Seeing that all the dishes were served, the people who were originally sitting in the restaurant rushed forward.

Their eyes lit up like wolves seeing rabbits.

Chiba and Tiansuohui also smelled the aroma of the dishes.

“I feel like this chef must be very skilled!” said Tansho Hui.

Chiyu nodded,”Yes, I can tell just from the taste.”

“These dishes are all heavy in oil, spicy and seasoning, although they don’t look very healthy.”

“But it is very appetizing! This is exactly what these guests need.”

Qianyu looked at the guests who were queuing up for food.

Many of them were middle-aged men, and most of them were engaged in physical labor.

For them, the most important thing is not whether the food is healthy or not.

The most important thing is that it goes well with the food!

Whether the food is healthy or not is not something they need to consider.

Manual laborers consume a lot of physical energy every day. If they can’t eat more, they simply won’t have enough strength to work.

At this time, these dishes that go well with the food are particularly important.

The spicy taste can whet your appetite.

Sometimes the more you eat, the more delicious it becomes, and you even eat more than a normal amount of food.

In this case, you can guarantee that you will be full.

You don’t have to worry about not eating enough or not being able to eat because the food is not delicious.

As a result, you don’t have the physical strength to work.

Soon, almost everyone who was queuing for food got the dishes they wanted.

They returned to their seats with the dishes and began to feast on them.

Qianyu and Tansho Kei also stood up at this time.

Walked forward.

Picked up a dish The customer picked up the dish and served it himself. 06

What is more interesting is the way this restaurant serves food.

The store owner is not responsible for serving the food. The store owner is only responsible for serving you the rice. It is up to you to decide what dishes you need and how much you can eat.

Tansho Kei was just amazed by a strange phenomenon. He thought that normally, the store owner would only let the guests serve the rice at will, and then the store owner would serve the dishes to the guests.

If the guests are allowed to serve the dishes themselves, they will definitely serve more.

At that time, it is easy to cause the cost of each customer to increase instantly.

If you are not careful, you will not even be able to make back the cost.

Although it can be compensated by increasing the average customer spending.

However, such a high average customer spending will inevitably lead to many people not considering this restaurant at all.

Now this restaurant actually allows customers to serve the dishes at will.

This can only mean that the store owner is quite confident that he will not lose money.

Qianyu picked out the twenty or so dishes in front of him.

He found a few dishes that he relatively liked.

Eggplant, pork belly

These are all very traditional Chinese cooking methods.

Could it be that the chef is Chinese?

Qianyu suddenly had this idea.

But then he rejected it.

Because Qianyu read the content on the application document.

The store owner is not Chinese.

I just didn’t expect that he would know something about Chinese cuisine, or even be proficient in it.

At the same time, Qianyu saw on the application document that the chef of this restaurant is proficient in many types of cuisine.

So naturally, Chinese cuisine is also included. Tanomo Kei had a hard time choosing for a while, and finally simply chose the same dishes as Qianyu.

The two returned to their original position with the dishes.

I thought I could only eat them with the dishes. At this time, some customers had already finished their meal and left quickly.

So Qianyu and Tansho Kei found a place to sit down.

Qianyu first tasted the fish-flavored eggplant.

The flavor was very rich.

Eggplant is actually a more difficult ingredient to handle.

But the taste and texture of this fish-flavored eggplant are very good.

Obviously, the chef has made this dish many times.

Every detail is precisely controlled.

Starting from the frying of the eggplant.

Until the final stage of simmering the juice over high heat, the control of the heat and the oil temperature.

They have reached a very good level.

Even if Qianyu were to make it, it would be about this level.


Tanaka Kei exhaled a breath of hot air

“”It smells so good!”

Tansho Hui didn’t like eggplant very much before, but when she tasted it for the first time, she was a little surprised by the taste.

The salty and fragrant taste is very prominent.

But the taste of eggplant can be tasted very clearly.

The eggplant itself has a little sweetness, which becomes more prominent after cooking. Qianyu also obviously has a very good evaluation of this fish-flavored eggplant

“Xiaohui, what do you think of this fish-flavored eggplant?”

Tanoko Hui picked up another bite and put it in her mouth.

I think this dish has a very deep understanding of the ingredients, and the oil temperature was perfectly controlled when it was fried.

The eggplant was not fried too dry, and it also made it easier to absorb the flavor.

Qianyu nodded, your idea is the same as mine. The most important thing about fish-flavored eggplant is to fry the eggplant thoroughly when frying it, so that the eggplant will be easier to absorb the flavor when seasoning it later.

Then Qianyu continued to pick up a piece of twice-cooked pork.

This is a dish of twice-cooked pork fried with garlic sprouts, and the twice-cooked pork uses pork belly.

Qianyu took a look at the added meat slices, the color is soft and full, and the layers are distinct. Obviously the ingredients are also very fresh. (To read the exciting novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The pork used is freshly slaughtered on the same day.

The meat has a unique flavor, bright red color, fat but not greasy, and has a good color, aroma and taste.

It is the dish that most people would choose when eating with rice. In Sichuan cuisine, the best twice-cooked pork is made with garlic sprouts, young ginger, and green pepper as the”head”, and is served with Pixian bean paste and Yongchuan fermented black beans. In Zigong home cooking, twice-cooked pork is served with green peppers, young ginger, scallions, scallions, dried cowpeas, lotus whites, and even pot cakes.

Qianyu also liked to eat twice-cooked pork in his previous life.

The cooking method of twice-cooked pork is particular, and the meat must be carefully selected: it must be slaughtered that day. For fresh pork, cut the hind legs into two pieces with four fat parts and the hind legs into two pieces with six lean parts and three fingers wide. Too fat will make it greasy, too lean will make it burnt, and too wide or too narrow will make it difficult to shape.

Meat needs seasoning when it is cooked.

It is difficult to get the aroma of meat when it is cooked in plain water.

Therefore, after the water boils, add ginger, green onion segments, garlic, and peppercorns to make soup.

When the soup is fragrant, add the washed pork.

Remove the pork when it is 60% cooked and set aside.

Do not cook it too soft.

When making twice-cooked pork, many people wait until the meat is cold before cutting it.

The fat and lean parts are easy to break, and it is hot when it is hot, so it is difficult to cut evenly.

A knowledgeable chef will soak the meat in cold water and cut it when it is cold outside and hot inside.

If there is a refrigerator, the freshly cooked meat can be put in the quick-freeze room for two or three minutes, which will make it easier to cut.

Qianyu tasted the food while explaining to Tanaka Hui.

Tanaka Hui listened carefully while eating. She did know a little bit about these Chinese dishes. She did not know as much as Qianyu.

So when Qianyu was talking, Tanaka Hui wrote down every word.

Qianyu continued to explain slowly

“When making the bean paste, you must use authentic Pixian bean paste, chop it finely with a knife, and the soy sauce should be thick.”

“The key to cooking twice-cooked pork is to get the right temperature. Use medium heat, add the minced Pixian fermented bean curd after the meat slices, and stir-fry until the unique color and flavor of the bean curd penetrates into the meat.”

“The chef who controls the temperature of the oil properly can cook the meat slices into a curled shape, commonly known as”Dengzhanwo”.””

“When the meat slices are cooked, immediately add a little sweet bean sauce and soy sauce. You can also add a few drops of cooking wine and a little chicken essence to increase the aroma and flavor. Then, immediately add the ingredients, turn to high heat, and stir-fry until cooked. I have studied this method of twice-cooked pork many times before.”

“I make improvements every time.”

“The taste of this twice-cooked pork is actually comparable to the one I developed.”

Hearing Qianyu say this, Tanaka Hui widened her eyes in surprise.[]

The fact that this dish received such high praise from Qianyu shows that it is indeed of very high quality!

“But Qianyu Jun, for this twice-cooked pork, the method seems to be similar?”

Qianyu nodded.

“That’s right, because there are only a few ingredients that are best suited for making twice-cooked pork.”

“Green peppers are extremely nutritious, with a higher vitamin C content than eggplants and tomatoes. The fragrant and spicy capsaicin can increase appetite and aid digestion. The antioxidant vitamins and trace elements they contain can enhance physical strength and relieve fatigue caused by work and life pressures.”

“Isn’t this exactly what these manual laborers need most?”

Tanokoshi suddenly realized.

She seemed to understand and nodded.

“Its unique taste and the capsaicin it contains can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, increase appetite and help digestion. For those manual laborers who eat a lot of food every day, being able to digest smoothly is really a very important thing!”

Qianyu continued to explain.

After that, Qianyu looked at the people around him who were concentrating on eating.

“Although this kind of fast food does not look very nutritious, it is better than���A variety of ingredients”

“Green garlic has a certain protective effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, can prevent the formation of blood clots, and can also protect the liver, and has a certain effect on preventing cancer.”

“So, even if something doesn’t look very healthy, it still has some nutritional value.”

“It’s just that we like to look at it with preconceived ideas.”

After Qianyu finished speaking, Tiansuo Hui nodded again, not quite understanding.

Qianyu has much more knowledge than himself.

He only has a partial understanding of the effects of the ingredients that Qianyu just mentioned, and has not really mastered them.

But Qianyu has already been able to know them by heart and can speak them out casually.

“”Is someone looking for me?”

Just then, a few clear female voices suddenly came from the kitchen door.

Qianyu turned around to look.

It would have been fine if she hadn’t looked, but this look made Qianyu petrified instantly.

Sakurajima Mai???!!!

That dress, that long hair, that face.

It was clearly Sakurajima Mai from the anime that Qianyu had watched in her previous life!

“What the hell is going on? ?”

Qianyu thought of countless possibilities at the first moment.

In the end, he only got one reason that could convince himself.

That is, he actually did not come to a pure Shokugeki no Soma world!

But a Shokugeki world that integrates the contents of multiple worlds!

PS: Sakurajima Mai: I don’t have any big dreams or hopes in my life, but even so, I still found the meaning of my life. Reader, I think life exists to become kinder. Every chapter that I have read with you seems to make myself a little more gentle, so, are you willing to accompany me to continue reading the next 10 chapters, 100 chapters, 1000 chapters! Just send a few evaluation votes and flowers~ Please, please.

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