Seiichiro seemed a little excited at this moment:

“If you could see Shen Lang’s cooking method with your own eyes, you would definitely be amazed!”

“I feel that compared to being a chef, Shen Lang is more suitable to be a boxer”

“He could beat beef into a pulp with his fists, and even the hardest beef knee bones could be broken by him.”

“Ayin and I were in the examination room at that time, and we were really shocked, okay?”

“But I have to admit that the beef that he repeatedly beat with his fists tastes really amazing.”

“The meat is so elastic that it’s almost like a spring.”

Hiwako was also very shocked when she heard what Seiichiro said.

“Shen Lang, did you practice boxing before? Oh my god, how much strength does it take to beat beef into minced meat with your fists?”

“Is this your cooking style?”

Shen Lang heard this and smiled helplessly:

“Actually, what I made before was Kung Fu cuisine.”

“All I use is Kung Fu”

“Kung Fu? Is it the Kung Fu of the Celestial Empire?”

Hiyori’s eyes twinkled with little stars:

“I’ve heard that Chinese Kung Fu is amazing, but I never thought there are people who can combine Kung Fu and cooking together!”

“Just sounds like it’s super cool!!”

“Junior, I am really becoming more and more interested in you.”…………….

“There is more to it than that!”

A voice came from outside the door, and Mrs. Wenxu walked in with a smile.

“If you see Shen Lang’s cooking with your own eyes, you will truly feel the unimaginable shocking power.”

“When he was taking the test here just now, I felt a strong sense of wonder when he cooked.”

“A dish of candied silk can be so breathtakingly beautiful. I feel like the rainbow flower candied silk made by Shen Lang can be used to confess to a girl.”

Seeing that Mrs. Wen Xu was praising Shen Lang, Xi Jianrun’s eyes flashed with admiration:

“Senior, you are really awesome!”

“next time…Can I watch you cook next time?”

“Of course you can.”

Shen Lang smiled at Xi Jianrun.

“In fact, it is not that amazing. It is just amazing when you see it for the first time. After seeing it many times, they are all the same. The most important thing about cooking is the taste.”…………

Shen Lang and the other residents of the Polaris Dormitory were chatting naturally, and no one noticed that a hint of gloom flashed across Nakamura Tsuki’s eyes.

However, the dinner was over very quickly.

After Shen Lang washed his dishes, he returned to his room.

In general, the atmosphere in Polaris Dormitory was very good. As for Nakamura Tsuki, Shen Lang did not intend to talk too much with him.

After washing up, Shen Lang planned to go to bed directly, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

“”Junior, are you asleep?”

The voice was very nice, it was Hiyori’s voice,

Shen Lang replied, and then opened the door.

Hiyori was standing outside the door in a white shirt and shorts.

It seemed that the senior sister had just taken a shower, and her hair was still a little wet, but because of this, her black hair was close to her body, making Hiyori look very beautiful.

Seeing Shen Lang open the door, Hiyori said a little embarrassedly:

“It’s so late, am I disturbing your rest?”

“I haven’t rested yet. Is there anything wrong, senior?”

“Yes, yes, yes! I have something I want to ask you, junior.”

“Senior sister, come in and talk.”

Seeing Shen Lang’s invitation, Hiyori walked into the room.

After sitting down beside Shen Lang’s bed, Hiyori looked at Shen Lang with curious eyes and said:

“Junior, let me ask you, are you really that strong?”


Shen Lang was a little confused. He never dreamed that Hiyori would come over here in the middle of the night and ask this question.

“My strength is OK…..”Why did the senior suddenly ask this?”

Hiyori looked at Shen Lang and told him the whole story.

In the northwest of the school, a nice activity building was newly built. This activity building was intended to be provided to clubs, and many clubs have set their sights on this activity building.

In Totsuki Academy, it is very easy to get good things, you just need to rely on your strength to grab them.

Hiyori, with the local cuisine research society she manages, naturally joined the competition.

There are many clubs in Totsuki Academy, but there are only about a dozen that can be called big clubs. Among these ten big clubs, a total of five or six clubs have joined the competition..

After a fierce battle, only two large clubs were left with the qualification to compete.

One of these two clubs was the local cuisine research club led by Hiyori, and the other was the Chanko Nakadashi research club.

The leader of the Chanko Nakadashi research club was Nakamori Hiroshi, the sixth of the Ten Great Masters.

In the ranking of the Council, Nakamori Hiroshi was even higher than Hiyori.

Not long ago, Nakamori Hiroshi and Hiyori had fought three consecutive food battles, but they all ended in a draw.

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