The two sides have been discussing the issue of the negotiation.

"In a negotiation, we naturally have to say something that is beneficial to ourselves.

This time we need to beg Shanhe University, so it is okay to make some concessions appropriately."

Hu Qiuwen naturally knew the voting situation, but there was no need for her to say it.

Saying it out would only increase the embarrassment between the two of them, so there was no need.

"I know this, but he said that the dumplings in our Tianxiang Garden are not as delicious as those in their cafeteria, and I don't agree with this."

Xiao Li thought that Zhang Rulin's words were a bit boastful, and at the same time too conscienceless.

"I'll know if it's true or not tomorrow when I try it."

Hu Qiuwen said, "Maybe the dumplings made in the Shanhe University cafeteria will really taste better."

"Ah, how is that possible?"

Xiao Li was stunned. She didn't expect Hu Qiuwen to say that.

Hu Qiuwen didn't say anything else. If Zhang Rulin had said that a few days earlier, she would have reacted the same way as Xiao Li.

But Zhang Rulin was not the first person to say that in front of her.

Her good friend, Li Huiyue, had told her before that the dumplings made in the Shanhe University cafeteria were better than those in Tianxiangyuan.

Although Hu Qiuwen didn't believe it, she knew the physical condition of Li Huiyue's son.

He could be described as skinny, but now he is much stronger.

According to Li Huiyue, her son eats the food made in the Shanhe University cafeteria every day.

Just imagine, if the food made in the Shanhe University cafeteria was not delicious, how could that picky eater get fatter?

After Zhang Rulin returned, he told Liu Dahai about this matter.

"Rent, food prices, and hygiene assurance, all of these need to be discussed with them, but you can make the decision yourself."

"Also, Manager Hu may want to taste the dumplings made by Jiang Fan, so you have to make arrangements."

Zhang Rulin said: "We must let Manager Hu know that the dumplings made in our cafeteria are more delicious than those made by her Tianxiangyuan.

If this is done well, it will be beneficial to our subsequent negotiations."

"Okay, I know what to do."

Liu Dahai is very good at this kind of thing.

The next day, Hu Qiuwen came, and she first went to the cafeteria under the leadership of Liu Dahai.

After all, to rent the window here, she had to understand the layout of the cafeteria first.

In fact, the infrastructure of Shanhe University is quite good, and the cafeteria is also spacious and bright.

After a round, Hu Qiuwen said, "One window is a bit small, I plan to rent two windows and renovate them."

"No problem, but you have to wait a few days to choose which two windows, because we have to communicate with all the selected merchants before we can define the area."

Liu Dahai explained.

"Okay, no problem."

Hu Qiuwen doesn't mind waiting a few more days.

Then the two talked about some specific details, and when they were almost done, it was time for dinner.

"Manager Hu, let's go to the cafeteria to eat, so that you can taste the dumplings in our cafeteria."

Liu Dahai said.

"Okay, Principal Zhang said yesterday that your dumplings here are more delicious than our dumplings in Tianxiangyuan."

Hu Qiuwen said, "So I have to eat more today."

"Okay, I'll prepare everything for you."

Liu Dahai agreed, and the two came to the cafeteria again.

Because there was still some time before school was over, there were not many people in the cafeteria.

But Jiang Fan had already prepared dumplings for Liu Dahai and the others.

"It looks good."

In the single room, Hu Qiuwen praised the dumplings Liu Dahai brought.

Whether the dumplings are delicious or not is not the first thing to say, just based on the appearance of the dumplings, Hu Qiuwen had to praise it.

Liu Dahai brought two large plates of dumplings, full of them.

"This one is stuffed with pork, green onions and mutton, and this one is stuffed with leeks, eggs and radish vermicelli."

Liu Dahai said: "There was no radish vermicelli stuffing before, and this is also made by Brother Jiang when he heard that you were here.

By the way, Brother Jiang is the boss of window No. 12 and also the chef."


Hu Qiuwen smiled: "Then I have to try it carefully."

"Just eat it with confidence, if not enough, there are more."

"This is a bit too much dumplings, I'm afraid we can't finish it."

Hu Qiuwen looked at the dumplings in the plate and said speechlessly.

There are forty or fifty dumplings in this plate, and almost a hundred dumplings in two plates.

No matter how much they eat, they can’t finish it!

"Let's eat first."

Liu Dahai smiled and said, "By the way, there is vinegar here, which is also made by Jiang Fan himself. It tastes very good."

"Thank you."

Hu Qiuwen thanked him again.

There are four kinds of fillings. Hu Qiuwen first picked up a dumpling with radish vermicelli filling.

After all, Liu Dahai said before that this dumpling with this filling was specially prepared by Jiang Fan.

In fact, dumplings with radish vermicelli filling are not bad if they are done well, but it is another matter if they are not done well.

And it is easy to lose the taste of radish vermicelli filling if it is not done well.

Hu Qiuwen took a bite, and a meaty aroma spread directly in her mouth.

"Is this dumpling also filled with meat?"

Hu Qiuwen asked in confusion.

In fact, the reason why radish vermicelli filling is not easy to make is because of the radish.

The radish here is white radish, and it is cut into slices and dried.

This kind of white radish must be put with meat. If there is no meat, it will be tasteless whether it is cooking or stuffing.

However, Hu Qiuwen soon tasted that there was no minced meat in the stuffing, but fishy oil.

That is, there was a meaty taste in the stuffing, but no meat was put in it.

"This dumpling tastes really good!"

Hu Qiuwen ate one and felt very good, especially the carrot stuffing, which tasted very chewy and more fragrant the more she chewed.

Before she knew it, Hu Qiuwen ate five or six in one breath.

"Manager Hu, try this dumpling with leek and egg stuffing, it tastes very good too."

Liu Dahai reminded.

"Okay, I'll try it."

Hu Qiuwen heard Liu Dahai say that the leek and egg dumplings tasted good, so she immediately picked up a dumpling with leek and egg stuffing.

Now Hu Qiuwen believed Liu Dahai's words without a doubt.

Since the other party said that Jiang Fan's dumplings with leek and egg stuffing tasted good, it must be right.

Sure enough, after taking a bite, I concluded that this dumpling with leek and egg stuffing was much more delicious than the dumplings with leek and egg stuffing made by Tianxiang Garden.

Especially the freshness of the ingredients, it was far better than mine.

And the chewiness of the dumpling skin was much better than that of Tianxiang Garden.

It was simply not on the same level.

However, Hu Qiuwen also knew that her own ingredients were also fresh, and even the flour was supplied from a specific channel.

There was absolutely no such thing as inferior goods, but the taste was not as good as the dumplings made by Jiang Fan.

After tasting a few dumplings with leek and egg stuffing, Hu Qiuwen took a dumpling with pork and green onion stuffing without waiting for Liu Dahai to call.

Dumplings with pork and green onion stuffing are the hottest in Tianxiang Garden.

It can be said that dumplings with pork and green onion stuffing are the signature of Tianxiang Garden.

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