Leonora felt bad when she saw Shen Lang’s clothes were stained by her coffee, so she kept asking Shen Lang to help him wash his clothes.

Since they were not far away, Shen Lang agreed to Leonora’s request.

After all, it is always a pleasant thing to get along with a beautiful girl.

Leonora took Shen Lang back home, and she bent down to take out a pair of slippers for him.

But her expression was a little embarrassed:

“I…I only have slippers for girls at home.”

“Do you want…Otherwise, classmate Shen Lang, you just have to make do with it.”

Seeing the slippers in Leonora’s hand, Shen Lang was a little speechless. These were obviously her own shoes, which were a lot smaller. How could she make do with them?

Leonora looked at Shen Lang’s feet, which seemed to be bigger than hers. She silently put away the slippers and then whispered:

“Otherwise, classmate Shen Lang, just come in!”

Shen Lang took off his shoes and walked in. Seeing the beautiful apartment building where Leonora lived, he asked curiously:

“This house is comparable to a villa. Does the school provide this kind of accommodation?”

Hearing Shen Lang’s question, Leonora said:

“Shen Lang, why don’t you take off your shirt and give it to me so I can put it in the dry cleaner.”

“Then we chatted”

“This is my room. Shen Lang can go to my room to change clothes. I will wait for you here.”

Shen Lang walked into the room and found that this room was Leonora’s boudoir.

A faint fragrance surrounded the room. Leonora was a delicate girl and kept the room very clean.

Shen Lang changed into a shirt and then handed the shirt in his hand to Leonora.

After Leonora put the clothes in the dry cleaner, she immediately went to make a cup of coffee for Shen Lang………

“I’m so sorry, if I hadn’t walked so carelessly, I wouldn’t have caused you any trouble!”

“I will pay more attention next time.”

Leonora sat in front of Shen Lang and apologized very embarrassedly.

Shen Lang smiled and said don’t worry about it, then he started chatting with Leonora.

Shen Lang remembered that in the original book, it seemed that Leonora had not studied in Totsuki. After some understanding, Shen Lang completely understood the reason.

Leonora came to Totsuki to develop new business.

About a few months ago, a world food seminar and exchange meeting was held in a country in Europe.

Nakiri Senzaemon attended the meeting. There, he met Leonora’s father. The two had a good talk.

Leonora’s father introduced molecular gastronomy to Senzaemon, which aroused Senzaemon’s interest.

The concept of molecular gastronomy was probably proposed decades ago, but because of the lack of funding, it was not widely accepted. Due to problems such as funding and research and development difficulties, molecular gastronomy has not made much progress in the past few decades.

However, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, in the past few years, many research and development companies have refocused their attention on molecular gastronomy.

As the saying goes, food is the first necessity of the people, and the catering industry will always be a pillar industry in the world.

Leonora’s family runs a scientific research institution, and its main research direction is molecular gastronomy.

Senzaemon is a man with vision and foresight. He saw at a glance that molecular gastronomy, which advocates science and nutritional regulation, has unimaginable huge development prospects.

So he proposed a cooperation request to Leonora’s father. He was willing to invest in this field, but wanted to fully understand the charm and magic of molecular gastronomy.

Leonora Leonora is a genius, and has been praised as a top student since she was a child.

She loves molecular gastronomy very much. Although Leonora is not very old now, looking around the world, there are not many people who have studied molecular gastronomy more deeply than her.

The two elders discussed it, and Leonora’s father made a suggestion.

He asked his daughter Leonora to go to Totsuki Academy to do research in the direction of molecular gastronomy, and Senzaemon could be the first to know about any results.

She is called a student, but not really. Leonora does not need to go to class, but she has all the treatment that a student should have.

She is considered a VIP among VIPs!

Totsuki Academy has many single-family apartments and villas, but these villas and apartments are generally only available to lecturers with special titles. Teacher, or the top ten people live here.

After Leonora came to Yuanyue, the academy directly allocated her an apartment villa. In addition, there is an entire laboratory building that belongs to her.

She doesn’t need to go to daily classes, she only needs to go to the laboratory building to study her own things. Even if she doesn’t take any exams, there is no problem. Leonora is one of the most special existences in the academy.

Usually Leonora goes out very rarely. Except for resting here, she spends most of her time in the research institute.

She hasn’t been to class, and she hasn’t made any friends. If she hadn’t bumped into Shen Lang today, she would probably have to continue this kind of life.

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