For a banquet, the dish is exquisite, such as how many cold dishes and how many hot dishes.

But considering that more than a dozen people at this table are foreigners and like to share the meal system, Xu Ming did not have the safety to make it according to the standard of a table dish.

After identifying a table of 12 people, Xu Ming began to prepare the dishes.

The first recipes to be determined are boiled water cabbage, roast duck, sweet and sour fish, braised meat, Dong’an chicken, boiled beef, honey sauce fire square, eight treasure tofu, nine turns of large intestines…

Dishes that can be divided into meals, such as boiled water cabbage, cannot only serve one serving, and each person eats one vegetable leaf.

Other dishes that do not have a small impact without sharing meals are on the whole plate.

After Ning Shi brought ten foreigners to the canteen and sat down, Xu Ming began to serve food here.

The first one is boiling water cabbage, everyone gargles their mouths one by one, after eating these people will have a concept of Chinese food, and they will look forward to the later dishes.

When the dish was served, these foreigners looked at it, and the simple boiled cabbage on this plate did not feel delicious at all.

“This is boiling water cabbage is our ** state banquet dish, it looks simple, in fact, the method is very cumbersome, this cabbage is made with a specific cabbage heart


“It looks like plain plain water soup is made with chicken, duck, and ribs.”

“And season with chicken minced, pork minced clear broth, and finally pour some chicken fat in the soup.” It took a lot of time to get such an ordinary looking boiling water white. ”

“This dish is light and elegant, the aroma is rich and the soup is thick, but it is fragrant and refreshing, not greasy or greasy.”

With Ning Shi’s explanation, the admissions office teachers who followed them to dinner couldn’t help but swallow.

Everyone took a spoon and took a sip.

The eyes of this group of foreigners lit up at once.

The appearance looks really dull like water, but it is completely different when you drink it in your mouth!

“Oh my God, what a taste, so fresh!”

The foreign man took a sip of the clear soup, screamed with excitement, and couldn’t wait to use countless words of praise to describe the deliciousness of the soup.

“This soup is just like you **** people, it seems ordinary, inside Zhong Lingyu Xiu!”

This group of foreigners were stunned after eating boiled cabbage, and seemed not to understand why the seemingly ordinary boiled cabbage could be so delicious.

As everyone has not yet recovered from the delicious food, the cold dishes are also on the table.

Peeled egg tofu!

Many foreigners are actually not accustomed to the taste of the skin egg, and feel that the taste is unbearable, and many ** people are actually not accustomed to eating.

Like coriander, there are always people who love to go crazy, and some people avoid it!

The dish is very simple to make, the skin egg is chopped, the lactone tofu is slightly over the water, some of the bean smell is removed, the tofu is cut into cubes and placed on the plate, and the skin egg is crumbled and covered.

Then start to mix the sauce, the cold dish is the most test of the chef’s seasoning, the taste is not good or not completely depends on the sauce of the seasoning.

Put the minced ginger and minced garlic in an empty bowl, add a lot of rice vinegar, then add soy sauce, salt, sesame oil and stir well, and finally add some broth to melt the seasonings.

The proportion of various condiments here is actually the most important, and the taste of a certain thing is too much or less will be thousands of miles worse.

The mixture is poured directly over the chopped egg tofu.

The boiling cabbage at the beginning has opened everyone’s appetite very well, and I am more looking forward to the next dish.

Every dish can be eaten by everyone.

“What kind of dish is this, the taste is cold, sour, salty, salty, very refreshing!”

Because the peeled egg was too chopped, foreigners did not recognize what the ingredients were, and asked curiously after eating it in their mouths.

“Pi egg tofu, **famous cold dish.”

The simpler the dish, this familiar dish, everyone has eaten, for the taste has a fixed understanding, unless it is particularly delicious, otherwise it is difficult to shine.

Ningshi receives these foreigners from foreign tour groups, and every time he books a restaurant, he is a famous chef for decades or centuries, but the taste is just like that.

At this time, when he ate the dishes made by Xu Ming, he actually felt amazing, obviously the same dishes, but the taste in his mouth was completely different.

He couldn’t resist taking several more bites.

One dish, twelve points, one person and two spoonfuls are gone.

Fortunately, the food was served very quickly.

“This dish is garlic puree white meat, spicy and delicious to eat, garlic flavor is thick, fat but not greasy, and this thin to transparent meat slice is the chef handmade with a blade, this dish is very demanding for the chef’s knife work!”

As soon as the dish was on the table, everyone stretched out the chopsticks when they used it, and the meat was stuffed into the mouth, and a chopstick directly sandwiched several pieces of meat, Ning Shi was just explaining, the hand slowed down, and the plate was instantly empty.


Didn’t this group of foreigners just not use chopsticks?

How did this get started so quickly?

Not a single piece of meat was left for him!!!

Ning Shi smelled the garlic fragrance that was still left in the air, and he regretted it, he should have eaten it first!

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