"I don't know." The security guard brushed his neck, looking as excited as if he had eaten a big melon. He laughed so hard at every inconsistent guess about Mr. Lin's identity. "They definitely can't guess that Mr. Lin is so rich that he actually goes out to set up a stall every day."

"By the way, I haven't tasted what rich people's cooking tastes like. Can I go and try it?"

The colleague next to him rolled his eyes, "What are you thinking? Mr. Lin comes in and out every day. How can he not recognize our faces? It would be so embarrassing if he recognized us. Do you still want to work!"

"Mr. Lin looks very kind and has a good temper. He greets us every time he comes in and out. It shouldn't be that bad, right?"

The security guard gave up the idea immediately after hearing what his colleague said, but seeing that his colleague described him as a scourge, he couldn't help but refute it.

"It's not wrong to be cautious when working in this place. What if Mr. Lin likes to hide his identity and work like an ordinary person? Our appearance makes him think that his identity is exposed and he dislikes us?

"Based on my experience of reading novels for ten years, Mr. Lin's behavior is likely due to his original status. He has a lot of people praising him for making a dish casually. He thinks these people are praising him because of his status, which doesn't feel real. So he hides his identity and pretends to be an ordinary person to go out and set up a stall. No one knows his identity, so there is no filter for the food he makes, so he can hear the guests' sincere praise. This is probably the different pursuit of rich people."

Listening to his colleague dissecting Mr. Lin's psychology, the security guard looked puzzled. Is that right?

After thinking about it carefully, it does make sense.

"This is probably the difference between us and rich people. We only pursue money, and they pursue higher-level spiritual needs!"

"Maybe Mr. Lin is back home now and is secretly happy to see these people praising his good cooking skills online. ”

That’s true.

Lin Zhou returned home, took a nice bath, and then took a bottle of iced cola, lying on the bed, watching videos and resting.

If you don’t watch videos before going to bed, you really can’t fall asleep.

Then naturally saw the video of people discussing him online.

Lin Zhou usually pays attention to his own news and will search for it on purpose.

Big data will naturally push similar videos to him.

As he watched, his face became strange.

No way!

He just wanted to set up a stall in a low-key manner, without showing his face, but it was posted online and caused so much discussion.

Seeing that people in the comment area were digging up his identity, Lin Zhou was so scared that he covered his vest with his hands.

This group of diners is so scary!


Lin Zhou woke up from a nap in the afternoon and felt terrible.

He dreamed that the diners couldn't eat fried chicken, and they chased him from night to dawn, shouting fried chicken, fried chicken, and wanted fried chicken.

Then when he opened his eyes, he felt that he had slept in vain, and his body was sore.

It was like running 800 meters in a dream!


After getting up, his neck was still stiff.

Lin Zhou covered his neck and cried out in pain.

"Butler Sun, hurry up, find a home masseur, my neck is stiff! "

Sun Deye walked upstairs quickly, saw Lin Zhou holding his neck, responded immediately, and went to make a phone call.

Aunt Fang and Aunt Xu also hurried upstairs when they heard Lin Zhou's exclamation.

After knowing what happened, Aunt Fang helped Lin Zhou to sit on the sofa, "Sir, let me massage you first, is it very uncomfortable?"

Lin Zhou responded, and he couldn't even move his head. It was really uncomfortable.

I don't know if the dream of running during sleep also caused the body to run. Why do I have a sore back and a stiff neck after waking up.

If I had known this, I would not watch videos before going to bed. I was being chased by diners in my dreams.

Aunt Fang stood behind Lin Zhou to help massage.

Aunt Xu ran back and forth to pour water and serve lunch.

"Sir, the masseur is leaving now and will arrive in about an hour. Please be patient. "

Lin Zhou nodded, and collapsed on the sofa with no hope in life.

"By the way, go buy the chickens today, 80 chicks are needed. The farm owner knows, just let him handle it the same as before."

"Okay, sir, don't worry."

Sun Deye nodded, arranged the villa, and then drove to the farm to buy chickens.

The farm owner saw the familiar luxury car and immediately came to greet him.

Then he saw that Butler Sun was very


"Hello, boss. I am Mr. Lin's housekeeper. I am here to buy 80 chicks today. Just handle them as before."

Sun Deye's well-fitting suit is out of tune with the atmosphere of the farm.

Yesterday, Lin Zhou's short-sleeved shirt and shorts did not make the farm owner feel that there was a difference in status.

Even after searching, I found out that the car was very expensive, but it didn't feel real!

Today, Sun Deye, who changed into an elite look, seemed to have a luxury car atmosphere.

Especially this person also called himself a housekeeper.

Luxury car plus housekeeper, Lin Zhou's identity immediately became mysterious to the farm owner.

What is the identity of Mr. Lin who usually comes to buy chickens?

The farm owner couldn't help but ask when he stood aside with Sun Deye waiting for the chickens to be killed.

"Hello, what's your name, housekeeper?"

The boss handed Sun Deye a cigarette and asked.

"Boss, just call me Butler Sun."

"Oh, okay, okay, where does Butler Sun work? I mean, what does Mr. Lin do? Do you sell fried chicken?"

The farm owner used to think that he was a small boss with such a large farm, and his annual income of one million was not a small amount.

But since he met Lin Zhou, he felt that the farm didn't seem to make that much money.

The young man, in his twenties, drove a luxury car and took care of a butler by selling fried chicken.

This is a big difference!

"Sorry, I can't ask too much about Mr. Lin's affairs. If you are curious, you can ask Mr. Lin yourself."

The arc of Sun Deye's smile didn't change, and he was blocked as soon as he opened his mouth.

The farm owner asked for a long time, but didn't get any news.

Then he sent Sun Deye away depressed.

After returning, he began to think about the possibility of selling fried chicken.

If selling fried chicken is so profitable, he will also try selling fried chicken on a tricycle, the ingredients are ready.

Opening his phone, he silently searched whether selling fried chicken can make money?

How to make fried chicken?

Is it difficult to make fried chicken?


In the villa, Lin Zhou experienced a two-hour back massage, and the whole person felt alive and refreshed.

"This master has good skills, let him come twice a week in the future."

I didn't have money to enjoy it before.

Now I have money, of course I can do whatever I want.

No, he didn't know before that a good master's massage skills could be so comfortable.

Sun Deye nodded in agreement.

Lin Zhou, who was fully revived, immediately walked into the kitchen and started to prepare fried chicken.

Although he was chased by diners in his dreams, he had to do the task.

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