The Tower of Survival, located in the most central position of the Survival Continent, is more than a thousand meters high, and even the tallest Burj Khalifa in the real world has not reached this height.

The interior was even wider, and after Liu Di and the others walked in, they saw dozens of cooking stations of different sizes in a central position similar to the competition site. At the same time, there are shelves for storing ingredients throughout the site, and there are various basic seasonings on them.

“What’s going on with this tower, you can’t see anything other than the props about cooking, this kind of place is too monotonous.” Kume Teruki looked around and complained.

“Well, this may be the meaning of ‘Tower of Survival’.” Isshiki Huido.

“Although there are only a few of us, there are quite a few spectators.” Kohei looked up at the huge screen on top of the tower.

Through this huge screen, the eight people in the tower can also see the situation outside the tower and the Far Moon Academy.

The time is now 0 o’clock at night, but there are many people who stay up late watching the next game in Yuanyue Academy, and the best part of this survival event is about to be staged.

“Hey, why hasn’t the game started yet, the system quickly announces the start, I want to vent all my emotions in the next cooking!”

Xiao Lin Gentian looked angry since he came in just now, and when he saw Liu Di, he deliberately turned his face to the side and snorted coldly.

Liu Di is also a little speechless, after a long time, this cat food senior sister is angry with herself?

No, it’s not familiar on weekdays… Just because the punishment last time knew the three measurements, but now she is angry because she took away the ultimate ingredient in the primeval forest area and didn’t call her?

It doesn’t feel right to think about it.

Liu Yi could only pretend that he didn’t know anything and didn’t see anything, and silently waited for the system to announce the start of the competition with Yu Mei and Erina.

The eight people did not wait for a while, and the sound of the system echoed in the empty tower.

“Welcome to the eight players of the ‘Tower of Survival’, you have worked hard, and now we are moving on to the final part of this survival event. The system began to announce the rules of the competition… This tournament follows the previous points system and is played simultaneously in the form of eight-player matches. ”

Points system, eight people at the same time cooking duels?

Everyone looked puzzled and continued to listen to the explanation of the system.

Of course, the people outside the tower, as well as the people in the distant moon, could hear it clearly.

“The competition starts at 12 noon tomorrow and lasts until 0 o’clock, during which 12 hours everyone continues to make dishes that cannot be repeated in the cooking field of this ‘Tower of Survival’, and after cooking, the system will evaluate and score each dish according to the ‘color’, ‘aroma’, ‘taste’ and other aspects. Each dish has a maximum score of 100 points, and there is no restriction on the dishes until the end of the competition, ranking according to the level of scores. From the moment the rules are announced, it is preparation time, and all competitors can freely enter the major areas to prepare ingredients…”

After the rules were announced, everyone was surprised to varying degrees.

Most people thought that the duel of the “Tower of Survival” would be carried out in the traditional form of “eight into four”, “four into two”, and “two into one”, but they did not expect that it would be a point system to determine the winner.

Liu Yi returned to his normal color after a brief surprise, and at the same time a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This rule is in a sense a good thing for him, and quite favorable!

On the bright side, there is no need to face off against senior students such as Kobayashi Gentian and Fuyusuke Ongijima, and fight in a traditional form.

To be honest, now Liu Yi has all kinds of talents, but he has these talents for less than a month, and although he has a “Kitchen God Space” to exercise, his foundation is still not solid, and there is still a certain gap with Xiaolin Gentian these ten regular seats.

This gap is not in talent, but in daily accumulation, to put it bluntly, culinary experience.

Therefore, now that the duel format has been changed to such a method, it is very beneficial to Liu Yi, because it is not one dish that determines the victory, but the combination of multiple dishes.

At the same time, the ultimate ingredient “rainbow fruit” can also play the greatest role, and can be made into multi-course dishes, occupying a certain advantage.

“The rules are really exciting, which means we probably have to cook for 12 hours straight? And every dish can’t be repeated. This means that a sufficient amount of ingredients needs to be prepared, and there are still different kinds of ingredients. Teruki Kume touched his chin and said.

What kind of ingredients can be captured in these 12 hours, and how much can be captured, all depends on the luck and strength of each player.

Just when Teruki Kuga thought that he could exploit the loophole and ask the little brother accompanying him to help him capture the ingredients, a sentence from the system dashed his hopes again.

“Note that in addition to cooking, including capturing ingredients, you need to do it independently, and anyone else who helps is considered cheating and disqualified.” The system mechanically prompted with an emotionless voice.

After the system finished saying everyone’s rules and precautions, it restored the durability value of the eight-person shield to a full state.

The rules and everything else are explained, and the rest of the time is arranged by yourself. The eight contestants can choose to rest or choose this time to go out and capture the ingredients.

With 12 hours left before the official competition, Liu knew very well that he had to make full use of this time… The quantity of ingredients captured is not particularly important, the most important thing is quality.

You know, the smallest beasts encountered in the primeval forest area before also had one or two tons, and capturing one or two was basically enough.

Now it is dark, many beasts of prey are hiding, and it is difficult to find. Moreover, the dark night is not conducive to capturing ingredients, and after making a decision, Liu Di plans to rest in the Tower of Survival for one night, and then go to capture ingredients tomorrow morning.


(To be continued.) )

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