did not realize that they were the main examiners of the Chunguo Pavilion for the rating assessment.

Also, under normal circumstances, applying for a two-star restaurant rating cannot be done by the special executive in any case.

Five second-class executives, or one first-class executive, are enough to rate a restaurant of this level.

Since the other party did not know the truth, Chen Fei did not choose to break it now, he looked at Vivian and replied: “Recently, I have been here in Tokyo. ”

“I also heard introductions before I came here to eat.”

“But there are other reasons besides that.”

“Specifically, let’s talk again when I finish eating.”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Vivian quickly nodded: “Master Chen Fei, if you have any needs, please do not hesitate to order us.” ”

“Chunguoting restaurant is really great, you will definitely feel the best enjoyment here!”

After saying these words, Vivian quickly retreated to the side, while Chen Fei quietly looked out the window and quietly remembered some thoughts.

About twenty minutes passed, and Kikuchi Yuanguo pushed the small cart used to serve the dishes, and walked over a little nervously, “Tete and other executives… That one… That my dish, done. ”

“Please taste the review… Zero”

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