The food was delicious, but the taste was delicious.

Wen Nan slurped his saliva, smelled the aroma, and felt like he could eat ten steamed buns in one breath!

So he asked for ten beef steamed buns.

"One hundred."

Wen Nan: ? ? ?

Ten steamed buns for one hundred yuan?

In an instant, Wen Nan's face turned black.

He wanted to say no immediately, but he was still tempted by the rich aroma around him, so he paid the money reluctantly.

Ten steamed buns took up his two-day food expenses, which was really expensive!

But looking at the steamed buns in the steamer, he was full of expectations.

The lights on the stalls were dim at night, shining on the steamed buns. The white bun skins were also dyed warm colors, emitting heat and fragrance, which made people feel the warmth firsthand.

After waiting for a few minutes, ten beef buns were packed and handed to Wen Nan.

After being tortured by hunger for half a day, he took the buns and took one, not caring about the heat, and immediately took a big bite.

The boiling gravy poured directly into his mouth along with the gap, making Wen Nan grin and stamp his feet unconsciously, which showed that he was burned.

But the meat filling soup in his mouth was oily, fresh and tender. The taste was a bit like a big meat bun, but the taste was completely different. You can tell that the meat filling is a combination of minced meat and meat particles, which is chewy. Every bite has the satisfaction of eating meat buns.

During the steaming process, the animal oil in the beef all flowed out of the meat filling, and the inner layer of the bun skin was softened by the oily gravy. When you eat it in your mouth, it is full of the aroma of beef.

Moreover, this bun is really a heart-warming bun, with thin skin and large fillings. You can eat meat in every bite, with a hint of spiciness, which plays a good role in enhancing the freshness and making the taste richer. The just right spiciness is also very appetizing, and it also solves the greasy feeling of pure meat filling.

It is so delicious that you can swallow it with your tongue.

After finishing two big buns in a row, Wen Nan felt that the state of being so hungry that he could eat a cow was relieved.

Slowly feel how delicious this ten-yuan bun is!

Behind the stall, Lin Zhou looked at the tofu buns that had been sold out, and quickly sold the beef buns, preparing to continue to fill the remaining buns.

Two hundred buns were wrapped at home, and they would be taken out one by one, stacked in the steamer, and steamed again.

"The last batch of buns are sold out. This batch of tofu buns will wait for fifteen minutes, and beef buns will take twenty minutes."

In less than half an hour, the first batch of buns was sold out.

This business is much better than Lin Zhou imagined.

Wang Chuanjuan had just finished eating steamed buns and was thinking about buying some to eat for breakfast tomorrow morning. But they were gone. She had to wait for the next batch, so she gave up.

Wen Nan heard that they were sold out, and then he realized that there were tofu buns. He looked around with regret, but he didn't know what they tasted like.

There were beef buns, so he didn't stay like the people who didn't buy them and waited for the buns to be steamed. He just carried the remaining buns and prepared to go home.

It was already nine o'clock, and it was not early.

The uncle selling fried skewers next to him looked at the endless stream of customers in front of Lin Zhou's stall with envy.

To be honest, they didn't have many customers every night when they set up a stall here.

First, the passers-by were basically adults, and they didn't like fried skewers.

And most of the people who could go to the park for a walk and jog at this time wanted to exercise.

If they wanted to exercise, how could they eat unhealthy food like fried skewers?

So, there was not much business.

After seeing Lin Zhou's steamed buns stall, his first thought was that selling steamed buns in the park at night was something he had never seen before, so there must be no business.

Unexpectedly, the facts were so embarrassing.

He and the barbecue stall next to him had no customers, but the steamed buns stall was so busy that people had to queue up. It was outrageous no matter how you looked at it.

It's not morning, why are so many people coming to buy steamed buns!

He didn't understand, but he smelled the fragrance and joined in.

After tasting the taste, he understood why people selling steamed buns at night can still do good business!

The key is that it tastes good!

Oh my God! He has lived for decades and has never eaten such delicious steamed buns!

No wonder they have good business.

It's so delicious, no matter where it is sold at any time, there will be business!

The uncle selling fried skewers is drooling with envy.

"Is it delicious?"

The owner of the barbecue stall a little further away was also very jealous of the business of the bun stall. Seeing the fried skewers owner bought buns, he came over curiously and asked.

"It's delicious, it's really delicious, I've never eaten such delicious buns!"

If it wasn't a bit expensive, the fried skewers owner would have eaten enough.

"It smells delicious."

The barbecue owner was eager to try and wanted to taste it.

He looked at his wife's unmoved eyes and didn't say anything after all.

They came out to set up a stall to make money, not to spend money!

Don't make money and give money to others.

Facing her husband's eyes that wanted to eat, the wife cruelly pretended not to see it.

But as the second round of buns were steamed and fragrant again, they had begun to experience the same temptation for the second time.

The wife sniffed and put on the mask silently.

Barbecue stall owner:......

"Wife, are you hungry?"

The man walked up to his wife tentatively and asked with a concerned look.

The wife shook her head indifferently.

"I think the buns are selling well. Do you want to eat them? I'll buy two for you to try."

The wife remained unmoved and said calmly: "Did you open today? How many skewers did you grill? How much money did you make?"

Three consecutive questions directly made the man autistic.

Suddenly, he didn't want to eat buns anymore and started to shout to sell grilled skewers.

"Selling lamb skewers~ Fresh lamb skewers~"

"Don't miss it if you pass by~"


On the other side, Wen Nan, who returned home, didn't plan to cook. He ate five buns in one breath and filled his stomach directly.

Beef has a strong sense of satiety, and buns are the staple food, so it is easy to get full.

He put the remaining buns directly in the refrigerator, ready to take them out and heat them up for breakfast tomorrow morning. If they are not enough, he will cook two boiled eggs. It's perfect!

Wen Nan lay on the sofa with his stomach in his arms, playing with his mobile phone leisurely.

Although the price of these beef buns is a bit unaffordable, they are really delicious.

As soon as you put it in your mouth, you know it is a handmade bun.

The bun skin is soft and chewy, unlike those semi-finished buns, which become soft and unpalatable after processing.

The meat filling is made of good beef, and the ingredients are very solid.

Ten yuan for a bun of this quality is not expensive!

He is poor, not the bun.


Before ten o'clock, Lin Zhou looked at the empty steamer and exchanged glances with the diners in front of him who didn't buy buns.

"Sorry, there are no buns..."

After waiting for a long time, the diners who didn't buy buns: "?"

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