The red lotus root, cut into slices, poured with osmanthus nectar, sweet and nourishing.

The lotus root has been stewed soft into the taste, the glutinous rice inside is even pasty with osmanthus nectar, chewed in the mouth, feel that the speech is with a strong fragrance of osmanthus flowers.

During dinner in a canteen, everyone who came to eat was given a piece of osmanthus honey root.

It was really a small bite to eat, and the mouth opened wide and the mouth was gone.

Although the amount prepared in the back kitchen is very large, think about how many students there are?

Everyone is divided into a small piece, and it is estimated that there will be some who cannot eat.

Soon everyone knew that the Huada First Year Canteen was distributing free osmanthus lotus root, or Xu Ming.

The students who participated in the picking of osmanthus flowers in the afternoon were even more excited.

This has its own fruits of labor!

People from other schools heard that BGI actually picked all the osmanthus flowers in the school this afternoon, and they were envious of the osmanthus lotus root.

Many people on Weibo have their own schools.

Look at Huada!

In the look at their own school, the flowers planted can not be eaten, even if they are caught picking flowers, they will be fined!

Girls don’t love this osmanthus lotus root too much!

Full of soft and sweet aroma, a piece where to eat ah.

The glutinous rice has a moderate viscosity, the osmanthus nectar is not greasy, and there are some bullets in the chess path.

I don’t know how the fragrance of this osmanthus is maintained, a piece of osmanthus lotus root after eating the rich aroma from the mouth to the nasal cavity, let you feel that the whole person is wrapped in osmanthus flowers.

This is the illusion that light can’t smell, only the illusion of eating it in the mouth, and the body emits the fragrance of osmanthus from the inside out.

After everyone finished eating, the whole person emitted the sweet fragrance of osmanthus flowers, just smelling, they were drunk, took a deep breath, and all the internal organs were infected by this aroma.

“This is enough to eat a slice, just open the appetite is gone, sad!”

“I am a big man who never likes to eat these sweet and greasy things, but I didn’t expect to be unable to stop eating a bite, and the canteen didn’t sell!” Oh man! ”

“Ten thousand people blood book begged Xu Ming to make some osmanthus lotus root, so delicious!” How much money can I buy? ”

“My girlfriend wanted to eat my lotus root after eating her own lotus root, but fortunately I quickly stuffed my hand in my mouth, otherwise I would regret dying and eat it to tears!”

“A slice is really not addictive!”

Xu Ming’s own dinner was a whole bunch of osmanthus honey root.

This osmanthus nectar is not simply soaked in honey, but many processes, honey is not used much, which also adds fruit sauce and lemon juice and so on.

If you eat too much osmanthus nectar marinated in pure honey, you will get tired.

It’s autumn in October, and many of the ingredients are cooked.

Xu Ming only thought about it in his mind, and many recipes would automatically appear, as if he knew it naturally.

Thinking of autumn he suddenly thought of chestnuts.

Chestnut roast chicken is an autumn specialty, so let’s do it tomorrow.

There is also a pumpkin at this time is the good season of ripening, you can make some pumpkin pie pumpkin porridge or something….

When I think of eating, divergent thoughts, my mind is full of food.

Xu Ming thought that he had gained ten pounds from the binding system to now, it was a little painful, and although he was very happy to eat every day when he was cooked, he was not very happy when he was fat.

The first canteen of BGI is on fire, and many people in the society are more enthusiastic about food, and they have found ways to go in and taste it.

Now that they have a small canteen, they are more willing to go, any dish can be ordered, and such a delicious meal can never be wrong to invite people to eat.

Ji Zhihong works in a foreign company, and recently a group of people will visit the headquarters.

If the hospitality had been good, their company would have had many benefits, and now the task of entertaining these foreigners from the headquarters has fallen on him.

His first thought was to take people to the BGI canteen.

But this is not a serious restaurant after all, the environment is not good, there is no grade.

Many shortcomings, but the taste is good, guaranteed to make people eat it will not forget.

Taste is the point!

Moreover, his second uncle is a teacher at Huada University, and it is more convenient to bring people in.

But the boss found out the news, and the people at the headquarters were very interested in the Buddha jumping off the wall in China.

Ji Zhihong didn’t know if Xu Ming would do a Buddha jumping off the wall.

So I found Xu Ming and asked if he wanted to order a table.

“Money does not matter, to a table of good dishes, our company boss to entertain the headquarters to inspect the people, must make the other party satisfied, I think no one’s cooking skills can be compared to the Xu boss, I don’t know if the Xu boss can help make a table of dishes, the price is open with you.”

Xu Ming thought about it and it was not impossible, this is simply to send money to the door, there is money not to earn the king of the eight eggs ah!

“What price point do you want a table?”

He did not understand the pricing of such banquet dishes in society, and in order not to be pitted, he directly returned the problem.

“Can a Buddha jump off a wall?”


“That’s ten thousand dollars.”

Ji Zhihong waved a big hand directly to a ten thousand, anyway, this money can be reimbursed, so that the people at the headquarters are satisfied is the most important!

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