Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 146 - Family...

This chapter is very long so there is bound to be mistakes, please forgive me until i correct them.


"Hisako Arato...please step forward," Anna spoke with a calm voice. Arato nodded and walked up, she presented her dish to the three judges.

"This is...?" Histoire looked at Arato to explain her dish, although he already has a rough idea about how it was made.

Arato smiled "This is--"

"This is a Masala Pasta dish." Anne spoke, "I can see similar ingrediants in the records as this dish, but this aroma..." Anne smelled the dish and felt her nose burning, it was very spicy and hot "This kind of spices...Indian Spices!!" Anna smirked, "How did you think of using Indian Spices on an Italian dish?"

Arato was unhappy about being cut off but she didn't mind too much as she spoke: "I recalled my battle with a fellow student in the autumn election, he used the same spices back then, It was a powerful combination between hot and sweet spices and I couldn't resist using it for my dish after mixing with the sauce."

When the crowd heard her explanation they were shocked as they have witnessed her battle with Hayama in the election.

"So she has learned from her defeat." Isshiki smiled while clapping.

"Arato-chin is smart!" Kouga too smiled, he was strangely proud. Erina smiled and was happy to hear people praise Arato in front of her.

"Let us not waste any more time," Charme spoke as he took the first bite. Following that, his face turned red and he felt very hot but also sweet as the two flavors enhanced each other.

The judges felt as if they are walking near a volcano but they aren't affected by the heat, rather they are enjoying the heat like a fish in the cold water.

"Splendid combination of spice if i can say so myself." Anna clapped her hands together.

"Indeed, the perfect combination of Indian and Italian cuisine!!" Charme said with his face still red.

"This dish is like a fire that brings back the passion fire of the youth!!" Histoire spoke "Excellent!"

Hearing the praises of the judges, Haisha clicked his tongue and frowned.

"Haisha Ashi-kun, since you're Arato-san's opponent, then you're next," Anne called. Arato retreated as sighed. She was afraid that she may not be able to pull off the mixture of the spices and the sauce as it was Hayama's specialty.

Ashi explained his dish to the judges "This Fettuccine Alfredo pasta with chicken strips and Mayonaise. Please enjoy!" He said. The judges took a bite and they felt overwhelmed by the sweet and sour taste. It is if Ashi was countering Arato's dish.

"This refreshing taste... Lemon?!" Histoire asked which he received a nod to from Ashi.

"I can feel my taste buds cooling down!" Anna took a deep breath and smiled.

Charme nodded "This is in itself a great dish!" He smiled "The past decades of Totsuki has been the most productive decade in Totsuki's whole history as it was able to produce monsters after monster!!"

[Since the judges have tasted the first two opponents, please give us your judgment!!" Urara-chan came near the judges. She may be commentating but she tried to sneak near them to get a smell of the aroma.

Ashi retreated and stood with Alexander and the others waiting for the judgment, based on the judges' reactions, he was more confident now.

Histoire took the lead "Both dishes are splendid and amazing on their own...But I have felt this dish is more deserving to be the winner!!!" He stood up "I give my vote to...Hisako Arato-san!!!"

"HELL YEAHH!!!" Kouga and Alice shouted. The crowd was shocked to hear that but they still had hope for the other two.

"Tsk!" Rindo didn't like that the first vote went to the rebels. Now they look bad too.

Then it was Anna's turn "I give my vote to...Haisha Ashi-san, the refreshing taste was more dominating for me." Her smile was charming. The crowd was wild as they have now tied.

Arato and Ashi were nervous, the last vote will determine the winner "My choice is clear...The winner is..." Chame stood up and pointed "Hisako Arato. I give you my vote."

At Yukihira's dinner, all of the rebels jumped when they have heard the last vote goes to Arato.

"I am so glad!!" Yukino cried "We have hope...there is still hope for us."

Alexander and Takumi congratulated Arato and praised her cooking. Arato looked at Ashi and extended her hand "What...I am not shaking your hand." Ashi was bitter about his loss and wasn't in the mood.

"I am not trying to shake your hand." Arato said with a mocking tone "Give me the ID you have." She commanded. Ashi clicked his tongue and gave her the ID, when Arato opened to see who she got, she found it was Ikumi Mito.

"Damn, we are one down now! don't worry Ashi, you did your best." Rindo wasn't pleased at all. But she still had to encourage her teammates.

"Tch..." Nakazaki looked at Ashi with anger "Damn you, you idiot."

"Don't be harsh on him, we can still win this with our art," Julio spoke to her but his words didn't calm her at all, especially since she saw Alexander winking ta her.

"Next...Saiba Alexander." Cham summoned Alexander to step forward.

Alexander gave the judges his dish "This is my Mangalore Style Crab Sukka...Please don't hold back." Alexander came near Anna's face and smiled at her "You will experience the most violent flavor you have ever tasted. Those words sent shivers down Anna's spine.

"We will see about that..." Histoire said as he took the first bite of the dish followed by Anna and Charme. With that, they held their mouth shut and started trembling, after swallowing the first bite they hurried for another bite.

'What is this?!!' Anna shouted in her mind as she felt like her tongue couldn't handle the overpowering flavor she is experiencing now.

'This wild taste!!!' Charme and Histoire felt like the crabs were alive and tey are attacking their tongues. Alexander didn't lie to them, this is the most violent flavor they have tasted in their life 'I can't stop eating!!!' They all had one thought.

After there was nothing left on the plate, the judges took a deep breath. Anna turned to her books to search for what might be the cause of such violent flavor but she couldn't find anything.

"I am really... interested in what you have put into your dish, Mr.Alexander," Histoire asked. he pushed his glasses back. Chame and Anna felt intrigued by this too.

"Nothing much, it is just that when your cooking skills reaching a certain level, you could bring the utmost flavor that the ingrediants can offer. And that is all, I don't need to do much against such weak chefs anyway!!" Alexander's words angered everyone around him. But to the judges, they saw a powerful chef in front of them.

Anna smiled "Indeed." She said, "Next please..." She looked at Nakazaki who was frustrated by their reactions, Alexander retreated and met Nakazaki halfway "I don't think you will be able to avenge your half-sister..." He said in a mocking tone which made Nakazaki angry.

"What is your dish named?" Charme asked.

"....Crab and Avocado Summer Rolls..." Nakazaki said.

"You used rice wrappers to roll up the avocado, carrots, cuc.u.mber, and crab together, clever," Histoire spoke. He opened one roll and he saw more, he tasted it " Green sauce made with avocado, pistachios, jalapeño, herbs, lime." His description was precise and accurate.

"Yes." Nakazaki nodded. The judges tasted the dish and they felt a wave comfortable pleasure assaulting their taste buds. Anna smiled as she enjoyed it more, she felt like she was being taken care off after an exhausting fight with a monster which in this case, would be Alexander's previous dish.

Charme nodded "It is indeed a great and sweet dish that makes you feel comfortable eating it, nothing too soft and nothing too hard. You did a spectacular job, Lady Nakazaki."

"Thank you, sir." Nakazaki felt so happy that they liked her dish.

Histoire looked at his friends and nodded "I think we have reached an agreement."

[OH!! the second battle has reached its conclusion and the judges will give their vote, who is the winner of this battle, I wonder!!] Urara-chan spoke. The students held their breath waiting for the good news.

"The three of us have agreed on...Saiba Alexander's dish." Anna's words were like a bomb that was dropped on Nakazaki(No pun intended).

"What?!!" Nakazaki couldn't believe her ears at all.

Damn it, our teammates are getting stomped on!!" Eizan cursed. This is going bad for them. And looking at Azami up there, he doesn't seem to be happy about this either.

In the rebels corner, Alice and Kouga were laughing their asses out. Mimasaki Subaru frowned 'As expected, I still can't trace his skills yet.' He thought. Although he paid attention like a hawk, he still couldn't get it outright.

"Don't you dare be the first one to lose in this battle." Alexander took the ID from Nakazaki and passed by Takumi who was about to serve.

"Don't joke around...Like i am gonna let him defeat this easily." Takumi presented his dish.

Takumi stood in front of the judges and spoke: "This is my Strawberry Shortcake a split crumbly, lemon-infused shortcake in two, sandwiched together with cream, strawberries, and jam."

Charme looked at the plate "This seems like a fine dessert after the crab dish we have eaten, Thank you Mr.Aldini." He said.

"No need for such a thing, It is my responsibility." Takumi bowed a little. The judges took their bite and the sweetness of the Shortcake was excellent, it made them feel like the time they were kids and craving sweet things of all sorts.

Next was Julio's dish "Strawberries and cream cheesecake, it is my art, I have combined two classic summer desserts in this no-bake cheesecake topped with a sweet strawberry sauce. hahaha!! Absolute art!!" He shouted

The judges took their bite from the cake and tasted it, it was very soft and the flavor of cream and strawberry mixed together seemed perfect. it makes them feel like they are on an island enjoying the most luxurious life.

After discussing with each other, the judges finally reached a conclusion "We have reached our conclusion...." Histoire spoke "...I give my vote to...Julio Shiratsu!" He declared.

Julio smirked "Art!!" He shouted. Anna stood up next "...I give mine to...Takumi Aldini!" Julio shut up and was terrified "Art?" he mumbled.

Takumi smirked as Charme stood up next. "I give my vote to..." Takumi extended his hand to Julio for the ID "Takumi Aldini!"

"Hell yeahhh!!! we won!! we won!!!" Yuki in the Yukihira dinner shouted. Marui was more than happy "Take that you artless blond penguin!!!" The kid wasn't good with insults.

Soma although happy, was a little frustrated 'If only I had won, I could've been fighting with them.' But what is done is done.

Back in the Arena. The rebels were celebrating their overwhelming victory.

"Good job Alexy-chi, Takumi-chi, and you too Arato-chi!" Kouga gave the three a quick shoulder massage.

"Congratulations, Now we have fewer people to worry about. Isshiki said.

Subaru nodded "With this, their fighting spirit is bound to drop to the floor." He said as he looked at the elite 10 corner. Rindo was consoling the guys who lost.

"By the way Alexander, Takumi..." Alice remembered "Whos ID did you get?" she asked.

Erina remembered that Arato got Ikumi Mito ID "Yes, tell us."

"Well, I didn't check." Alexander opened the ID and his face turned green "ugh!! why him?" Alexander showed Soma's ID to the others.

"Well hat is good news...and you Takumi-chi?" Kouga was happy that Soma was rescued.

"I got..." He opened the ID " Tadokoro Megumi." He showed the ID.

Alexander remembered something and whispered to Erina and Alice 'Weren't those three seem to be in a relationship...' he said.

"It is destiny, babe," Alice said confidently.

"I-is it?!" Erina was intrigued, something like destined love was something she read in manga lot.

[UGGHH I hate to admit it, but the first bout is over...and it is the damn rebels' victory!!!] Urara-chan announced.

"Thank you Urara-chan!" Kouga said to the mc girl.

[I wasn't praising you! Baka-senpai!!]

Azami came down to the arena while clapping "Congratulations to the rebels..." he said with a smile but his tone didn't sound anything like happy "We will now have an hour break, both parties should be in their waiting room and decide their next three fighters for the next bout." Azami commanded.

"Man we are in a pinch, if we lose again like that, we will be damned. OH! don't feel bad about it guys!!" Rindo said to the one who lost.

The rebels are leaving to their waiting room "Man, that was easy as breathing." Alexander said as he locked his hands behind his head.

"did it now!" Arato said sarcastically.

They were joking around before they reached the room, once they were there, they were met with several men in black suits that Alexander recognized very well.

"What is going on?" Erina asked.

From inside the room, two men came out, one had a red hair and long back coat while the other was a hulk with a red eastern dragon tattoo on his shoulder and he had a mustache like an eastern dragon too.

"Shanks! Kaido!!" Alexander was shocked. These two only moves when the whole family is moving which means...

(Note: these two were mentioned in a side story in Patr eon. Don't worry, there are no devil fruits or Haki in this world. Just kind of an Homage but they do look like Kaido and Shanks.)

"Young Lord...It is good you are here." Shanks spoke. His voice was calm but yet it sent shivers to everyone except Alexander.

"We were about to go and look for you and your fianceés." Kaido spoke with a deep and cold voice "The family is inside, I advise the others to take another room until you are done."

Kaido and Shanks walked past the group and went to get Rindo, Alexander turned to everyone and apologized "Sorry for this, please use another room until we are done, my family is here." Alexander said.

"No problem." They all said as they used the other room available.

"Let us go in." Alexander, Alice, and Erina entered the room to meet the Family.


Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 162 is out on Pat reon

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