The old man was so angry that he jumped up.

"Oh my god, my new sofa!"

The leather sofa had a tooth mark and was leaking air. It was obviously bitten.

The sofa I bought for 3,000 yuan was broken.

Gao Jiazhi was so angry that he jumped up. If he was not afraid of disturbing the neighbors in the middle of the night, he would have screamed.

"Today, it's either you or me!"

Gao Jiazhi was so angry that he threw himself on Erha and started to drag the stupid dog with both hands.

Erha bit the sofa and refused to move. He kicked Gao Jiazhi with his legs.

"Damn, you dare to kick me, today I will let you know who is the master!"


The man and the dog got into a melee.

The next second, all of Gao Jiazhi's movements came to an abrupt stop.

He was kicked to the ground by Dabao, and he couldn't move. He became a dead dog at the mercy of others, with no dignity.

When he bought the dog, his friends advised him not to buy a dog that was too big, because it was difficult to manage. He didn't listen, so he ended up like this.

Erha was still very cute when he was young.

But as he got bigger, he seemed to have grown into a rebellious son.

Not only did he destroy the house, but he was also very lively. When he went out, I didn't know whether he was walking the dog or the dog was walking him.

Now he couldn't even fight.

Gao Jiazhi wanted to cry but had no tears, and his struggle seemed particularly strenuous.

"Brother Dog, you are my brother, isn't it enough? Let me go!"

Dabao was unmoved, barking twice, and no one knew what it was saying.

"It's just a chicken leg. It's not a big deal. It's not worth your effort. Let me go. I'll take you to eat!"

"I was reckless today. I'll buy you a chicken leg to apologize."

"Woof woof woof!"

Dabao let go of Gao Jiazhi with satisfaction, walked to the door with excited steps and stopped.

He looked like if you don't take me away, this matter will never end.

"Go, go, I'll get the rope."

Gao Jiazhi rubbed his aching waist, and he was so angry.

This is not raising a dog, it's obviously raising an ancestor!

The next second, Dabao jumped into the room and took out the leash.

Gao Jiazhi:......

One person and one dog walked out of the community, and Gao Jiazhi didn't need to lead the way. Dabao threw his legs and started running, directly pulling Gao Jiazhi staggered.

"Fuck, slow down~"

Gao Jiazhi's distant exclamation came in the air.

After saying this, the man had already run to the curb.


It was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Lin Zhou arrived at the door of the Old Song Bar.

This bar street is a lively spot in Jiangdong at night.

There are many night snack stalls at the door.

Lin Zhou came late, and there was still only a bad location.

He didn't care, and skillfully parked the tricycle and started to set up the stall.

Today's fried chicken is divided into three categories.

Fried chicken nuggets, fried chicken legs, and fried chicken wings.

There is also a crab roe flavor.

There are also two kinds of batter, one pot of original batter and one pot of batter with crab roe sauce.

As soon as the preservation barrel was opened, the aroma of the marinated chicken carcass came out immediately.

This thing is really fragrant.

The marinade made from a variety of seasonings and spices was marinated for several hours, and every texture of the chicken carcass was marinated.

Bah, what chicken carcass, it's obviously chicken nuggets!

The two diners yesterday said too much, and I just said it fluently!

Set up the pot and turn on the fire.

After the temperature of the iron pot rises, pour in half a bucket of rapeseed oil, and then pour in the same proportion of lard. Then as the oil temperature rises, the white solidified lard gradually melts and merges with the rapeseed oil.

The marinated chicken pieces can also be thrown into the batter, and a thin layer of it can be put into the oil pan for torture.

The crackling sound of frying kept ringing, like a delicious symphony playing a symphony at night.

Soon, the aroma of fried chicken rose on the roadside.

Dabao ran even more happily when he smelled the aroma.

Gao Jiazhi's house is not far from the old song bar, only two streets away.

It usually takes 40 minutes to walk, but I didn't expect to run to the place in ten minutes today.

Until Dabao came to Lin Zhou's stall and stopped, Gao Jiazhi followed behind with a weak step, panting like a dog, which made Lin Zhou marvel.

What a hearty run!

"Woof woof woof~"

Lin Zhou smiled and glanced at the familiar Erha and said hello.

He was making fried chicken, so it was not easy to touch the dog, so he could only enjoy the excitement of watching.

"Boss brother..."

Gao Jiazhi, who caught up, was panting and almost couldn't catch his breath.

Hurry up and go to the next door to sell the beaten lemon tea

I bought a glass of water from the stall, gulped down a few big gulps, and then I came back to Lin Zhou's stall to order.

"Brother, you don't know how greedy my dog ​​is. He wanted to run out at 11 o'clock. I dragged him to stop him from leaving, and he bit a sofa. I beat him up, so I had no choice but to take him out."

"He ran away just after leaving the community. I almost ran to death following him."

"Hey, there are other kinds today."

As he was talking, Dabao called out impatiently twice, and Gao Jiazhi noticed that there were more kinds of fried chicken written on the blackboard today.

Original fried chicken wings and fried chicken legs are both ten yuan each.

Crab roe flavor is 20.

Fried chicken nuggets are 25 yuan per serving, and crab roe fried chicken nuggets are 50 yuan per serving.

"Crab roe fried chicken?"

Gao Jiazhi was attracted by the crab roe fried chicken that he had never eaten before.

After eating fried chicken for so many years, he has never seen this flavor.

"Yes, fresh hairy crabs are steamed, the crab roe is taken out and fried into crab roe sauce, mixed with batter, and fried with chicken legs. It is fragrant and crispy, and has the aroma of crab roe. It is delicious."

Lin Zhou said as he fished out a crab roe fried chicken leg from the oil pan.


That crab roe fried chicken is really special.

The golden color is still full of the freshness of crab roe. The whole chicken leg is hot under the light, as if emitting golden light, and it has become the focus all of a sudden.

"For this crab roe fried chicken, give me one chicken wing and one chicken leg, and two original chicken legs."

Gao Jiazhi swallowed his saliva before he finished ordering.

The color of the crab roe fried chicken is really too tempting.

In the middle of the night, who can resist this!

Lin Zhou used real hairy crab roe, added crab meat and fried a full bowl, and mixed it all into batter.

The chicken legs are fried until crispy and fragrant, and the aroma is so rich.

"Okay, you came early, you have to wait a while, it's just fried."

Gao Jiazhi stared at the fried chicken in the pan, and he couldn't take his eyes off it, so naturally he said whatever Lin Zhou said.

Lin Zhou lowered his head and saw Erha looking at him with bright eyes, and his eyes were as bright as light bulbs in the dark.

Confirmed by the eyes, he is his loyal customer!

"Brother, what time do you open the stall?"

Gao Jiazhi performed steadily, and he was no longer thirsty, so he started to talk.

"Open the stall at 12 o'clock."

"Do you come every day?"

"I'll be here this week, but not next week."



Lin Zhou's words became less when he was asked.

It's rare to meet such a chatty customer.

It's really that his ancestors have been asked about.

(Hey, I didn’t expect that. I’m still writing~)

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