Looking at this plate of vinegar and potato shreds that obviously did not know whether it was raw or cooked, Xu Ming’s expression was difficult to say.

Is this something that can be entered?

Raw soy sauce at a glance you know that it has poured too much, and the vinegar smell can be smelled from the kitchen door.

Shredded potatoes of varying thicknesses are either fried or estimated to be uncooked.

He watched for a long time to get off his chopsticks.

Zhao Tianming was also embarrassed.

This stir-fry looks so simple, how to get started on your own is so difficult!

He was very worried in his heart, such a level, if he came to his hotel to apply, he estimated that he would turn around and leave, this is not deliberately to tease him.

But this situation falls on himself, and naturally he does not want the person to be treated like that to be himself.

Just when he was ready to accept defeat, Xu Ming picked up the shredded potatoes and ate a bite.

“This is your first time cooking?”

A shredded potato was eaten into his mouth, and Xu Ming looked at him with some surprise.

Zhao Tianming nodded, and his heart was uncontrollably still wondering if there would be a miracle!

“Taste it yourself.”

Xu Ming put down his chopsticks and said lightly.

Zhao Tianming looked at this difficult potato shredded and didn’t want to eat it, but after all, he made it himself, and Xu Ming ate it!

He endured it or picked up one and ate it in his mouth, and then he was stunned, and it was not difficult to eat!

I don’t know if it was too bad in his heart, he actually ate something delicious.

Xu Ming was also surprised, he thought that this shredded potato would be very difficult to eat, but when he ate it, he found that although all kinds of seasonings were not right, the taste was not unpalatable, and he had a natural flavoring intuition.

Coupled with his picky tongue, it is indeed suitable for learning to cook, but after all, he is older, and it is particularly difficult to learn.

“Just stay in the kitchen and do your apprenticeship.”

Zhao Tianming had not yet returned from the taste of this shredded potato when he heard this sentence and was immediately happy.

He had thought that he was like this, Xu Ming definitely did not want to, he would not cook a dish, what to keep.

I didn’t expect to be left behind!

So Zhao Tianming changed from a rich second-generation guest to the lowest apprentice in the back kitchen.

But except for Xu Ming, no one called him, just look at the way he won’t know anything, everyone will teach him when they see it.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed since the start of school.

After the expansion, the canteen also resumed normal business, and everyone’s life became regular.

The recruitment of students for part-time jobs in the canteen every semester is also on the agenda.

Thinking that when I was recruiting last semester, so many students could not finish the interview at all, Xu Ming thought of a way this semester.

[A canteen recruitment rules: 1. Noon and evening meal time is more.2.Must be a poor student.3.Be diligent and do not steal food.】 】

Since the beginning of the semester, BGSU students have been looking forward to Xu Ming’s recruitment, waiting for a week to finally arrive.

“This time I went to the queue a day in advance without doing anything, absolutely first place!”

“I clean the dishes at home every day, which is definitely suitable for this kind of work!”

“Why don’t you use the people from the last semester, please don’t re-recruit!”

“I can understand the first two, what is the ghost of the last one, did someone steal food last semester?”

“How can there be conditions for recruitment this semester?” I cried…”

As soon as the news came out, the students who went to the University of China were immediately lively.

All are discussing career fairs.

Everyone knows how good the food is for working in a cafeteria.

Eat a big table of dishes that day!

You can also eat the dishes made by Xu Ming himself, and any new dishes can be eaten first.

Who can bear such a good thing.

This time the interview was held in a cafeteria, and the afternoon break was chosen.

That is, regardless of whether there is a class or not, after eating at noon, I will not go with the trend, and directly start queuing up to wait for the interview.

“Sleeper, Yu Lou, don’t you have classes in the afternoon?”

Yu Pengfu stood behind Yu Lou and looked at him in surprise, this is to apply for a canteen helper to skip class directly?

“It doesn’t matter if you skip a class, I can regret missing this interview for the rest of my life!”

If you can apply for a canteen helper, then his little life this semester will be stable, not to mention how happy he is!

What a bargain to sacrifice a lesson for the benefit of a semester!

“No, you are not a poor student at all, what are you applying for?”

“How come I’m not a poor student, don’t be fooled, I’m poor, I can’t afford to eat poorly!”

Yu Lou immediately exploded when he heard this, isn’t this a bad thing for him, can this be said in public!

Yu Pengbin saw that the corners of his mouth twitched twice when he saw him so vigorously refuting.

If others are not poor students, he may not know.

But Yu Lou was definitely not, this person in order to grab the canteen to eat after class, directly drove to the canteen to eat, he personally watched the other party get out of the car.

Now the big Ben is still parked in the parking space in front of the canteen.

“Whose big Ben at the door of the canteen is?”

When Yu Lou heard this, his identity as a rich second generation was exposed?

If I knew I should walk to school today, I wouldn’t have been discovered!

“Who’s it?” I don’t know, it’s not mine anyway! ”

Yu Lou pretended not to care and did not admit it.

Anyway, as long as he doesn’t admit it, he is a poor student and can’t admit it!

As soon as the students in the queue around them heard about Da Ben, they immediately looked back at Yu Lou, as if to see from his face whether this person was a rich man or not.

If they come to school in a big way and compete with them for a place in the canteen helper, they will immediately drive people away.

There are fewer people and fewer people, otherwise the chances of so many people succeeding in their own positions are a little small.

Not only is Yu Lou recognized, everyone lives in a campus every day, and the general conditions at home may not be distinguished, but especially rich, everyone can see it more or less.

For example, every day when I come to school for class, I come by car, and the clothes on my body are not heavy all year round.

Girlfriends change one by one, often giving various gifts.

And so on a whole bunch of them, more or less will be exposed.

After Xu Ming came out, the scene was called a chaos, and no one obeyed anyone.

There were more people interviewed this than in the last semester.

There can’t be so many at all, how can these thousands of people be poor students!

There must be a large number of people pretending to be poor people in it.

After seeing Xu Ming come out, everyone immediately closed their mouths and looked at him with their eyes.

“Are you guys being stupid of me?”

Xu Ming stood in front of the door of the canteen and looked at these people helplessly.

“I ask you to see that as long as the poor students, those who wear brand-name clothes come to the interview, can they respect me!”

“Xu Shen, the A goods I bought here, fake, you believe me, I bought it to pretend to be face!”

“I’m such a poor student!”

“I’m a poor thief!”

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