042. A day in the Polar Star Dormitory [Additional update!]

Back to the dormitory, it was already the second day.

Although Dojima Gin was very interested in the sweet whole fruit, Shiraki also said that it was a drunk old man who gave it to him by chance. Apart from that, there were no further clues. However, the International Gourmet Organization IGO, an organization he had never heard of, caught Dojima Gin's attention, and he later conducted some investigation on it.

However, this kind of investigation was destined to be fruitless.

After spending a leisurely day in the dormitory, Baimu remembered that he also owned a hamburger restaurant.

Thinking back to how he was busy a few days ago, Baimu temporarily gave up the idea of going to the store.

He could accept the limited sale of hamburgers, but the madness of the diners was still too much for Baimu to bear.

If the sale was really limited, he would probably be blocked in the store by the endless stream of customers.

Anyway, the money now was enough for daily expenses, so Baimu planned to be a salted fish in the dormitory during this period of time.

He even bought his best instant noodles yesterday.

Five large boxes of instant noodles were now neatly placed in his room.

Hot water was provided 24 hours a day, and daily necessities had also been purchased.

In this way, he had no worries at all.

"System, open the mall panel."

Sitting on his bed, Bai Mu called out the system in his mind.

【Ding Dong, you have been redirected to the system mall.

Bai Mu took a look at the system's points column to see how many points he currently had left. He had spent quite a bit of money to open the food storage space last time, and with the 200 points he got from tasting SS-level cuisine, he now had a total of 600 points left.

"System, help me select the cooking skills that are suitable for me at this stage."

He glanced around the mall. Although 600 points can't buy anything good, it is enough to buy some basic or intermediate ingredients and skills. What Bai Mu urgently wants to improve now is his cooking skills. After all, in a place like Totsuki Academy, people who can't cook can't survive. After Bai Mu's voice fell, the system mall flickered slightly, and then a new page was quickly refreshed. It was full of cooking skills, which met Bai Mu's requirements very well.

Various basic skills, such as knife skills, dough kneading, and brewing skills, cost about 500 points, and more advanced ones cost thousands. With Bai Mu's current pitiful 600 points, he still couldn't redeem any powerful skills.

"It would be great if I could eat A-grade or above dishes for every meal.……"

Facing the screen full of elementary skills, Bai Mu couldn't help but sigh. It

's obviously not worthwhile to exchange these elementary skills now.

When his points exceed 1500, he can obviously exchange for better skills.

So Bai Mu just sighed and closed the system mall, got up and walked downstairs.

It was almost noon outside.

When passing through several rooms downstairs, Bai Mu heard the movement coming from inside very clearly.

Yu Ji should be"communicating feelings" with the small animals she raised.

Ibuzaki Jun was still smoking ingredients in the room as usual.

I wonder what will happen if Mrs.

Wen Xu sees it later.

When he came to the kitchen, there was actually no one here.

Bai Mu glanced at the ingredients here.

There were still a few eggs and half a pot of rice left.

I wonder if it was left over from last night.

With these two ingredients, he could just try to make the simplest egg fried rice. Although Bai Mu knew that his cooking skills were touching, he felt that if he cooked well and didn't put in those excessive seasonings and weird things, the food he made should be edible.

Since the system store can't be relied upon for the time being, then he has to rely on his own strength! At least he should be able to make fried rice with egg! He does what he says, and in a split second Bai Mu's heart is once again filled with mysterious confidence. After all, he has been in this world for so many days and has seen many chefs making dishes. He should have some execution ability anyway.

First, the eggs are broken, and with the help of an egg yolk separator, Bai Mu successfully does not mix the eggshells in. Then, sprinkle a little salt in the egg liquid and stir it in one direction with chopsticks. When it is almost done, pour out the leftover rice in the pot. When everything is ready, heat the oil in the pot and start frying the rice.


I'm asking for support, collection, flowers, evaluation votes, monthly votes, and all kinds of requests for my new book~

PS: Thank you for your support, there will be another update today!

PS2: Do you know Mr. Saitama...

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