“”Clothes Explosion” is a special ability unique to the Nakiri family.

When the Nakiri people taste the real delicious food, the pleasure brought by the food will stimulate their whole body, and the strong impact will gush out from the inside out, causing the clothes to burst!

The more delicious the food, the stronger the impact will be.

When the delicious value reaches a high enough level, this impact from the inside out will expand the scope of influence!

Even if the people around have not tasted the food, they will be forced to impart the excitement of”clothes bursting”!

With the sound of clothes bursting one after another.

Almost no students in the front row of the audience were spared.

All of them were left with only a piece of broken cloth to cover the last part.

Screams one after another filled the entire Yuetianjian venue!

The five judges closest to them and Erina Nakiri herself were ruthlessly torn apart by the strong impact! At the last moment when the fragments of Erina Nakiri’s clothes were about to fly away.

New To Hisako felt a sense of crisis.

Without caring about her clothes being torn and tattered by the clothes, she rushed into the tornado barrier to look for Erina.

She rushed over and put new clothes on Erina!

When the shock wave of the clothes tearing gradually dissipated, everyone was able to put down their hands in front of them and open their eyes.

The strong shock wave of the clothes bursting made the students sitting in the last row of the audience squint their eyes!

Except for Chiba, who was standing closest to Erina Nakiri, she was not affected.

The center of the shock wave, that is, the distance around Erina Nakiri, was calm and unaffected.

Therefore, Chiba was naturally the only one who had a panoramic view of the turbulent scene just now.

Erina, who has a proud figure, was conquered in front of Chiba’s cooking without any privacy. The spring light of the girl, who was full of youthful breath, was seen by Chiba.

“Lady Erina! Cheer up, are you okay?”Hisako Niito held Erina’s hand with concern.

Nakiri Erina, who was lying on the ground with a flushed face and a soft body, was completely conquered by Chiba.

“I didn’t expect that among my peers, there is someone as good as you in cooking….”

“I…I lost.”

The moment Erina Nakiri put Chiba’s food into her mouth, she knew she had lost!

“Well! Thanks for trying it.”

“Don’t be discouraged, your strength is still very high, it just depends on who you are competing with.”

Chiyu said as she stepped forward and extended her hand to support Erina Nakiri.

“thousand…Chiba-kun, please don’t get close to Erina-sama…”When Niito Hisako saw Chiyu coming forward, she was so nervous that she didn’t know what to do.

“It’s okay, Hisako.”

Erina Nakiri’s gentle voice made Hisako Arato relax. After putting on her new clothes, Erina Nakiri stretched out her delicate right hand and placed it on Chiba’s hand and stood up.

Hisako Arato:”Erina-sama actually took the initiative…”

While Arato Hisako was stunned, Kawashima Rei held the last piece of clothing in her right hand tightly in front of her body, half-crouching on the ground and curling up her body.

“I declare! The winner! Natsume Chiba-kun!”This is her professionalism as a host! Even if her clothes are torn, she will hold the microphone and fight to the last moment!

The venue of Yuetianjian was filled with overwhelming applause, cheers, and surprises.

“Won! I actually won! The youngest Ten Greatest in Totsuki’s history!”

“Master Qianyu! I want to go on a date with you! Look here!”

“Master Qianyu, I love you!! Master Qianyu is so handsome! So awesome!!”

“I want to…I really want to try the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall made by Qian Yujun! Just looking at it makes me drool”

“”My life will be complete if I can have a bite of it, slurp~”

Si Yingshi stepped forward,”Congratulations, Qianyu-kun, welcome to join the Council of the Ten Greatest Men of Totsuki!”

Si Yingshi applauded and congratulated Qianyu

“Hey, hey, hey, Qianyu-kun, I’m Senior Xiaolin Longdan, welcome to join the Top Ten~”

“Congratulations, Chiyu-kun.” Isshiki Hui also stepped forward to applaud and congratulate Chiyu

“”Oh, Isshiki-senpai is here too, thank you.” Qianyu smiled and scratched her head with embarrassment.

Although Qianyu was sure to win this duel, she still felt a little embarrassed to be the center of attention after winning.

Especially when the fans in the audience were expressing their love like a tsunami.

“”Qianyu-kun, I lost, congratulations!”

A cold and gentle voice with a hint of shyness came.

Qianyu turned his head, and Nakiri Erina blushed slightly and stretched out her hand to congratulate Qianyu.

“Well! Thank you!”Qianyu also smiled and shook hands in return.

“I didn’t expect that such a tsundere young lady would admit defeat so generously, with red cheeks, she’s quite cute.”

Noticing Chiba’s smiling eyes that seemed to want to see her naked from inside out,

Nakiri Erina quickly shyly withdrew her hand and pretended to look away

“This guy is still so annoying….”

However, at this moment , an inexplicable feeling was rising in Erina Nakiri’s heart.

“Strange, what does this feel like?…My heart is beating uncontrollably fast…”……………………

PS:Erina Nakiri: Oh, I didn’t expect that my clothes would burst by accident! Chiba-kun’s cooking is so delicious, I really want all the readers to try it. If you are happy with it, can you please give me some flowers, comments and monthly tickets? Please, please.

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