The new mini program appointment method adopted by the small canteen has reduced Li Yong’s workload a lot.

Don’t have to eat to stand at the window to help order orders.

A few of them stayed in the kitchen to help cook, and they could watch Xu Ming cook and study.

The part-time students who helped with the dishes before had not yet had time to recruit for the new semester.

The aunts in the kitchen were the ones who served the food, and after not having to feed the students, the kitchen staff were relaxed.

Just busy cooking.

Not only Boss Dong, Zhao Tianming also booked a two-person box at the first time, the space is not large, and he eats alone.

“So many dishes!”

Zhao Tianming was stunned to see the menu that appeared after scanning the code.

There are dishes from all major cuisines on this menu, and there are many dishes that are generally extremely difficult.

Each dish is served with an introduction and notes.

He clicked on the Buddha to jump the wall, and saw the two words of reservation, this dish is not freshly made, you can book in advance.

Dishes that usually take time have notes on the time to wait.

It can be said that it is done very carefully.

Zhao Tianming turned a few pages of the menu without finishing it, and watched as these dishes were all hungry.

I ordered the tamales and pineapple grunt meat.

After the dish was served, Boss Dong’s family involuntarily sucked their noses when they smelled the fragrance.

“Dad, what dish is so delicious?”

The casserole is still boiling with the hot air in the casserole, and it emits a strong aroma.

“It’s pickled tuk tuk fresh, with bacon meat, ribs, and bamboo shoots, which looks like spring shoots.”

Boss Dong had eaten this dish, simply answered his son’s question and couldn’t wait to pick up the spoon and fill the bowl for himself.

“I don’t know how to take care of the children.”

The casserole is so hot, naturally you can’t ask the child to serve it himself.

Ms. Tao whitened her eyes at Boss Dong and rushed over to scoop a bowl for her son.

This casserole pickled tuk fresh looks light and light, milky white soup, just smell it, you know how fresh this soup is.

The heat is smoked on the face, and the incense is immediately confused.

The soup is clear without a trace of oil slick, and a few green onions floating in the soup are green like diamond stars, which is fascinating.

“Thank you Mom.”

Dong Dongdong took the bowl and said happily, and couldn’t wait to pick up a piece of ribs and eat it.

A piece of ribs has just been clamped up, and the bones have fallen down, which shows how soft and rotten the stew is.

“Well, delicious!”

Dong Dongdong finished eating a piece of ribs, his happy eyes narrowed, sitting on the chair with his legs hanging down naturally, swinging back and forth.

Ms. Tao was serving herself a bowl, blowing twice reservedly, and then drinking the spoonful of soup.

The next second, she couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, reacted and drank a few sips.


Huge fresh!

These three ingredients are really amazing, and after separation, no matter what kind of ingredients you can’t make this flavor, even chicken soup, fish soup, etc., there is no umami flavor when cooked!

The hot soup warms the stomach from the tip of the tongue all the way to the stomach, and the meat aroma of the ribs, the salty aroma of the bacon, and the sweetness of the spring shoots are gathered into this soup.

Is this umami really something you can have in a mouthful of soup?

Boss Dong had quickly dried out one bowl and started serving the second bowl.

He had eaten this dish with a customer in a century-old restaurant, which had been passed down for a hundred years, and the specialty dish was this pickled tuk tuk fresh.

Although the taste is also delicious, but now that I taste the pickled tuk made by Xu Ming, I can immediately eat the difference.

That family’s pickled tuk tuk fresh made for a hundred years, the taste is certainly not bad, but compared with Xu Ming’s cooking, it is a little worse.

What is missing, he can’t taste it, but eating the dishes made by Xu Ming, he feels comfortable and smooth, more comfortable than the massage of health care!

The spring shoots are crisp and sweet, and when you take a bite, the juice is full, and the salty aroma of the bacon is mixed with the sweetness of the bacon itself, which is really a wonderful taste.

The soft rotten taste of the rib stew is directly deboned when lightly touched, and the bacon flavor is immersed in it, not to mention how fresh.

And the bacon itself is very flavorful, because it is a pickled product, itself with a salty taste, stewed for so long, salty spread into the soup, eating is a lot lighter, can clearly eat the taste after the smoke.

A mouthful of meat and a mouthful of soup, Boss Dong’s eyes couldn’t help but squint.

“Mom, I still want to eat!”

Seeing that his father had finished eating two bowls, Dong Duoduo quickly finished eating the dishes in the bowl and held up the bowl.

Ms. Tao returned from the deliciousness, looking at the pot, where is left!

She turned her head and stared at Boss Dong, it must be this product, and the food did not care about her and the child at all!

Just at this time, the nine turns of the large intestine and fried seasonal vegetables came up, otherwise it was really not good.

After a noon, there were many more evaluations under the small program.

There are many comments written by professional food reviews.

After the expansion of a canteen, BGI directly relied on the Internet red canteen to once again be on the hot search.

Such a topical college cafeteria, now the heat is just right.

Major food bloggers, Internet celebrities, shop reviews, one by one as if they found the traffic code, the first time they ran over.

Those with deep pockets directly booked a private room with the team.

If the box is not booked, then you can only go to the first-floor hall to eat.

Anyway, as long as you bring the words of the canteen of the BGI Internet celebrity, the number of hits on the video will rub upwards!

Jiang Guodong, as the first food blogger to evaluate a canteen last year, ate the heat brought by the first wave of Xu Ming.

Now naturally will not let go of the present needless to say, as long as the shooting will certainly be able to be on the hot spot.

At 12:00, everyone in his team quickly booked a box for ten people, afraid that they would not be able to grab it.

“Sleeper, it’s gone, I didn’t grab it here!”

“I didn’t grab it either, and if I clicked in, it would be gone!”

“Who grabbed it!”

“Me me me, I grabbed it!”

“Did you grab it?”

A group of people in the conference room looked at the mobile phone interface and couldn’t believe that the box of 10888 could be snatched up.

They originally thought it was unnecessary for the boss to let them grab together.

Such expensive boxes, BGI are students, where all staff need to grab the position, a meal box fee is 100,000 yuan, the average person can not afford to eat well.

I didn’t expect a dozen people to grab it, and one person grabbed it!

“It’s still a big feather!”

“Hahaha, when the old lady watches the live broadcast every day to grab the hand speed is fake! You don’t understand the hand speed of the Double Eleven War every year! ”

Big Feather laughed wildly.

There are so many people in their studio, the biggest box is 10 people, it is certainly impossible for everyone to go, she has now grabbed the box, there must be her in the people who go!

How beautiful! A free meal of 100,000 yuan!

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