044. Death Fried Rice [Update 1]

With the help of the system, Bai Mu finally managed to save his life, but because the impact just now was too strong, he has not yet woken up and is lying on the ground completely unconscious.

Time is gradually approaching noon

"Xiaohui, Isshiki-senpai, are you guys going to the kitchen too?"

Yoshino Yuuki ran down from upstairs and looked at everyone moving towards the kitchen door at about the same time, and waved her hand from upstairs.

"Yes, it's almost time for dinner."Isshiki Hui wiped the sweat off his head, and he looked radiant. The rest of the people passed him by as if they were used to it, and continued to head to the kitchen behind him.

The first person to enter the kitchen was Tadokoro Hui. She was chatting with everyone and unconsciously glanced at the kitchen. As a result, she saw a figure sitting on the ground. Tadokoro Hui was immediately startled and ran over to check the situation. She found that the person sitting on the ground was Shiraki

"Shiraki, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Tanoko Hui gently pushed Shiraki who was half leaning against the kitchen counter, but no matter how she called, Shiraki under her body never responded and didn't look like he was asleep.

""What happened, Xiaohui?" Youji at the door quickly ran over. Hearing their shouts, the rest of the crowd also rushed over and saw Bai Mu sitting in front of the kitchen counter.

"Hey, Shiraki, cheer up!"

Aoki Daigo grabbed Shiraki's body and shook him, but even so he still showed no sign of waking up.

"What happened?" Sakaki Ryoko stood in the kitchen and looked around. Suddenly, she saw the wok near Shiraki. Isshiki Hui also noticed the wok at almost the same time. They walked closer and saw that there was still a lot of leftover fried rice in the wok. It looked like it was made not long ago.

"It seems that before we came in, Shiraki was in the kitchen making fried rice.

Isshiki Hui touched the wok which was still hot and said his conclusion.

"But why did he faint?" Sakaki Ryoko suddenly looked around worriedly,"Could it be that some suspicious person entered the Polar Star Dormitory and attacked Bai Mu from behind? Should we inform Mrs. Fumi?"

"Anyway, let's send Shiraki to his room to rest."

Aoki Daigo and Sato Shoji picked up Shiraki from the ground, said hello to the others and left. Tanado Megumi followed them with a worried look on her face.

After the three of them left, the rest of them continued to check in the kitchen. If they were really attacked by criminals, there should be some traces left at the scene.

"This kind of thing actually happened in our dormitory. We are doomed. If it was really a suspicious person who attacked Bai Mu, then that person should not have left yet! Aren’t we all in danger?"Marui Zenji held his head and said to everyone with a horrified face

"No, there are no suspicious traces found here."Ibuzaki Shun dismissed Marui's words lightly.

"But then again, this is the fried rice made by Shiraki, right?"Isshiki Hui didn't know what he was thinking at this time, staring at the fried rice in the pot and smiling.

"Hey, Isshiki-senpai, you're still thinking about eating at this hour?" Yoshino Yuuki said, holding a plate of fried rice."From the look of the fried rice that I took a bite of, it seems that Shiraki was attacked while eating. Look, there are some residues in the sink over there."

"Indeed." Sakaki Ryoko pinched her chin and thought for a while,"But it seems that Shiraki is just unconscious, can't we ask him when he wakes up?"

"That's right, so in order to make Bai Mu wake up earlier, let's make some food that is good for digestion."Ise Hui made a direct summary.

"Oh, leave it to me!" Yuuki next to her jumped up immediately. Marui Zenji and Ibusaki Shun looked at each other. Although one of them couldn't see the eyes at all, they nodded secretly and put aside the lunch they were going to have. After this happened, they really didn't want to leave their companions and eat leisurely. I wonder how Aoki Daigo and Tanomo Megumi upstairs are doing now.

While several people were making preparations, Isshiki Hui walked to the pot of fried rice that was still emitting residual heat, and seemingly nonchalantly scooped a spoonful from it with a spoon, hesitated for a moment, and then put it in his mouth..

The feeling just now was definitely not an illusion.

Isshiki Hui knew in his heart that he was probably the only one who noticed it among the people present. Although even he himself did not know why, this pot of fried rice did... give off a creepy aura!

It was as if... he was about to be put on the table, waiting to be devoured by this pot of fried rice.

Isshiki Hui had never even heard of such a ridiculous thing as putting humans on the table.

Even though he was mentally prepared, when he really tasted the fried rice, Isshiki Hui's eyes still widened uncontrollably.


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