The scallions and garlic were chopped up before they were put into the pot.

Jiang Fan poured cooking oil into the pot.

When the oil started to smoke, Jiang Fan put in the chopped scallions and minced garlic.

As soon as the scallions and minced garlic were put into the pot, they were fragrant.

Especially the aroma of minced garlic, which made Jiang Fan swallow his saliva.

After stir-frying for a few times, Jiang Fan poured in the eggplant cubes that had been fried before.

While stir-frying, Jiang Fan poured in soy sauce and oyster sauce.

Because it is mixed with rice, it cannot be too dry, so Jiang Fan added a little water.

It was almost done after simmering for five minutes, and Jiang Fan added some sugar.

Braised eggplant with sugar is the soul.

(You can add sugar to most dishes to enhance the flavor. Of course, if you can't eat sugar, don't add it!)

Add an appropriate amount of salt and MSG before serving, and the braised eggplant is ready.

Jiang Fan immediately put it on a plate.

This pot directly made ten portions of braised eggplant.

Because of the addition of sugar, the eggplant is bright red, soft and juicy.

You can smell a sweet and soft smell with garlic and onion.

"Freshly baked braised eggplant, 30 yuan a portion!"

Jiang Fan shouted.

"I want one!"

"I want one too!"

"Hehe, I like braised eggplant the most, and I got a red envelope!"

In an instant, ten portions of braised eggplant were sold out.

Jiang Fan started making candied eggplant again.

The difficulty of candied eggplant is to boil the sugar. If you don't boil it well, it will not be easy to pull the strands.

In fact, the process of boiling sugar for candied eggplant is similar to that of boiling sugar for braised pork.

The only difference is that the candied eggplant does not need to be boiled into red.

Jiang Fan started boiling sugar as soon as water and rock sugar were added to the pot.

Soon it was boiled into candied state, and Jiang Fan poured the fried eggplant pieces into the pot.

Then Jiang Fan quickly stir-fried it, making sure that all the eggplant pieces were coated with sugar juice.

After all the eggplant pieces were coated with sugar juice, Jiang Fan put them on the plate.

Still ten plates.

On the golden eggplant pieces, there were tiny sugar threads connected.

A sweet smell instantly penetrated into everyone's nostrils.

Students who like to eat candied eggplant cheered immediately.

"30 yuan for one serving of candied eggplant!"

Jiang Fan smiled and said, "If you like candied eggplant, hurry up, and don't be in a hurry when eating it, so as not to get burned!"

In order to avoid being burned, Jiang Fan also gave the students who bought candied eggplant a bowl of water.

So that you can dip the candied eggplant in water before eating it to avoid being burned.

"The group leader is so considerate."

"This candied eggplant looks so good, I can't bear to eat it."

"If you can't bear to eat it, you can sell it to me."

Someone said immediately.

"I was just saying that casually."

The girl said hurriedly.

Similarly, ten servings of candied eggplant were sold out instantly.

Jiang Fan hurriedly made new braised eggplants, and during this time Jiang Fan also sold some steamed buns.

"You can tell that this braised eggplant is delicious just by looking at its appearance, and it tastes even better when you eat it."

"It's soft and fragrant, and the juice overflows with a bite, and the aroma of onions and garlic makes me linger!"

"It just goes too much with rice, and this portion of rice is not enough to eat at all."

"The candied eggplant is also super delicious, crispy and delicious, and the layer of sugar on the surface is even more sweet and crispy."

"I have eaten candied eggplant in many restaurants, but none of them is as delicious as the candied eggplant made by the group owner."

"I just posted a circle of friends and took a photo of the candied eggplant. As a result, many people asked me if I ordered this candied eggplant from a big hotel!"

"I told them that it was from our school cafeteria, but they said I was lying!

Who can tell me how to say it so that they can believe me?"

Many people have already eaten braised eggplant and candied eggplant.

One by one, they shouted that it was delicious and satisfying.

Some people even sent pictures to the group.

This made the students who didn't get to eat very jealous, especially those who were in the queue.

They were afraid that there would be no more when it was their turn.

And those who didn't get the red envelopes secretly swore that they must get the red envelopes in the evening.

Some students simply uninstalled a lot of software directly, just to make their phones smoother when grabbing red envelopes.

"You are so cruel, why did you uninstall so many software?"

"Isn't this to grab red envelopes faster?"

"Who cares?

I didn't uninstall it because it was useless. Let me tell you, whether you can get red envelopes has nothing to do with whether you uninstall the software or not."

"I've uninstalled it anyway. I'll install it after I get the red envelopes tonight. By the way, let's play a game first!"

"Then don't play it?"

"What's wrong? Don't you want to play every day?"

"I... I uninstalled it."

"Damn, you old fool, you just told me that whether you can get red envelopes has nothing to do with uninstalling the software, but you uninstalled the King directly.

You're really ruthless. "


Jiang Fan made a pot of braised eggplant, and then a pot of candied eggplant.

They were done alternately.

Although it was a bit tiring, Jiang Fan enjoyed this feeling.

Seeing the ingredients turned into delicious dishes in his hands, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

And so many people liked the dishes he made, Jiang Fan was even happier.

But Jiang Fan didn't plan to do more, just complete the task.

At this time, Principal Zhang was leading three special teachers to visit the school.

In addition to him, there were also Liu Dahai and Teacher An Ran.

If it was before, Teacher An Ran would definitely be willing to receive the special teachers these days.

Although they are not professors, their reputation is higher than those professors.

Only with ability and fame can students be attracted to come to the school to register.

This is also the reason why Principal Zhang strongly invited them to join Shanhe University.

Teacher An Ran also regarded these three special teachers as idols.

But now it's not possible!

Because if I receive them, it will delay my Let's go to the cafeteria to eat.

Who made the food at window number 12 so delicious?

Wouldn't it be okay if Principal Liu and Li Mingjue or Wang Jianhua accompanied us?

Why did she have to accompany herself?

Teacher An Ran was very reluctant.

But this was arranged by Principal Zhang, and Principal Zhang was also training her.

So Teacher An Ran had to come no matter how reluctant she was.

Those special teachers were also unhappy, because they were reluctant to come here in the first place.

It was mainly because Principal Zhang's face was not good. Refute, they can only come to deal with it.

However, it is almost past the time for dinner, why doesn't Principal Zhang mention the dinner yet?

Could it be that he doesn't want to take care of our meals because he sees that we are unwilling to join Shanhe University?

If so, it is still right for me not to join Shanhe University.

Shanhe University is too stingy.

Principal Zhang is also very anxious.

He has led the three special teachers around for several times.

The more he walks, the hungrier he gets!

"Never mind, let's go to the cafeteria first."

Principal Zhang thought of this and said directly: "Let's go, three of you, I will treat you to a taste of our cafeteria's food!"

The three special teachers' faces immediately turned ugly when they heard it.

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