After getting rid of this wave of customers, the boss lady was exhausted.

"Business is good today. I didn't expect these people like to eat dumplings stuffed with leek and eggs. After closing the shop today, let's make more dumplings stuffed with leek and eggs."

The boss laughed.

"Forget it. It's good that we didn't lose money today. Don't think about selling a lot tomorrow."

The boss lady was worried.

"What's going on? Why did we lose money?"

The boss was a little confused.

"You don't know what happened today."

The boss lady told him what happened at noon.

"It must be the fragrance of Mr. Chen's dumplings that attracted us customers."

"The key is that the dumplings in our restaurant are not as good as people say."

"I don't know which store Mr. Chen packed them from. If this store is near our home, I'm afraid we won't be able to sell dumplings in the future."

The boss's wife sighed and said.

"But there is no one who is particularly good at making dumplings near our home."

The boss scratched his head and said, "Why don't you ask Mr. Chen where he bought the dumplings?"

The boss's wife did not refuse. She also wanted to know where Mr. Chen bought his dumplings.

But she didn't have Mr. Chen's contact information, so she could only bear it for the time being.

Jiang Fan here also sold 300 dumplings quickly.

However, the task did not show completion, but only showed that the progress was completed (1/10).

It seems that only ten consecutive days can be considered to have completed this task.

The difficulty of this task is relatively difficult.

As long as one day is not completed, the task will be considered a failure.

Of course, this task is not difficult for Jiang Fan now.

However, this also made Jiang Fan look forward to it. After all, the rewards for difficult tasks are usually very high.

The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish!

"Sister Xiaoxue, the leeks have to be transported here."

Jiang Fan said after looking at Zhang Xue who came to help.

"Thank you, Jiang Fan. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid my leeks would rot in the ground."

Zhang Xue hurriedly thanked him.

"Sister Xiaoxue, you don't have to thank me. You can see that I need a lot of leeks to make leek and egg dumplings here. Even if I don't buy yours, I will buy others."

Jiang Fan said, "So you don't have to be so polite."

Zhang Xue nodded. She knew in her heart that if Jiang Fan bought leeks from others, it might not cost so much money.

But she could only keep this kindness in her heart. If one day Jiang Fan needed her help, she would do her best to help him.

"By the way, you can't just sell dumplings stuffed with leeks and eggs these days. It's okay for one or two days, but if it lasts for a long time, I'm afraid those students will get tired of it."

Zhang Xue said again.

Jiang Fan also thought about this question in his heart. Although the dumplings he made were delicious.

But how can we always eat the same thing?

"I have thought about this matter. I will ask in the group later to see what kind of fillings everyone wants to eat."

Jiang Fan said.

He took out his mobile phone and entered the group chat.

At this time, the group message has 999+.

Jiang Fan took a look and saw that they were all talking about the dumplings at noon today.

Those who bought the dumplings were talking about how delicious the dumplings were.

And those who didn't buy the dumplings were also saying that the dumplings were delicious.

"Although I didn't eat it, I smelled it, it was really delicious!"

"I also smelled the dumplings, and I have to say they are better than those made by Tianxiangyuan, which specializes in making dumplings."

"Didn't you eat them? How can you be sure that they are better than those made by Tianxiangyuan?"

"As far as I know, Tianxiangyuan's dumplings are the most famous dumplings here.

Every day, people who go there to buy dumplings have to line up, and sometimes it takes one or two hours to line up."

"Yes, I think the dumplings at Tianxiangyuan are still delicious."

Some students who didn't eat the dumplings and didn't go to the cafeteria expressed their opinions.

"I dare say that the dumplings made by window No. 12 beat the dumplings made by Tianxiangyuan."

"I ate the dumplings made by window No. 12 today, and I can no longer eat dumplings made by other families, even if they are from Tianxiangyuan."

"Yes, I have eaten dumplings from Tianxiangyuan, and I also think that Tianxiangyuan's dumplings are delicious, but this was before I ate the dumplings made by window No. 12.

Now I have eaten dumplings made by window No. 12.

"I no longer think that the dumplings from Tianxiang Garden are delicious."

Some students who had eaten the dumplings made by window number 12 stood up to speak.

Jiang Fan glanced casually and said nothing.

He knew that as long as those who had never eaten his dumplings ate his dumplings, they would definitely change their views.

After closing the group chat, Jiang Fan edited a message.

You can vote for what kind of dumplings you like to eat, and I will choose three from them.

Then Jiang Fan initiated a vote.

There are pork and green onion fillings, mutton fillings, coriander and celery fillings, mushroom and meat fillings, and meat and fragrant fillings...

After Jiang Fan sent the vote, he left the group chat and unbanned it.

"Boss is awesome, he actually wants to make dumplings with several kinds of fillings."

"Although dumplings with leek and egg fillings are delicious, I want to eat dumplings with mushroom and meat more."

"I really like dumplings with coriander and celery fillings, and I hope everyone can vote for it. "

"Am I the only one who likes dumplings stuffed with pork and green onions?"

Soon, the group message reached 999+.

Of course, these people did not forget to vote for the type they liked.


The system issued a task: Sell one thousand skewers of lamb skewers in the evening.

Jiang Fan saw that this task had become simpler. It should be that the system gave him some time to rest.

After all, he was indeed a bit busy during this period.

However, Jiang Fan still used his free time to prepare ingredients.

The stuffing for dumplings must be prepared in advance, and the dough must be kneaded.

A lot of things.

After Jiang Xinxin and others knew that Jiang Fan was busy here, they ran here to help after class.

Jiang Fan didn't want them to help, mainly because he was worried that they would delay their studies.

But they promised not to delay their studies, so Jiang Fan let them go. .

Anyway, the task for them is just to clean up the leeks and so on.

At six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Fan sent out red envelopes and took a look at the voting information.

More than 2,900 people in the group of 3,000 people participated in the voting.

The dumplings with the most votes were pork and green onion, mushroom and meat, and coriander and celery.

Jiang Fan wrote down the ingredients needed for these dumplings and then left the group chat.


Sell 50 mushroom dumplings at noon tomorrow!


Sell 50 coriander and celery dumplings at noon tomorrow.


Sell 50 pork and green onion dumplings at noon tomorrow.

Task completed, reward random.

Task failed, points deducted randomly.

Good guy, Jiang Fan called him good guy.

It would be fine if there were no tasks, but three tasks came at once.

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