The more you order, the better.

If you order more, you will get a discount.

Xie Ningxin said this correctly.

But Han Shanming got anxious when he heard it.

This is OK for others, but not for Jiang Fan.

"My dear brother, no matter how much you want, I can give you a discount, so I will give you a discount of two yuan per pound."

Han Shanming said.

A discount of two yuan is already a lot, because the purchase price of high-quality beef and mutton is also high.

And Lao Han is honest in doing business, so his price is basically not too high, which is one or two yuan lower than Lao Chen's previous price.

Now he has suddenly saved two yuan, although there is still profit, but not much.

Xie Ningxin didn't want to agree, but her husband had already spoken, and she couldn't refute her husband in front of outsiders.

"How is it, the discount is two yuan at once."

Xie Ningxin asked with a smile.

"The discount is indeed good, and the quality of these beef and mutton is good."

Jiang Fan smiled and said, "How about this, give me one thousand kilograms each."

"Okay, Lao Han will weigh one thousand for them..."

Speaking of this, Xie Ningxin was suddenly stunned.

"No, young man, you said you wanted a thousand kilograms of beef and mutton?"

Xie Ningxin asked in disbelief: "Did you say it wrong, or did I hear it wrong?"

"Yes, I want a thousand kilograms, but not a thousand kilograms of beef and mutton, but a thousand kilograms of each."

Jiang Fan explained: "That is, I want a thousand kilograms of beef and a thousand kilograms of mutton. Did you hear it clearly, boss lady?"

"I heard it clearly, but why do you want so much beef and mutton?"

Xie Ningxin said and explained: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to say that you want too much.

It's hot now, so it's easy to spoil if you want so much."

Han Shanming didn't react yet, and the two shop owners were very anxious.

In their hearts, why do you care about people buying it back?

We can't care if they buy it back and leave it there.

"Old Han, don't make a mistake at this critical moment. You know, this is a good opportunity for you to change your luck. Once you miss it, I'm afraid you will really have to close down.

"Yes, Old Han, you must seize this opportunity. "

The two shop owners whispered.

"I know."

Han Shanming naturally knew that this was an opportunity, but he also felt that what his wife said was right.

Because his wife didn't know that the young man in front of her was Jiang Fan, she thought he was just an ordinary person.

And it was indeed a bit abnormal for an ordinary person to want so much beef and mutton.

My wife reminded Jiang Fan for the sake of the customers.

Nothing wrong.

"I run a window, and the demand for beef and mutton is usually relatively large, so these beef and mutton are nothing to me.

And even if I can't use it up within a day or two, I can store it. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Jiang Fan still recognized Xie Ningxin's reminder and concern.

After all, there are not many merchants who consider customers like this.

Some merchants even want you to buy all their products. As for whether you use them up or not, they don't care. Just make money first.

Although one thousand kilograms of beef and one thousand kilograms of mutton are not a small amount, Han Shanming still has them.

"Young man, this is your first time to come here, and you bought so much at once, so I'll give you a bull head."

Xie Ningxin said.

"Okay, thank you very much."

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

If you buy a bull head yourself, it will cost more than 100 yuan.

Han Shanming, who was standing aside, secretly gave his wife a thumbs up in his heart.

"By the way, young man, where are you from? Tell me the address and I'll ask Lao Han to help you send these beef and mutton back. ”

Two thousand kilograms of stuff is worth having them deliver to your door.

“It’s at Shanhe University.”

Jiang Fan did not reject Xie Ningxin’s kindness. After all, he really couldn’t transport the two thousand kilograms of stuff back.

Although he had a system space, he couldn’t use it in front of them.

That would be too shocking.

After loading the car, Han Shanming and Jiang Fan left.

“Congratulations, sister-in-law. Your family is going to have a good fortune.”

“If you become rich, don’t forget each other.”

As soon as Jiang Fan and his partner left, the two bosses congratulated them.

“How much did you two drink at noon? Why are you talking nonsense?”

Xie Ningxin said, “Our family is about to close, and we are still going to have a good fortune.”

. "

Speaking of this, Xie Ningxin's mood became depressed.

The excitement brought by selling two thousand kilograms of beef and mutton just now also dissipated immediately.

"Sister-in-law, don't you know who that person was just now?"

"Who is it? Could it be a big shot?"

Xie Ningxin asked casually.

"He is not a big shot, but he is a great figure in our farmers' market.

Do you know why Chen Jun's store is so popular?"

"Of course I know, it's because the chef named Jiang Fan often goes to him to buy beef and mutton.

And the restaurant owners around him also followed to buy beef and mutton. "

Xie Ningxin said.

Although Xie Ningxin had never met Jiang Fan, she still knew some things about Jiang Fan.

Especially Jiang Fan was related to his competitor Chen Jun.

In fact, Chen Jun had no business before, just like their family.

But Chen Jun's store suddenly became popular in the past few months, and it was impossible for them not to find out the reason.

So they knew that it was a man named Jiang Fan who went to Chen Jun's place, and Chen Jun's store gradually became popular.

It can be said that the nearby restaurants, big and small, basically went to Chen Jun to buy beef and mutton.

Even if the price is higher there, they will go there.

Jiang Fan buys beef and mutton from Chen Jun, so they will buy beef and mutton there.

Even if it is more expensive than 8 or 9 yuan, they will buy it even if it is more than 10 yuan.

In short, they will go to the place where Jiang Fan buys ingredients.

It is not only beef and mutton, but also other ingredients.

Haven't you seen that there are several stores whose business has become better because Jiang Fan has been there once or twice?

"Since you know Jiang Fan, you should know why we want to congratulate you, right?"

One of the bosses laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, you two have to treat us tonight."

"Yes, yes, we must treat us!"

Another boss also said.

Xie Ningxin said with a blank face, "You two don't mean to say that the guy just now is Jiang Fan, right? "

"That's right, you two haven't met Jiang Fan, but we have. That person is Chef Jiang Fan."

"No way, such a young person can be a chef?"

Xie Ningxin asked in disbelief.

Although being a chef is different from being a Chinese medicine doctor, this thing also requires experience, okay?

How can you make delicious food without a certain amount of experience?

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