In fact, Wang Guizhi smelled a fragrance when Li Mingjue opened the bag of steamed buns. She hadn't eaten since last night and was very hungry, but she felt nauseous when she thought of the steamed buns from last night. But now she smelled this fragrance and actually wanted to taste it. However, when she thought of the grievance she suffered last night, Wang Guizhi felt that she couldn't forgive Li Mingjue so easily. Let him say good things to her and coax her for a while. Wang Guizhi said secretly. As a result, there was no movement while listening, not no movement at all, but only the sound of smacking lips. Wang Guizhi opened her eyes and saw Li Mingjue eating steamed buns with big mouthfuls. Wang Guizhi was so angry that she yelled, "Give me a steamed bun to try. If it's not as delicious as you said, just wait."

Li Mingjue immediately gave Wang Guizhi a steamed bun.

This time Wang Guizhi learned her lesson. She only took a small bite, even though the steamed bun smelled really good.

The juice of the mutton stuffing immediately flowed into Wang Guizhi's mouth, and the fragrance of onion and mutton burst out in her mouth.

Wang Guizhi became even hungrier.

She put the steamed bun into her mouth in one bite.

She finished it in a few bites.

It was so delicious.

Wang Guizhi immediately took another one. When she saw the bag of steamed buns, she grabbed the bag and put it next to her.

"What do you mean?"

Li Mingjue was a little confused.

"These are mine. If you want to eat more, go buy some more."

"Didn't I just say that they are limited in quantity? I was able to buy these ten steamed buns because someone gave me a seat!"

"So I was right to put these steamed buns away in advance!"

Wang Guizhi didn't care whether Li Mingjue was full or not. She just regarded these steamed buns as her breakfast.

The situation at Mr. Wang's home was similar to that at Li Mingjue's.

However, because Mr. Wang's wife liked to eat steamed buns, Mr. Wang only needed a few words to let his wife taste a bite of steamed buns.

Like Wang Guizhi, as long as she tasted a bite, she would be deeply attracted by the deliciousness of the steamed buns.

"It's delicious. Old Wang, you finally did something serious. Come back early tonight and I'll reward you!"

When Mr. Wang heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

In fact, he was only in his thirties, just like Li Mingjue.

"But there is one condition. I want to eat this restaurant's steamed buns for lunch!"

Mr. Wang's wife Zhou Xiaoyun said with a smile.


Jiang Fan looked at the ingredients in the system space. There was not much mutton and beef left. He had to go to Uncle Chen to buy some more in the afternoon.

The task for lunch today has been released. It is still 300 steamed buns and 100 egg fried rice.

It has been like this for the past few days. The tasks are easy to complete, but the rewards for the tasks are getting smaller and smaller.

After completing a task, there are only 100 Dragon Country coins.

In fact, this Dragon Country coin reward is not very meaningful to Jiang Fan.

After all, it is not as much as selling food by himself. What Jiang Fan really cares about is the mall points.

However, the mall points given by these tasks are not much.

There are only a dozen points.

Especially this morning, there are only ten points.

Only by publishing new tasks can you get a lot of points, but there are no new tasks recently.

The system said that the conditions for publishing new tasks have not been triggered.

The system did not tell Jiang Fan what the conditions are.

Asking is to explore it yourself.

It's already ten o'clock in the morning.

It's time to work.

Jiang Fan came out of the staff dormitory, and the sun was shining.

In the classroom, all the students were listening to the class.

Of course, whether they listened carefully or not is another matter.

"If I have time, I will go to the class!"

Jiang Fan suddenly had such an idea.

University classrooms are open, and you can go in and find a seat to listen to the class.

And there is no need to worry about seats, as the classroom is rarely full.

Mixing dough, mixing stuffing...

Jiang Fan is already familiar with it.


At eleven o'clock, Li Mingjue couldn't sit still.

He kept looking at the time.

And a female teacher sitting opposite him smiled and said, "Teacher Li, why do you have plans for lunch?"

"What plans do I have? I just want to queue up to buy food later!"

Li Mingjue said, "I'm afraid I'll miss the time and won't be able to buy it."


The delicious food is so attractive that you want to queue up?"

The female teacher became interested. She is also a foodie and has basically eaten at all the restaurants around the school.

But there is no food that makes her eager to eat.

"Siomai, there is a window selling siomai in our cafeteria, and the taste is unique!"

Li Mingjue glanced at his mobile phone again, and the time was already 11:10.

"No more talking, I have to go. If I'm late, I won't be able to queue up!"

Li Mingjue rushed out of the office.

"What's wrong with Teacher Li?"

Another teacher who just entered the office asked.

"It is said that there is a store selling siomai in the cafeteria, and the taste is not bad and is said to be unique. He was afraid that he would not be able to queue up, so he went out to queue up early."

The female colleague said.

"Is there anything delicious in the cafeteria? No, is there anything edible in the cafeteria? ”

The teacher who just came in laughed and said, "Everyone knows that the quality of education in our Shanhe University is first-class, but the food in the cafeteria is 18th-rate."

"But from what Teacher Li said, the steamed buns sold there taste pretty good, otherwise he wouldn't have been so anxious to go there."

The female colleague wanted to go and take a look.


When you hear there's delicious food, you naturally want to go and take a look.

"It's useless to go there. You know the food in the cafeteria. By the way, there's a new fried rice restaurant on the east side of the school. Let's go and try it. I'll treat you!"

"Well... okay then! "

After struggling for a long time, the female colleague finally gave up the idea of ​​going to the canteen.

Teacher Wang in another office was also restless. He was more anxious than Li Mingjue.

Because he had a task, whether he could get the reward in the evening depended on whether he could buy steamed buns at noon.

As soon as eleven o'clock came, he went directly to the canteen.

There were already several students queuing there.

It was only eleven o'clock, and it was not time to end the get out of class yet.

"Which department are you from? Who is your dean?"

Teacher Wang asked.

"Teacher Wang, okay, can't we let you line up in front?"

"You know what's good for you!"

Teacher Wang smiled and stood in the first place.

The window was open, but the steamed buns were not steamed yet.

But the boss was making egg fried rice, and it looked like it was almost done.

Because the aroma of the egg fried rice was already very strong, it made Teacher Wang swallow his saliva.

"Boss, give me two servings of egg fried rice! "

Teacher Wang said.

"Sorry, we only sell one copy here!"

"Only one copy?"

Teacher Wang frowned immediately.

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