After Jiang Fan accepted the task, he said it in the group.

[Two hundred sesame noodles and one hundred dumplings at noon tomorrow! ]

Jiang Fan made an announcement.

Soon everyone started talking about it.

"Sesame noodles are my favorite."

"It's really necessary to eat sesame noodles on this hot day."

"By the way, are sesame noodles delicious? I haven't eaten sesame noodles before."

"It's delicious. Pour the mixed sesame sauce on the cooked noodles, and then add some cucumber or carrot shreds. The taste is really amazing.

If you add some fried peanuts, the taste will be even better."

"Hearing you say it's so delicious, I can't help but want to eat it."

"You want to? I still want to, but I don't know if I can grab a red envelope tomorrow."

The weather is hot in summer, and people don't want to cook or eat, but sesame noodles are a staple food that is easy to make and delicious.

All the ingredients Jiang Fan wanted came from the system.

There are sesame paste, table salt, noodles, peanuts, sugar and vinegar.

They are all good things.

Of course, it costs a lot of points.

As for the cucumbers, Jiang Fan asked Old Man Wang to send them. Anyway, his family also grows a lot of cucumbers, and there are no pesticides or anything.

Jiang Fan took a look at the cucumber, which was of high quality.

After the ingredients were ready, Jiang Fan began to prepare sesame paste.

Because he was going to make 200 servings of sesame paste noodles, Jiang Fan used a lot of ingredients.

Forty or fifty bottles of sesame paste alone were used. After adding an appropriate amount of edible salt, water can be added to stir.

(You can also add some sugar and balsamic vinegar to it. I haven't tried it. I'll try it when I have a chance)

At this time, you should stir it with warm water. Too cold or too hot will not work.

When stirring, add water while stirring. Don't add a lot of water at once.

If you add too much water, the sesame sauce will be diluted, and you will have to add sesame sauce at that time.

At that time, it is easy to form a situation where more water is added to noodles and more water is added to noodles.

After the sesame sauce is prepared, put it aside. The next step is to make cucumber and carrot shreds.

Cutting into shreds is not a difficult task for Jiang Fan. After washing the cucumbers and carrots, you can cut them directly.

It didn't take long for Jiang Fan to cut two large basins of cucumber and carrot shreds.

Looking at the time, it was just past ten o'clock.

Jiang Fan planned to fry some peanuts himself. He spent five points and exchanged for a recipe for fried peanuts.

Jiang Fan first soaked the peanuts in clean water for five minutes, then took them out and dried them.

This step is mainly to clean the impurities on the peanuts. Of course, things produced by the system will not have impurities.

After drying, Jiang Fan poured oil into the pot.

At this time, it was a cold pot and cold oil. After Jiang Fan poured in the cooking oil, he poured the dried peanuts into the oil pot.

Cold oil and cold pot are not easy to splash out the water in the peanuts.

In addition, if it is a hot pot and hot oil, once the peanuts are poured in, the peanuts that are first exposed to the hot oil will be fried in a short time.

This results in some peanuts being mushy, while some peanuts are still raw.

Never use high heat when frying peanuts. Just fry them slowly over medium heat. However, stir them from time to time so that the peanuts can be heated evenly.

After a few minutes, the peanuts in the oil pan will make noises, which is due to the expansion caused by heat.

If the noise is frequent, turn down the heat to low heat.

After frying for a few more minutes, you will find that some of the peanuts in the pan have begun to peel off their skins. At this time, you can add some edible salt.

You can turn off the heat when you feel that it is almost done. The peanuts just out of the pan are very hot and not very crisp, so you need to let them dry before eating.

Otherwise, it is easy to burn your mouth and the taste is not good.

You can add more edible salt, otherwise it will have no taste.

Of course, you can't add too much. This depends on your taste.

After frying the peanuts, it was almost eleven o'clock.

Jiang Fan waited until eleven o'clock and sent out three hundred red envelopes on time.

Among them, there were one hundred dumplings and two hundred sesame noodles, and nothing else.

Those who got the red envelopes were naturally excited, while those who didn't were frowning.

"What are you going to buy?"

"Of course I'm going to buy sesame noodles, what about you?"

"Me too, I really want to eat sesame noodles."

"Why did you all choose sesame noodles? Didn't you choose dumplings?"

A student who got the red envelope said cautiously


This was his first time to get a red envelope, and he was very excited.

"Although dumplings are delicious, I have eaten them once before, so I plan to try sesame noodles this time."

"That's what I mean. After all, no matter how delicious dumplings are, I have tried them. Now that I have the opportunity to choose, I will naturally choose sesame noodles that I have never eaten."

"I see!"

The student who got the red envelope for the first time was silent. Others had eaten dumplings before, so they were not rare, but he had never eaten them once, so he also wanted to eat dumplings once.

However, when he thought of the new dish sesame noodles, he wanted to eat sesame noodles again.

It was very entangled.

After sending the red envelope, Jiang Fan started to boil water.

He used a pot for cooking rice dumplings. The internal space of this pot was large enough to cook 200 servings of noodles by himself.

In less than 20 minutes, the water boiled, and Jiang Fan put the noodles directly.

Jiang Fan cooked 200 servings of noodles in one pot.

When cooking noodles, you can put some edible salt in the pot, so that the noodles will not break easily.

After the pot boils, wait a little while before you can take out the noodles.

Jiang Fan took out the noodles and put them in the large basin prepared in advance.

The large basin was filled with extremely cool water. Jiang Fan was afraid that the noodles would stick together, so he stirred them with chopsticks.

No one came at this time, but Jiang Fan was not in a hurry.

The hot noodles had been put into cold water, so there was no need to worry about the noodles getting stuffy.

Besides, it was almost eleven thirty, and this time was just right.

The guests came soon.

"I want a bowl of sesame paste noodles!"

After showing the red envelope record, Jiang Fan gave him a bowl of noodles.

As for how much sesame paste to put in, and how to match cucumber and carrot shreds, it was their own business.

Anyway, I prepared a lot of ingredients, so I was not afraid of these people eating them.

But later, someone really didn't know how much sesame paste to put in, so Jiang Fan did it for them directly.

The man added sesame sauce, looked at the cucumber shreds and then at the carrot shreds.

He wanted to eat both, but he didn't know if he could choose some of both.

Jiang Fan also saw what the man was planning, so he told him that he could choose any of the two side dishes, or he could order some of both.

But Jiang Fan had a request, that is, not to waste them.

"Then I'll have some of each."

The man quickly prepared the side dishes and left.

"I want a bowl of sesame noodles, too."

"I want one, too."

Almost everyone behind him wanted sesame noodles, and some people wanted dumplings, but not many people.

Xiao Chen was from the south, and it was his first time to grab a red envelope.

After hesitating for a moment, he also chose sesame noodles.

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