Leonora quickly told Shen Lang the whole story.

Shen Lang finally understood why she was qualified to participate in the Blue Competition.

In Europe, molecular gastronomy has gradually become popular. Among the younger generation of molecular gastronomy researchers, Leonora can be regarded as one of the leaders.

People from WGO believe that molecular gastronomy has great development prospects, so they want to open a popular science column about molecular gastronomy in the food magazine regularly published by WGO.

However, many people within the WGO association still have a limited understanding of the emerging discipline of molecular gastronomy, so after a meeting, they decided to invite several professional chefs who study molecular gastronomy to participate in this year’s Blue Competition.

And Leonora is one of the people invited.

After telling these things, Leonora said on the phone:

The Blue Competition has always attracted the attention of many big entrepreneurs in the industry, so my family also hopes that I can show the style of molecular gastronomy in the Blue Competition.

“If the outside world can see the huge development prospects of molecular gastronomy, more people will join this field. 037 This will have many benefits in promoting the development of molecular gastronomy. I made this call to say goodbye to Shen Langjun.

So, I plan to leave Yuanyue for a while. After I participate in the BLUE competition, I will return to Yuanyue.

But Shen Langjun doesn’t need to worry too much.

Leonora’s voice just stopped

Shen Lang laughed.

Leonora, do you believe in fate?

Huh? Fate? Why is Mr. Shen Lang talking about this?

Because I think Leonora and I have a lot of fate.

Leonora was wearing a white nightgown at this time, sitting on the edge of her bed and talking on the phone with Shen Lang.

As a result, she suddenly heard Shen Lang say that she and he had a lot of fate. Leonora’s body trembled suddenly.

Shen… Mr. Shen Lang… why… why did you say that?

Leonora suppressed the strange emotions in her heart, and her voice was a little nervous.

On the other end of the phone, Shen Lang’s laughter soon came:

Leonora, I think you don’t have to say goodbye to me for the time being,

(baad) because I also hope to get the qualification to participate in the blue competition.

Do you know that Zhigua is the first-class food executive in the wqo association, and she has the right to invite a chef to directly participate in the blue competition

“Managi presented her invitation to Totsuki Academy.

The day after tomorrow is the day for the Academy Inspection. As long as I can achieve the highest sales in the school festival, then you and I, Leonora, can go to the Blue Competition together!

Hearing something, Leonora’s fair face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Straight? Shen Langjun, are you going to participate in the blue competition with me?

Leonora was a little confused just after she finished saying this:

“But, what is the school festival? Is it a competition organized by the school?”

Shen Lang explained to Leonora about the school festival and the invitation letter for the blue competition.

After listening to it, Leonora finally understood what Shen Lang should do to get this invitation letter.

After learning that Nan Rihezi was going to help Shen Lang, Leonora said to Shen Lang without hesitation:”

Shen Langjun, I will also help you at the school festival.

Although I don’t know how to do it specifically, I am willing to do my best to help Shen Langjun.

Leonora, are you not busy these days?

Not very busy, in my research institute, (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

:I’m the only one here, so it doesn’t matter if I stop working for a few days. Anyway, I have to focus on preparing for the Blue Competition.

I also want to take advantage of this time to feel the excitement and atmosphere of the school festival. At this point, Leonora’s tone began to become a little cautious:”

Does Shen Lang not like me to help?

” I don’t mean that. If Leonora is willing to help, I will definitely be very happy.”….It’s just that

Shen Langjun will feel happy, that’s enough!

Leonora smiled slightly, and she said softly:”

Then it’s settled. I will go to help Shen Langjun at the school festival three days later.”

“No matter what I do, I will definitely try my best.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed quickly.

After learning that if you can get the first place in personal sales in this school festival, you will be eligible to participate in the blue competition, the whole Totsuki Academy was in an uproar!

According to the statistics of the school statistics department, more than 300 people in the entire Totsuki Academy have applied to open stores in the school festival in their own names.

Especially in the high school department, those senior students in the second and third years of high school, almost all of them participated.

Thousands of students from Totsuki Academy gathered in the square on campus at this time. Under the gaze of everyone, Senzaemon, wearing a simple Japanese kimono, slowly walked to the stage.

Dear classmates present, I am very fortunate to be able to welcome our Totsuki Academy’s annual and most grand school celebration: the school festival!

“Every year, there are many young chefs who shine at the school festival, and every year, there are many promising chefs who are praised by customers.

And who will be the most outstanding one at the school festival this year?

The answer will be officially revealed in seven days.

At this year’s school festival, the school has come up with a prize.

Different from previous years, [] and this prize, I believe many people have heard of it. Yes, it is the invitation letter to participate in the BLUE competition!

“Anyone who applies to participate in the school festival in his or her own name may receive this invitation…..Those who participate in the school festival as a team need not be discouraged.

There will be other generous rewards waiting for everyone in the school.

“At this time, there are already many guests waiting outside the school gate.

I hope that this year, you can win the praise of the guests with better results.

“Finally, I wish you all good luck in food.”

“I declare that the 69th School Festival celebration of Totsuki Academy is officially opened!”.

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