In the back kitchen, Xu Ming is making pork belly chicken.

Pork belly wrapped chicken, as the name suggests, is to wrap raw chicken with pig belly.

A large basin of pork belly has been cleaned, if you want to wash the pork belly, you must first use flour to catch and wash, and then light some vinegar, salt, wine to wash it, you can also use rice water to wash the pork belly, so that cleaning can remove the odor.

After washing the pork belly, put the washed chicken + into the pork belly, and then sew the pork belly together with thread.

Xu Ming stood in front of the stove, and boiling water was boiling in a large iron pot on the stove.

When the water is boiling, put the ginger slices in a pot and fly the washed pork belly water.

Pick up the pork belly, put peppercorns, astragalus and ginseng into the chicken cavity, stuff the chicken into the pork belly, and tighten the pork belly with thread.

The way to eat pork belly chicken is to first drink the original pork belly chicken soup.

Then chop the pork belly and put it into the soup for 5 to 10 minutes, eat pork belly and chicken, pork belly is refreshing, chicken is tender and delicious, and the taste of the soup adds to the umami taste of chicken.

Then add dried vegetables such as dried vegetables and shiitake mushrooms to absorb the meat flavor and the soup taste becomes sweet; Finally, meatballs, fresh chicken, bamboo intestines and other meats are added, and the soup becomes more and more rich and delicious.

This kind of big dish is very inconvenient to sell and eat in the canteen.

So Xu Ming has made improvements to the recipe.

“This kind of dish that belongs to medicinal food can be seen in the canteen!”

The chefs in front of the window were stunned.

Seeing how a canteen prepares food, these chefs are all shocked.

A college student canteen, there is a state banquet chef specializing in big dishes.

Thousands of dishes are sold at the state banquet, and hundreds of them are sold in the university canteen, what kind of gods and immortals come to Pudu sentient beings?

This one bite, I feel that I have earned hundreds of dollars, and it is really cool!

“Don’t talk about it, look carefully, this kind of medicinal food is not what ordinary chefs will do!”

“His approach is original at first glance!”

“Hurry up and clap fast!”

I saw Xu Ming put sliced ginger, chicken feet and an appropriate amount of water into a casserole pot and began to simmer slowly.

Cool down thoroughly and remove the chicken fat floating on the surface.

This chicken fat is a good thing in the eyes of the chef, which can make soup noodles, blanch vegetables and so on.

Then chop the chicken into pieces, cut the pork belly into barcodes into casseroles, pour the soup back into the pot and boil, season with salt and sprinkle pepper.

At this time, Chinese medicinal herbs such as white fruit, northern root, dang ginseng, sand ginseng, and berries were added and boiled over slow heat.

“Did you see those medicinal herbs?”

A chef did not see what herbs Xu Ming poured in, and quickly asked his colleagues who were recording the video.

“I didn’t see it clearly, but I recorded it all, and I went back to study!”

“The proportion of this herb is very important, if it is not right, it will completely change the taste!” It’s not easy to learn! ”

In the kitchen, Zhao Tianming frowned and looked at the group of people outside.

“Are you absolutely wrong with these teachers from other schools?”

“What’s wrong?”

Liu Pengxiang glanced at the window, did not feel anything different, and asked.

“If any of the teachers are interested in our cooking, they still take videos on their mobile phones, and they still get together and whisper, as if they are discussing our practices.”

Liu Pengxiang did not observe so carefully as Zhao Tianming, but after a careful observation, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Moreover, the eyes of these people were all focused on Xu Ming and Quan Youcai.


“You mean that it wasn’t the teacher who came to communicate this time, but the chef at their school, who came to steal the teacher?”

The principal heard the words of the school leader and frowned.

He carefully recalled the time when the college presidents called him, as if there was no mention of whether it was the student or the teacher who came to communicate.

It’s just that the exchange and learning between major universities is learned by teachers with students.

This is already the default thing.

So he didn’t pay attention to it at the time.

Now these schools are not students or teachers, maybe cooks?

This is very outrageous!

The headmaster was furious!

A slap of anger slapped on the table, and a phone call went to the principal of Shangqing.

Open your mouth and scold directly.

“Well, you old bald man, he actually ganged up to pit me, and sent a group of cooks to our canteen to steal teachers under the guise of exchange and study!”

“You lack morality!”

“I tell you, this matter does not give me an explanation, we are not finished!”

When Principal Shangqing received this call, he realized that the plan might be revealed.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered in the past two days.

It’s a pity.

Wait until the president of BGI has finished scolding, and then he will explain.

He smiled pleasantly, after all, this thing was indeed a lack of morality in what they did.

“We can’t help it, you tell me how many students the admissions teachers of your school have snatched up with canteen meals.”

“You are facing a transformation, we can all understand, snatched one or two top students, what did we say?”

“We won’t say anything!”

“But you BGI are not left to us with a little student, the students who can recruit special students, one by one, all robbed away, a college entrance examination can have several students who are exempt from special recruitment in a year, you Huada University is completely not giving us a way to live!”

“There’s no way we can do anything but do this!”

“Leave us a way, and we won’t come up with such a solution.”

“Now we don’t rob students from you, so you should help our school and let us cooks learn in your canteen!”

“Student teaching resources are such a thing, we are all family, good to discuss!”

Even with the exaggeration, the president of BGI was quickly coaxed.

I was just angry and wanted to beat people up.

Now like the cat who has smoothed the hair, holding the phone with a satisfied face, listening to the praise of the principal of Shangqing over there.

When did he ever enjoy such treatment!

They are not popular in these top universities, and these schools hold a sports meeting and do not take them to play.

Now it is so touted by top universities and carefully held.

Can he not be happy to swell!

For half a day, he listened happily, and his feet were dangling under the table before he said: “You are useless in telling me, the ownership of a canteen is Xu Ming, you need to go to his side to communicate, he does not agree, I have no way.” ”

The Shangqing principal on the other side of the phone did not expect to hear this sentence for half a day, and almost did not catch his breath.

Just hang up the phone without talking.

Subsequently, the leading teachers of major universities also received information, and they have been exposed!

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