Chapter 0068: Separately, Collect Medicinal Herbs!!

According to the situation of the original book, Si Yingshi’s kitchen heart should be a knight, and in the later period, he was called the white knight on the table, and the most important thing is that this product also has special abilities, and his powers are really quite good.

Si Yingshi’s ability is to talk to ingredients, of course, not really talk, but he has a certain affinity for ingredients, and when he gets the ingredients, he can know how to cook and ingredients very smoothly.

To be honest, this ability is like a prisoner of gastronomy in the world of weakened versions of listening to the sound of ingredients.

However, even if it is a weakened version, for a chef, such a special ability is quite powerful, in Guan Lin’s opinion, Si Yingshi’s ability is much better than other people’s special abilities.

It’s just a pity that he is not the protagonist, so he is suppressed by the protagonist’s aura.

After that, Guan Lin and the others tasted the cuisine of Fuyusuke Ongijima and Akane Kubo Momo and others, these people are not Shijie now, no way, Shijie’s seats are limited.

And this time, even Erina, Tsukiri, and Shinto Scarlet came in

So the result is that there are not enough seats, these people really have ten master-level cooking skills, originally it should be able to grab the position of the world, but now they have killed a Erina, Erina, and Shinto Scarlet.

So that their opportunity was robbed, and the next time they would have to wait until the current third grade graduated, of course, they could also try to come up with enough chips for the other ten masters to accept their halberds at the stake.

But this kind of thing basically does not occur in the current far moon.

The current Shijie all regard their position as very important, which is different from the golden age, when Joichiro and others in the golden age grew in order to obtain more nutrients.

Therefore, you can challenge Shijie at no cost, and through this, constantly compete with others to absorb nutrients and grow.

This is also done because they have the confidence to defeat everyone, and they are not afraid at all.

But the current students are completely different, they use the wrong use of the position of Shijie, who is the management of Yuanyue Academy.

The purpose of creating this position is to allow students to use their authority to improve themselves as much as possible.

This is done in Tasho’s original work, and Kohei Sojin and others also played the role of the ten masters to the extreme.

But the current Shijie will not use it at all, Yuanyue is a jar for raising cheats, and the practice of Kohei Sojin and others is equivalent to constant predation, doing everything possible to make themselves stronger.

However, others are not like this, after becoming stronger than others, they shrink into a corner, satisfied with the status quo, although they will not be swallowed by others, but they also lose the best time to grow.

After tasting a circle, it can only be said that it is normal, and it cannot be said to be amazing, so Guan Lin did not continue to stay here, after all, staying here is mainly for this breakfast.

As for the rest, they would not participate in the students’ assessment, so after the breakfast assessment, Guan Lin said goodbye to everyone.

He also had to go to Huaxia to collect various medicinal materials to make medicinal liquids, which was the core of advanced training.

This advanced training is of some use even to him, let alone others.

Of course, for him, it is useful, but it is not very great, after all, he has obtained the Qi and Blood Training Method before, and he can be said to be very strong in other aspects.

Therefore, the realm training method is nothing more than to improve his situation again, but even so, he will not let it go, after all, it is something that can accelerate his growth, how can he leave it alone.

Although everyone was a little reluctant when they said goodbye, they also had their own things to do, but they also knew very well that in two years, both Guan Lin and they would gather here again.

This is just a brief separation.

As for Sha Qi, because she had completely become Guan Lin’s follower, she naturally followed Guan Lin, and the two returned to Huaxia, after which Guan Lin began to use her own connections and those of the Xue Che family to collect various medicinal herbs.

He didn’t worry that the matter of medicinal materials would be noticed by others, because he added more medicinal materials that were not used at all, and this required accurate proportions to make medicinal liquid, not a mixture of brains.

Therefore, he also used the connections of the Xue Che family, and the news of his collection of medicinal materials naturally could not be concealed from the people of the Xue Che Immortal Zuoweimen and others, after all, they all used the connections of the others.

“Collecting medicinal herbs? Is it that magical liquid? His teacher taught him the method of making n? ”

This was the first thought that came out of Xue Chesen Zuemon when he got the news.

After all, every time Guan Lin took out the potion before, he said that he got it from his own teacher, and there was no superfluous, only given to a few people.

So at that time, Xue Chexian Zuoweimon also believed this statement, after all, how old Guan Lin was, how could no one get such a thing behind?

Now that Guan Lin was collecting medicinal materials, he naturally suspected that the other party had taught Guan Lin the method of making potions.

After all, now Guan Lin is indeed famous in the culinary world, and he is already a big man in the culinary world.

However, he didn’t want to try to come up with this potion, this thing was not so easy to come up with, and he himself knew very well that Guan Lin himself was very mature and there were people behind him.

In this case, unless Guan Lin has a problem in his brain, he will release a hole for people to drill, since he knows that even if he goes to research, it is useless, he naturally does not think much.

This kind of thing can’t be studied at all.

However, Guan Lin borrowed the connections of the Xue Che family to purchase medicinal materials, and the Xue Che Immortal Zuo Weimen was still very attentive, and he was not afraid of Guan Lin using the power of the Xue Che family now.

He even wished that Guan Lin would use it, because in this way the favor they owed Guan Lin could be smaller, after all, Guan Lin had solved half of the biggest problem in his heart, and if Xue Che really solved it again, it would be a great favor for him.

This is the person who cares about family affection, in front of which everything else is nothing

On Guan Lin’s side, with the connections of the Xue Che family, plus his own financial resources and manpower as well as Shaqi, the speed of collecting this medicinal herb was very fast.

Moreover, these medicinal herbs are not particularly rare medicinal herbs.

So soon Guan Lin collected these medicinal materials, and there were many of them, enough for him to make a few hundred people to use.

Looking at it, Guan Lin naturally stopped the action of purchasing medicinal materials, the amount was enough, and even more…

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