After eating, the dumplings were very delicious.


Jiang Fan quickly picked up 20 steamed dumplings and handed them over.

There were three plates in total.

One plate had 10 leeks and eggs, one had 5 beef fillings, and one had 5 mutton fillings.

"It smells delicious!"

Li Dandan smelled the steamed dumplings and commented.

"Oh, it's really delicious, how could I lie to you!"

Jiang Xinxin said: "But let's make it clear in advance, there are only five steamed buns for you here."

"Don't worry, although I don't want to lose weight and skip meals like Shen Yanyan, I won't eat too much at night, you know that."

Li Dandan glanced at Jiang Xinxin and said: "As for you, I wonder how you can finish it!"


Jiang Xinxin just laughed and ignored Li Dandan.

These fifteen steamed buns are all mine.

Jiang Xinxin was excited when she thought of this.

She couldn't wait to pick up a leek and egg one.

I ate ten at noon, but it was still not enough.

I didn't listen to the class well all afternoon, just thinking about the steamed buns I ate at noon.

"I forgot to give you small plates, and the vinegar I prepared!"

At this time, Jiang Fan took two small plates and a bowl of vinegar.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Xinxin thanked.

It is convenient to have a small plate, at least the juice will not flow everywhere like at noon.

Jiang Xinxin took a bite directly, and the rich juice flowed out again.

Fortunately, Jiang Xinxin had experience, and the juice did not splash everywhere.

At the same time, the fragrance of leeks came out, and the fragrance of eggs also penetrated into the nostrils.

Two or three times, the steamed buns went into Jiang Xinxin's stomach.

"It's so delicious!"

Jiang Xinxin still had the lingering fragrance of steamed buns in her mouth.

At this time, Li Dandan stared at Jiang Xinxin with a confused face.

She just picked up a steamed bun, but Jiang Xinxin's steamed bun across from her went down.

Although Jiang Xinxin is a little foodie, no matter how delicious the food is, she will only taste it in small mouthfuls.

She will never swallow it in big mouthfuls like she did just now.

"Is this steamed bun not only smelling good, but also tasting better?"

Li Dandan was also tempted by the fragrance of the steamed buns and couldn't help it.

But she was different from Jiang Xinxin. She just took a small bite.

Unexpectedly, the juice immediately flowed out.

Her mouth and fingers were all over.

Just like Jiang Xinxin this afternoon.


Jiang Xinxin smiled when she saw this scene.

She completely forgot that she was in such a mess at noon.

"I forgot you told you that this siu mai has thin skin, big stuffing, and lots of juice!" Jiang Xinxin laughed.

But this time Li Dandan didn't say anything, but opened her eyes in disbelief.

This is too delicious.

Although she only took a small bite, she also ate the stuffing.

The wonderful taste instantly filled her mouth.

And the juice was too delicious.

Li Dandan couldn't help licking the juice from the corner of her mouth.

She even licked the juice on her fingers .

Jiang Xinxin, who had just taken out a napkin, was stunned.

This little girl is better at licking than herself.

While Li Dandan was staring, she also ate the second steamed bun.

Jiang Xinxin also hurriedly ate.

After eating three leeks and eggs, Jiang Xinxin picked up a beef filling.

At this time, Jiang Xinxin was a little hesitant.

Because meat is high in calories, for a girl who loves beauty, she usually doesn't eat meat products at night.

"Just one, just taste it! ”

Jiang Xinxin set a goal for herself, which was to eat only one.

After taking a bite, a stronger aroma came out.

Because it contains ingredients such as onion, ginger and garlic, these ingredients can make the beef taste more delicious, fat but not greasy, and full of fragrance.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Xinxin ate two beef-filled ones.

As for the goal of eating only one, she had long forgotten it.

For foodies, that goal is to be surpassed.

Li Dandan, like Jiang Xinxin, eats very fast. She also eats beef-filled ones and even mutton-filled ones.

No matter what kind of filling, it is super delicious.

"Ah, Li Dandan, you can't eat anymore!"

Jiang Xinxin held down Li Dandan's hand holding the shaomai.

"What's wrong?"

Li Dandan looked at Jiang Xinxin in confusion.

"You just said that you only eat five


"Did I... did I say that?"

"You did!"

"Then I haven't eaten five yet!"

Li Dandan said.

"No, you've eaten enough, five already!"

Jiang Xinxin refused to give in.

"Have... have?"

Li Dandan was a little confused.

As for how many, she didn't count them.

But before, when she ate Shaomai, she would feel full after eating five or six at most.

But now she didn't feel anything.

How could she have eaten only five?

It must be that Jiang Xinxin was stingy and didn't want to let herself eat.

Such a delicious Shaomai, does she want to eat it all by herself?

"Jiang Xinxin, listen to me count for you!"

Li Dandan stopped calling her "little fairy" and called Jiang Xinxin by her name.

She was a little angry.

"At first, I ate two with leek and egg filling!"


"Then I ate one with beef filling! ”

“That’s three!”

“I ate another one with mutton filling!”

“That’s four!”

“I then ate a leek and egg one, and then I…”

“Then you ate another one with mutton filling, so you didn’t eat five, but six!”

Jiang Xinxin exclaimed.

“Are…are there so many?”

Li Dandan’s confidence was also insufficient.

There was no doubt whether there were six, because she remembered everything she had just said.

“But I could only eat five or six shaomai before, and today I ate six, why don’t I feel anything?”

Li Dandan muttered softly.

It’s not that the shaomai here are small, on the contrary, their shaomai are a little bigger than those I ate before.

Maybe the shaomai here are too delicious.

“Little fairy, let me eat a few more! "

Li Dandan whispered.

Jiang Xinxin shook her head.

"I'll wash your socks for a month!"

"You lost. You were supposed to wash my socks for a month!"

"Today's meal is on my table!"

"This fairy is not short of money!"

"You are so stingy. At most, I can just ask for a few more!"

Li Dandan pouted.

"Okay, okay, I'm just teasing you. Eat!"

Twenty steamed buns were eaten in less than half an hour.

When they took the last bite, the two were reluctant to swallow it.

After eating, they had to lick the juice on their hands.

"Boss, let's settle the bill!"

"Ten leeks and eggs and ten meat-filled ones, a total of one hundred and fifty!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

This is his big customer.

After paying, Jiang Xinxin asked casually, "Will you open the door tomorrow morning? "

Jiang Xinxin wants to eat Shaomai tomorrow morning.

"I don't know yet. Business is not very good. Maybe they won't sell it after tonight!"

Jiang Fan sighed and said.

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