088. Chankonabe Research Society, defeated at the speed of light [Three updates]

The afternoon's 'Food Wars' ended, and Shiraki defeated Mito Yumei with a completely crushing score of 3:0. This matter seemed to have become a shadow for the entire first-year class.

Of course, it doesn't mean that everyone felt convinced, but they felt as if there were a pair of hands pressing down on their heads, and it was a bit hard to breathe.

With a heavy heart, the members of the Chankonabe Research Society drove back to the downstairs of the research society's activity building. As a result, as soon as they saw the gate, they saw a group of workers surrounding their activity building and measuring and gesturing. They happened to have seen this posture a few days ago.

The leader Gouda Hayashi Kiyoshi was furious at the time, and walked over to question a few people who looked like foremen,"What are you here for?"

"Oh? It's over there?" Unexpectedly, the person who answered him was not the foreman, but Kuga Teruki who happened to get out of a car. Looking at Goda Hayashi Kiyoshi's liver-like face, Kuga Teruki smiled maliciously and said,"It's obvious that our 'Chinese Cuisine Research Association' must have won the final victory. So, it's okay for that gentleman to let me come early to reap the fruits of victory."

"What? You guys, don't think you can ignore us just because you are one of the top ten!" Haotian Lin Qingzhi was furious when he heard this,"We, the Chanko Nabe Research Association, are not weaklings that can be manipulated by others!"

"Really? Then I'll give you a chance to decide with the"food battle"."Kuga Teruki waved his hand, seeming to have no interest in this matter.

"Humph! If you want to be arrogant, now is the only time to do so!"A gleam of light appeared in Goda Lin Qingzhi's bloated eyes, and he pointed at Kuga Teruki and said,"If you lose, get off the eighth seat!"

"Your tone is really annoying.……"Kuga Teruki, who was smiling just now, paused after hearing what Goda Hayashi Kiyoshi said, walked up to Goda Hayashi Kiyoshi and said,"If a scum like you dares to provoke me casually, it will be very difficult for me to deal with it... Hey, little fat brother, have you been living too comfortably in Totsuki Academy in the past two years?"

"What do you think the Ten Greatest Totsuki represent?"

When Kuga Teruki said this, cold sweat immediately broke out on Goda Hayashi Kiyoshi's back. He was blinded by anger just now and almost forgot that the guy in front of him was one of the top few second-year students. With the current situation of their Chanko Nabe Research Society, it was simply a foolish dream to want to bet with him for the"Ten Greatest Seats".

"Well, never mind. Since it is the order of"that master", I will just make a bet with you. Okay, masters, today's measurement work is over here. Thank you for your hard work. Tonight, please bring the new‘ZHONG|The design drawings of the HUA Cuisine Research Association-Su Cuisine Restaurant have been completed. I think it is faster to just reject this building."

Just when Goda Lin Qingzhi was sweating, Kuga Teruki suddenly called the workers behind him to retreat, leaving only the anxious members of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association to start emergency cooking trials after watching the"food war notice" that was delivered immediately.

One day later

"The review results are out, the result is 3:0, Yukuga Teruki won the final victory!"

On the brightly lit 'Shokugeki' stage, Goda Hayashi Kiyoshi fell to his knees exhausted. In the judges' seat in front of him, only a small part of the hot pot dishes representing the 'Sumo Chanko Research Association' were eaten, while the Sichuan hot pot served by the opponent... was almost empty!

Another crushing victory without suspense!

"Hello, it's me. Yes, it's just as planned. Let's start now."

After making a phone call to the decoration team to confirm the start of work, Kuga Teruki left the venue without even looking at the members of the"Sumo Chanko Research Society". The next expansion plan was a piece of cake.

After selecting five or six research societies and forcibly merging them, Shiraki's task was quickly completed. At this time, his points had accumulated to 4,800, which was a number that was neither too high nor too low. If he wanted to buy some good things, he would need to accumulate at least another 1,000 or 2,000 points. However, at this rate, it was only a matter of time.

【Ding Dong, a series of plot tasks are triggered: pass the residential training! Task description: This task is a series of tasks. Each section of the task has corresponding rewards. After passing all of them, you will get an additional advanced lottery reward.

This time, the residential training is a series of tasks. Although it is the first time to trigger this type of task, Bai Mu basically knows the test questions of the residential training in advance, so he is not too worried.

Just like that, the next day, the notice of the residential training was sent to Polaris Dormitory.

When Bai Mu went downstairs, he happened to see Isshiki Hui holding a letter in his hand. Judging from the logo of Totsuki Academy on the envelope, this is either some administrative work of the Ten Elites or a notice of residential training.

"Ah, Shiraki, are you up yet?" Isshiki Hui saw Shiraki coming down from upstairs and a bright smile appeared on her face,"I was just about to go to your room to call you, can you please do me a favor?"

"What help?"

"The vegetables I planted in the field are almost ripe, and I would like you to help me taste them.

"I see. No problem. Bai Mu readily agreed.

"Then I'll go call Yukihira and the others first.

Shiraki, you go to the vegetable garden first.

Sister Tadokoro is already there.

" Isshiki Hui greeted Shiraki and walked towards the third floor.

Seeing his happy look, he probably aimed at the ceiling of Yukihira Soma's bedroom.

Shiraki looked at Isshiki Hui who left with a philosophical aura...

Fortunately, this guy didn't suddenly appear on the ceiling of his room, otherwise the"mouse traps" he had set in advance would not be vegetarian...

When they came to the yard, Ibusaki Shun was holding an electric saw and cutting wood outside, while Tadokoro Hui was burying her head in the field to harvest vegetables.

Because of her petite figure, it was a little difficult to spot her without careful observation.

After waiting outside the vegetable garden for a while, Yukihira Soma and Yoshino Yuuki soon came out of the dormitory. After seeing Shiraki, they both stretched out their hands and greeted him.

"Hey, Shiraki, were you also called out by Isshiki-senpai to help pick the vegetables?"

Soma Yukihira waved his hand, and his voice could be heard from a long distance away.

"No, I'm here to help identify the taste of vegetables." Shiraki shook his head, wondering why Yukihira and the others' mission was different from his own, but he probably let Isshiki Hui slip, so he said,"I'll help you harvest the vegetables first, Xiaohui should have been busy in there for a while."

"Okay, let’s get started right away!"


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