Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 30 The relationship between father and son is too weak!

"Why can't I eat it?"

Zhang Mingyuan also showed a little interest in the Lin Zhou his father mentioned, and asked.

"He went to the top of Qinhuang Mountain to sell porridge this week."

Zhang Mingyuan:? ? ?

For a moment, Zhang Mingyuan suspected that he had woken up so early in the morning and had some hallucinations.

Whose good person goes to the top of the mountain to sell porridge!

"According to what you said, this Lin Zhou's cooking skills are not bad. He makes delicious buns and porridge, which should also be delicious. Anyway, you have to climb the mountain every morning, so you can continue to go with him."

Zhang Mingyuan is quite familiar with his father's work and rest habits.

Since he retired, he likes to climb mountains, fish, drink tea, play chess and other elderly activities.

It's a good thing that he has someone to accompany him now.

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As for whether he will be deceived.

Zhang Mingyuan never worried at all.

His father has been in the business world for so many years, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is an old fox. Which young man can play better than him.

Zhang Mingyuan dared to say that he had no hope of winning against his father at his level.

"That makes sense."

Zhang Jianjun was a little unhappy about Lin Zhou's decision not to climb the mountain together, but he became happy again after hearing his son's idea.

When you get older, you are afraid of being alone.

I have been climbing the mountain with Lin Zhou these days, and it is a bit uncomfortable for him to climb the mountain alone now.

It seems that his father really likes this young man named Lin Zhou.

Zhang Mingyuan shook his head when he saw his father's happy look.

"I'm done, Dad, I'm going to work."

"Go ahead, don't forget the blind date this week."

Zhang Jianjun was busy sending messages to Lin Zhou, and he didn't even raise his head. He waved his hand casually and sent his son away.

Zhang Mingyuan:......

This father-son relationship is too weak!


On the first day of selling porridge, the business was a little worse than Lin Zhou had imagined.

From morning to afternoon, Lin Zhou carried an empty bucket down the mountain.

Even at noon, he drank the porridge he sold on the top of the mountain.

Lin Zhou felt that it was definitely not a problem with his cooking skills.

It should be that the system task was priced too high.

It made many people forget to stop.

Even if the porridge is delicious, most people will not try a bowl of porridge that costs 100 yuan.

Only those who travel and spend money and don't care about the money are willing to try it.

When he got home, Lin Zhou decided to change to a smaller bucket tomorrow and prepare less.

Otherwise, if he couldn't sell it all, he wouldn't want to come back, and the stall would take too long.

The task didn't stipulate how many copies must be sold.

It only stipulated the time, food and price, and there was still a lot of room for operation.

After not sleeping well, Lin Zhou took a shower and lay down on the bed when he got home, and slept first.

When he woke up, it was already late at night.

In the new week, he completely forgot about the diners who were waiting to eat buns at the entrance of Huaguoshan at 8 o'clock in the evening.

But the diners who didn't see Lin Zhou appear until 8 o'clock experienced the same situation as last week when they couldn't find Lin Zhou's stall.

"No, the boss of the steamed bun stall hasn't come yet?"

"It's already nine o'clock, he won't come, will he?"

"That shouldn't be the case, the boss comes on time at eight o'clock every day."

"What's going on? Does anyone know the boss? Give him a call and ask?"

"We all come to buy steamed buns, who knows the boss?"

"Fuck, no way, I've been waiting from six to nine, if the boss doesn't come, I'll really cry to death!"


In the crowd, Wang Chuanjuan and a group of square dance aunts were waiting in the square.

Their dance troupe is now a fan of Lin Zhou's steamed bun stall.

They don't dance square dance every day, they wait in the square at the entrance of Huaguoshan on time, waiting for Lin Zhou to set up the stall.

There are more than a dozen people in the square, some standing and some sitting, looking forward to it, and you can tell at a glance that they are all waiting for the steamed bun stall.

I didn't expect that the boss of the steamed bun stall didn't come to set up the stall today!

So many people ran away!

"It's already past nine o'clock, I'm afraid the bun stall won't come?"

"I guess there won't be any buns to eat today, are you still dancing?"

"No, I'm going home to wash up and go to bed."

"Hey, he was here every day last week, why didn't he come today?"

Wang Chuanjuan didn't get to eat the buns, and sighed with regret.

The two daughters beside him also sighed.

"Come back tomorrow."

After the aunts finished speaking, they looked at the place where Lin Zhou usually set up his stall, which was still empty, so they packed their backpacks and prepared to go back.

The other diners asked around, but no one knew the owner of the bun stall. Everyone couldn't find him, so there was no point in staying here.

People left one after another, and the square was empty in a short while.

It looked particularly desolate.

Because the bun stall didn't come, many people who had been waiting for hours with empty stomachs went to the fried skewers and barbecue stalls next to them to buy some food.

As a result, the owners of the fried skewers and barbecue stalls had very good business tonight.

What an unexpected surprise!

Unexpectedly, their business has improved since the bun stall didn't come.

They also know that it's because there are too many people waiting for buns and they are hungry because they didn't get to eat them, so it's their turn.

When the bun stall comes tomorrow, their business will probably return to the previous state of no one paying attention.

But it's also good to be able to take advantage of this wave of customers and make more money.

They are a little upset that they didn't get to eat the buns.

Fortunately, they made more money, so they didn't feel too bad.

Those who waited for hours in vain and got nothing are the ones who feel bad!

Sure enough, misery comes from comparison. When someone is worse off than them, they immediately feel much better.

When many people left, they still held the idea that Lin Zhou just didn't come because he had something to do today, and he might resume setting up a stall tomorrow.

I don’t dare to think about the terrible thought that the bun stall will not come to set up a stall in the future.


Lin Zhou felt hungry as soon as he woke up.

I only had porridge in the morning and lunch.

He felt like he hadn't eaten all day.

Another disadvantage of living in a villa is that ordering takeout is inconvenient.

The villa is quiet but also remote, and some takeaway shops are basically outside the delivery range.

Lin Zhou glanced at the takeout, but there was nothing to eat.

So I got up and cooked a bowl of clear soup noodles.

In just a few minutes, you can have a bowl of delicious noodles very quickly.

After sucking and eating, I felt like I was alive.

After eating and drinking enough, he also knew that his schedule might be completely messed up.

Sleep in the afternoon and get up at night.

After a break, we can set out to buy ingredients wholesale at one or two o'clock.

By the way, what porridge will be sold the next day?

Yesterday we sold salty porridge, today we sell sweet porridge.

Sweet potato porridge?

Sweet sweet potato porridge has its own sweetness. It is a kind of porridge that Lin Zhou likes very much.

There is a kind of home-cooked delicacy that you can’t even eat outside. It’s just too homely and ordinary, so there’s no place to sell it.

To make sweet potato porridge well, the selection of ingredients is very important.

According to the recipe, be sure to choose good sweet potatoes that are sweet and firm. They taste like fried chestnuts with sugar.

Among the sweet potato varieties, the most famous is "Houlonghong". It is said that this kind of sweet potato has flesh as red as cinnabar, fragrant as lotus, and has a sweetness similar to honey, making it the best potato.

Lin Zhou was not sure if he could buy it, so he could only go to the market to take a look.


It was only two o'clock when we arrived at the market. Lin Zhou shuttled between various stalls, looking for sweet potatoes.

As a full-level chef, he not only has the most complete and delicious recipes in the world given by the system.

There is also the innate ability to select ingredients.

Among all kinds of ingredients, he can select the best ingredients almost without thinking.

"Mom, how do you sell these sweet potatoes?"

In front of a large truck, a middle-aged couple was carrying sweet potatoes.

The entire car is of very good quality.

The aunt heard Lin Zhou's words and greeted her warmly.

"Handsome, how much do you want? The sweet potatoes I have are all good varieties grown at home. Although they are a bit expensive, they are sweet and taste good when roasted or boiled. They are so sweet that they ooze with honey."

Lin Zhou nodded and asked for a snakeskin bag.

This thing is quite storage-friendly, you can keep it and eat it slowly. If you don’t worry, you can also make sweet potato starch to eat.

When encountering good ingredients, Lin Zhou couldn't help but buy too much.

For the wholesale market, the snakeskin bag business is considered a small business and can only be done in bulk.

Small mosquitoes are also meat, so the aunt greeted me cheerfully, "Would you like a bag? I can give you a discount if you buy more."

You can also bargain at the wholesale market. Generally, the more you buy, the more favorable the price offered by the merchant.

Because the portions here are huge.

"No, I bought it to eat myself. There is too much to finish."

Seeing that Lin Zhou was eating by himself, the aunt immediately stopped saying hello.

It’s a lot for one person to buy so many sweet potatoes.

"Okay, let's walk slowly~"

In addition to sweet potatoes, Lin Zhou also bought pearl rice. There are also particularities in using different rice for different porridges.

Pearls are suitable for making sweet porridge.


When Lin Zhou returned home, he washed the pearl rice first, poured it into an iron bucket, added mineral water to soak it, and then picked out some sweet potatoes with good shapes, peeled them and cut them into pieces.

A well-shaped sweet potato must have a smooth skin, an oval shape, a fat center and pointed ends.

Peel off the unpretentious outer skin to reveal the golden sweet potato inside with a hint of sweet fragrance. Cut it into pieces and throw it into an iron bucket to start cooking.

The porridge was ready, and while it was simmering, Lin Zhou also made a few egg pancakes, ready to be eaten with the sweet potato porridge.

If he went to set up a stall without breakfast, he was sure that he would not be able to climb to the top of the mountain.

With yesterday's experience, he knew that he wanted to get to the top of the mountain at six o'clock. If he still had some energy left, he would give himself at least one to two hours of climbing time.

Otherwise, if he was in a hurry like yesterday, he wouldn't be able to last two days and his body would be extremely sore.

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