Stephen Zhou placed his palm on Shen Lang’s back, and the next second, a stream of air flowed out of Stephen Zhou’s palm.

After his internal force entered Shen Lang’s body, the Qi generated by Shen Lang himself immediately became active.

If you can see it with the naked eye, you can see that the Qi in Shen Lang’s body at this moment is like the endless flow of the Yellow River.

The air flow is wandering, nourishing the whole body, and finally turning into a pure energy, nourishing every inch of Shen Lang’s flesh and blood and internal organs.

Shen Lang felt that his whole body was burning, as if there was an endless energy bursting out in his body.

At this time, Stephen Zhou’s voice came:

“Don’t get excited yet, this is just the first step!”

“Now you also need to learn to use your mind to guide the Qi in your internal organs out.”

“You have to learn to breathe through the pores of your skin.”

“Close your eyes and take it slow!”

“When your pores can release gas…You have truly mastered the inner force!”

Shen Lang closed his eyes and followed Stephen Zhou’s instructions, adjusting his breathing rhythm step by step.

Soon, the pores on the surface of his body opened slightly, and an invisible air emanated from his body.

A few hours later, Shen Lang opened his eyes, and he tried to swing his fist, and instantly there was a sound of air bursting…………..

“Shen Lang, awesome!!!”

Stephen Zhou exclaimed:

“I thought I was talented enough.”

“When I was in Shaolin Temple, the abbot said that I could stimulate the release of internal energy within three months, which made me a genius in the history of their temple.”

“I didn’t expect that you have achieved the goal that took me several months to achieve in just a few days.”

Hearing Stephen Zhou’s words, Shen Lang also smiled:

“This is mainly because you, teacher, teach well!”

“I originally thought that it would take me several months to find the sense of Qi, but I didn’t expect that this day would come so soon.”

Stephen Zhou looked at Shen Lang and grinned.

“Don’t be modest. You are different from me. Back then, I was beaten to a pulp by eighteen bronze men, and that’s why I was able to stimulate the Qi in my whole body so quickly.”

“You have come this far purely on your own. It is amazing, no need to be modest”

“Come on, try this!”

“Try to wrap your Qi around your fist, and then release all the Qi when your fist hits the beef.”

Stephen Zhou handed a piece of beef weighing about five pounds to Shen Lang, who took it and put it on the table.

According to Stephen Zhou’s request, he wrapped the internal Qi around his fist, and the next second he swung his fist hard.

The moment his fist touched the surface of the beef, the surging internal Qi exploded instantly.

There was only a loud bang.

The beef under Shen Lang’s fist actually exploded, turning into meat scraps and flying in all directions.

Shen Lang was stunned. One punch was so awesome?

This is a whole piece of beef, and it was smashed into pieces?…………..

“You have felt what real cheating is, right?”

Stephen Zhou looked at Shen Lang and grinned.

“This is real cheating.”

“Next, you need to slowly adapt to how to control the release of internal energy.”

“Simply put, you need to adapt to your new strength and adjust it to the right level to what you need.”

“When you punch it, the beef fascia will burst, but it won’t explode.”

“The beef with the meat membrane completely broken apart has the real taste when cooked.”

Shen Lang understood what Stephen Zhou meant, so he conjured up a bunch of wooden figures, preparing to slowly adapt to the power of the inner force.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute.

It took several hours for Shen Lang to finally adapt to his new power.

Before leaving the learning space, Stephen Zhou said to Shen Lang:

“In the next course, I will teach you how to convert internal force into other powers with attributes.”

“For example, my Fire Cloud Palm is actually a technique that attaches fire attributes to my internal energy.”

“I personally think it’s quite interesting to fry eggs with the Fire Cloud Palm. Later on, I can teach you other skills, such as condensing water attributes to a certain degree to condense ice.”

“By then, you won’t even need a refrigerator to chill the food.”

“This is the awesomeness of Kung Fu cooking! Study hard and let your opponents tremble for you from now on.”

After leaving the study space, Shen Lang found that it was already daybreak.

He got up and washed up, then tried to draw out his inner energy again.

The invisible inner force flowed out of his body and soon attached to Shen Lang’s fist.

According to Stephen Zhou, the more condensed the inner energy is, the greater the power will be.

How to make the inner force more condensed depends on continuous practice.

Now Shen Lang is just starting out. If he uses all his inner energy, his strength is roughly comparable to that of several tigers, while Stephen’s strength is about the same as that of several elephants combined.

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