After the eggplants were eaten, they were eaten.

All for one?

The old man looked at Jiang Fan.

"Young man, what do you want so many eggplants for?"

The old man said, "If you want to help me, I'll thank you first, but you just saw that those guys are not easy to mess with. Forget it, you should leave!"

Jiang Fan didn't expect the old man to reject him.

The old man from the countryside is still very simple.

But Jiang Fan wanted to help the old man even more.

"Grandpa, I bought your eggplants because they are fresh. And you brought them here to sell them, didn't you?

Do you really want to take them back?

And this little girl didn't seem to have had breakfast. Can you bear to see her follow you for nothing?"


The old man looked at his granddaughter. She came to follow him just to eat a bowl of tofu pudding in the city.

If he didn't sell the eggplants, he would probably break his promise.

After all, it's troublesome to get so many eggplants to eat tofu pudding.

"But, just now..."

"Don't say but, if you hesitate any longer, those people will come back, and even if you want to sell it to me, you can't sell it!"

"Okay, each bag of my eggplants weighs 30 kilograms, and there are seven bags of 210 kilograms in total."

The old man said, "I'll give you 200 kilograms, two yuan per kilogram, you give me 400 yuan."

"Okay, you help me pull these eggplants out of the market first!"

Jiang Fan was also worried that those people would come back just now.

The old man rode a tricycle and soon arrived outside the market.

"Young man, where is your home? I'll deliver it directly to your home!"

"No need, just unload it here!"

Jiang Fan found a remote alley.

Soon the seven bags of eggplants were unloaded.

Jiang Fan also transferred money to the old man.

"By the way, do you have any eggplants at home? If you do, just send them to the school cafeteria tomorrow!"

Jiang Fan thought that he would help others to the end, since he also had the task of making braised eggplants and candied eggplants.

Even if he didn't need so many eggplants, he could store them in the system space.

"Young man, you are a good person! If you need me in the future..."

The old man wanted to say that if you need me, I will definitely not refuse.

But when he thought that he was just a vegetable farmer in the countryside, what could he do to help others?

So he couldn't say anything more.

"Okay, old man, let's talk about the future later!"

After Jiang Fan sent the old man and the other two away, he saw that no one was paying attention here, so he put the eggplants directly into the system space.

Back in the cafeteria, Jiang Fan started to get busy.

I had to make steamed buns in the morning, because the filling had been prepared, and I just needed to mix the dough.

When the dough was waking up, Jiang Fan started to deal with the eggplants.

Although it was a noon task, Jiang Fan wanted to clean it up as soon as possible.

It took half an hour to wash it, and more than half an hour to peel it.

Jiang Fan evenly cut the eggplant into small diamond-shaped pieces.

Then he added salt to the cut eggplant pieces and marinated them.

At this time, Jiang Fan began to prepare other ingredients.

It is easy to make eggplant with shreds, and not much is needed, as long as there is starch and crystal sugar.

(If there is no starch, flour and eggs can also be used)

More ingredients are needed for braised eggplant, such as cooking oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce and oyster sauce, onions, and garlic!

Whether it is braised eggplant or ordinary eggplant, garlic is indispensable. The garlic aroma and eggplant are very fragrant.

After the ingredients and seasonings are prepared, Jiang Fan begins to prepare fried eggplant.

Fortunately, whether it is fried eggplant or candied eggplant, the eggplant needs to be fried first.

Jiang Fan evenly coated the cut eggplant pieces with starch.

This step is very important. Don't try to save trouble by not coating them with starch or flour.

Because eggplant absorbs oil very well, if you don't coat them with starch or flour, the oil in the pot will be absorbed into the eggplant pieces.

Not only will a lot of cooking oil be wasted, but the eggplant pieces will also contain a lot of oil, which will make the braised eggplant or candied eggplant taste bad.

The oil temperature rose quickly, and Jiang Fan carefully put the eggplant pieces into the oil pan.

When frying eggplant, the oil temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will easily cause the eggplant pieces to be burnt on the surface but still raw inside.

Therefore, when frying eggplant pieces, you must control the oil temperature well, even if it is a little slower.

Jiang Fan kept

Turning the eggplant pieces in the oil pan.

When an eggplant piece is fried to golden yellow, Jiang Fan will take it out.

Golden yellow means it is fried well.

Because Jiang Fan has all the recipes for braised eggplant and candied eggplant in his mind, he knows what temperature to control the oil temperature to and how to control it.

So all the eggplant pieces fried by Jiang Fan are golden yellow, without any difference.

An hour later, Jiang Fan finally fried the eggplant.

It's almost time, there are still ten minutes to seven o'clock.

Jiang Fan first put the processed eggplant pieces into the system space.

Then Jiang Fan put the kneaded steamed buns into the steamer.

At this time, many students have taken out their mobile phones. They did not get up, but opened Fetion and entered a group chat called Window No. 12.

"It's almost seven o'clock, so excited!"

"I'm excited too, I don't think I was this excited when I held a girl's hand for the first time!"

"Okay, you said you only held my hand, I didn't expect you to cheat on me, you scumbag!"

"Listen to my explanation, I'm talking about you!"

"You held my hand for the first time last week, do you really need to think about the past?"

"Isn't this a better way to reflect my current mood?"

"Oh my god, I didn't eat anything in the morning, I ate dog food first!"

"Damn, I'm willing to exchange the whole group for the chance to grab a red envelope!"

"You're too cruel, but I want to say that too!"

The closer it gets to seven o'clock, the more lively the group becomes.

After putting the steamed dumplings in place, Jiang Fan entered the group chat.

Looking at the messages flying all over the sky, Jiang Fan directly chose to ban everyone.

Otherwise, if he sent a red envelope, it would be pushed up instantly.

Jiang Fan tagged all the staff again: Everyone, get ready. I will send out red envelopes in one minute!

Tagged all the staff: I will send out one red envelope for every 200 red envelopes. Those who get the red envelopes should go to the cafeteria to line up!

Tagged all the staff: Those who don’t get the red envelopes should not come!

After sending three messages to all the staff in a row, Jiang Fan was ready to send out red envelopes.

Because it was just a voucher, Jiang Fan didn’t need to send out much money.

Two hundred people, one cent per person will do.

So Jiang Fan sent out a red envelope of two yuan.

After sending out the red envelope, Jiang Fan immediately returned to the chat interface.

At this time, the chat interface has displayed a prompt that the red envelopes you sent were snatched up in less than a second.

Two hundred red envelopes, snatched up in less than a second?

Is it that fierce?

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