The two of them were so busy that they were so busy.

As a result, Jiang Xinxin didn't feel full after eating five steamed buns.

With such a good figure, wouldn't you feel full after eating five steamed buns?

She actually asked for five more steamed buns!

Aren't you afraid of getting fat?

Zhang Xue muttered.

After waiting for Jiang Xinxin to leave, she couldn't wait to run over.

"I'll give you the money later!"

"No need, you don't have to pay for neighbors, just introduce two customers to me!"

The system stipulates that you can give it away for free, but if you charge, it's five yuan each.

It doesn't matter if you give them all away.

If you fail to complete the task, the system will be taken away directly.

With so many readers, who can't reach the peak of life by just binding?

"Then I'll give you the money!"

Zhang Xue stuck out her tongue and said.

Jiang Fan also knew that he had said the wrong thing.

They were both selling food in the canteen, so they were competitors.

He actually asked someone to introduce customers to him.

Jiang Fan shook his head.

Soon Zhang Xue finished the two steamed buns.

At this time, she knew why Jiang Xinxin could eat ten.

Because the steamed buns were so delicious!

If I hadn't eaten half a bowl of wontons, I could have eaten ten.

"Can you give me a few more?"

Zhang Xue came over with a plate.

"Don't worry, I will pay for it!"

It's okay to eat two steamed buns without paying, but it's a bit too much to eat more than that.

Jiang Fan gave Zhang Xue five more.

This time Zhang Xue simply ate at Jiang Fan's place.

"My name is Jiang Fan, what's your name?"

"I... Zhang Xue!"

Zhang Xue's small mouth was already full of steamed buns.

When Jiang Fan asked her, she said something vaguely.

"Sister Xiaoxue, where do you usually buy ingredients?"

There were not many ingredients in the store, and there was only a little flour left.

So he had to go buy ingredients later.

"There is a farmer's market nearby, but you can only buy fresh vegetables in the morning."

Zhang Xue said.

"What about beef and mutton? Which one do you know is better?"

Jiang Fan asked about beef and mutton, because beef and mutton fillings are more fragrant when making steamed buns.

"There is a Chenji beef and mutton store at the innermost of the farmer's market. I usually buy from him!"

Zhang Xue said: "If you want something better, you can go there to have a look, but I have to tell you first that his things are a little more expensive than other stores!"


Jiang Fan nodded.

As long as the things are good, it's okay to be a little more expensive.

Moreover, the quality of ingredients also has a great influence on the taste of food.

The fresher the ingredients, the more delicious the taste.

Zhang Xue ate seven steamed buns.

She secretly touched her belly, which was already bulging.

She was full, but still wanted to eat more.

There was no way, who made the steamed buns so delicious.

"Sister Xiaoxue, don't pay!"

"It's over!"

Zhang Xue shook her phone and said.

Seven steamed buns cost thirty-five yuan.

It must be paid.

After cleaning up, Jiang Fan left his shop.


"Seriously, where did you go to eat just now?"

Dong Mingming asked.

"Don't say you went to the cafeteria, I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe it either!"

"Add one upstairs!"

Although I was in class, it didn't affect the messages sent by several sisters in the group.

"It's really in the cafeteria. Let me tell you, the steamed buns there are delicious. I decided to go there to eat steamed buns tonight!"

Jiang Xinxin replied.

But a few sisters didn't believe her.

I'm already a junior, who doesn't know that the food in the cafeteria is bad?

It's just the juniors who just came.

The farmer's market is not far from Shanhe University, only three or four stops away.

There are basically no people there at this time.

Some merchants even put down their rolling shutters halfway.

However, there are still many merchants open.

Since we have to stay here anyway, we might as well open the door and sell as much as we can.

Scallions, ginger, garlic, these seasoning ingredients are necessary.

Because he has the skills to identify ingredients, Jiang Fan is not afraid of buying ingredients of poor quality.

Eggs, green vegetables and so on must be bought.

But Jiang Fan didn't have much money, so he only bought leeks.

He wanted to save money to buy some beef and mutton.

Soon Jiang Fan arrived at the Chenji beef and mutton shop.

The shutter door was half down, but through the glass door one could see an old man lying on a rocking bed.


Jiang Fan knocked on the door.

The uncle got up while mumbling.

"What do you want?"

The uncle opened the door and asked.

His tone was not very good, probably because he was disturbed by someone.

Of course, I want to buy beef and mutton. You don't have lottery tickets here.

"Look at beef and mutton."

Jiang Fan smiled.

You don't have anything else here except beef and mutton.

"Mutton is 40, beef is 43!"

The uncle said directly: "This is my price, and I don't bargain."

It's really expensive!

It's 7 or 8 yuan more expensive per catty than other places.

But the quality of beef and mutton here is still very good.

It seems to be fresh meat, not the kind of refrigerated meat.

The evaluation given by the system is high quality.

The ingredients are divided into perfect quality, high quality, medium quality, and low quality.

Most merchants are low quality and medium quality.

"Let's order two catties."

Jiang Fan said.

It's not that Jiang Fan didn't want more, but he had no money in his pocket.

He didn't even have money to buy flour.

He could only wait until he made money tonight and buy flour tomorrow morning.

Carrying the ingredients, Jiang Fan returned to his shop.

It was only a little after three in the afternoon.

After a short rest, Jiang Fan began to prepare the evening steamed buns.

Those students usually had no classes at five in the afternoon.

Those who had an early meal would have their meals at this time.

The dough had been kneaded and was waking up on the side.

Jiang Fan first processed the scallions, ginger and garlic.

It took half an hour just to process the scallions, ginger and garlic.

Because the steamed buns stuffed with beef and mutton only had scallions, ginger and garlic in addition to meat.

Of course, he also made a portion of leek and egg stuffed buns, but he didn't put scallions, ginger and garlic in them.

Jiang Fan first cut the meat into pieces, and then put them into the stuffing grinder to break them.

Putting them directly into the grinder would damage the stuffing grinder.

Then Jiang Fan boiled some peppercorns and aniseed water, which were to be added to the meat fillings, as well as cooking wine to remove the fishy smell.

It was almost five o'clock when the three fillings were mixed.

It took a long time to mix the fillings, but in order to ensure the taste of the siu mai, it didn't matter if it took a little longer.

And Jiang Fan was not in a hurry. Although the students finished their classes at five o'clock, most people would take a break first.

It would probably be six o'clock for dinner.

There was still time.

The next step was to make siu mai.

It was a big project!

After all, there were three kinds of fillings!

Jiang Xinxin and the other four returned to the dormitory.

"What should we eat tonight? Why not go to the spicy hot pot restaurant the day before yesterday?"

Dong Mingming asked.

"I don't plan to eat because I want to lose weight!"

Another little sister, Shen Yanyan, touched her belly and said, "I don't control my appetite these days, and I have a belly!"

"You call that a belly? You are already very thin, okay!"

Dong Mingming glanced at Shen Yanyan's flat belly and said.

"Jiang Xinxin, what do you want to eat?"

Li Dandan asked.

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