Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 149 - It Is Over...

[It has been an hour since this Sholugeki has begun, each of the contestants is in his final stage of cooking!!] Urara-chan shouted. She has been commentating for each student's work not letting the hype die. After all, the best of Totsuki are fighting here.

In her station, Momo, the loli elite 10 has reached the final touches as she Added the tapioca to her pot and turn off the heat and stir to incorporate.

"Momo is ready! the sweet soup is ready!" She mumbled. She picked up her dish and walked to the judges. Anne could taste the sweetness from a distance. Charme and Histoire looked at Momo and thought 'So this is Totsuki's greatest baker!' Momo's reputation proceeds her.

Momo presented her dish, the final product was a soup with purple yam and coconut mil with tapioca "This is my Chinese style, sweet soup!" Momo picked her Bucchi pretending he was the one talking.

"My, my, it has been a long time since someone made this soup for me..." Anne said, the effect of the alcohol has worn off and now she was in her right state of mind.

"Let us not waste time, there are 6 more dishes we have to judge," Histoire said, he was the first one to take the spoon and get a taste.

The three judges felt as if they were eating cotton candy instead of soup, Anne felt as if her body was being carried by the clouds, her taste buds were screaming "Sweet!" repeatedly. Histoire and Charme were no exception to this, this is the first time they have tasted a sweet soup. Not many dare to go in this field but the lolita in front of them is the best sweets maker in Totsuki.

"Spectacular dish, Momo-chan!!" Anne said with her palm on her cheek and a smile as bright as the sun. Sweets do bring the sweetest part of a woman after all.

"Bucchi says you're welcome!" Momo took Bucchi and made him do a bow as she returned to her seat.

"I think it is my turn then!" A loud and very confident voice sounded. It was Rindo, she walked to the judges' area with her dish on a plate.

She passed by alexander who saw what she was carrying and his face twisted 'Snakes?!...No wait, there is something diffrent about that snake' he thought. But before he could see what was wrong with the snake, Rindo passed him and he couldn't see the dish anymore.

Rindo walked to the judges and presented her dish, Anne looked at the dish in front of her and a shiver went down her spine "Snake!!!" she shouted. Anne got away from the table and hide behind Histoire who laughed after taking a closer look at the dish.

"How rude!" Rindo said with a puffed cheek "Why does everyone think of reptiles and insects when I cook something. That is not a snake by the way." Rindo fumed with frustration, her reputation as the wild and strange flavors seeker was so strong that people have forgotten that hse can make the best regular dishes as well.

"Then what is it?!" Anne came closer to the dish slowly, she fears snakes the most.

Rindi puffed her chest and smiled proudly like a cat "I am glad you asked. This Tom Yum Soup with Snakehead Fish, Roasted Chili Jam and Green Mango!!"

'So that what it was! a snakehead fish!' Alexander realized why he found the snake previously strange, it was just a snakehead fish who greatly resembles a snake in its skin pattern that looks like a scale of a snake.

Anne's eyes widened " Snakehead fish...Tom Yum soup!!"

Charme was surprised " An Ancient Siamese Recipe!" he said.

"Indeed, it seems that someone used Totsuki's resources the best way possible!" Histoire chuckled. He took his chopsticks and took a taste followed by Anne and Charme.

Rindo smirked as the three judges were attacked by the heavy taste of the [ANCIENT CHILI JAM], Anne, Charme, and Histoire felt like they were being a fire breathing snakefish who resembles a dragon more than it does to a fish.

"So hot!!!" Anne said. the previous sweet taste that was still lingering on her tongue has disappeared in an instance.

"So this is the ancient chili jam!!" Histoire said, even though it was hot, it was still delicious as it gave them a strong desire to eat the soup to the end.

Next was Saito, Totsuki's 5th seat and its best Japanese cuisine master. His dish was a Hoto – Noodle Soup from Yamanashi. this hearty noodle soup called Hoto is a popular regional food from Yamanashi prefecture in Japan, Filled with starchy vegetables, meat, and flat noodles in a miso-based dashi broth.

"You always go for Japanese cuisine, don't you, Saito-san?" Charme spoke, he has met Saito before and he noticed that Saito mainly cooks Japanese dishes.

Saito rested his wooden sword on his shoulder "A warrior must not stary away from his origins!" he said.

The judges tasted the soup and it wasn't any less perfect than the soup of Rindo and Momo

Next Nene, the 6th seat with her Korean soup; Yukgaejang (Spicy Beef Soup with Vegetables). This is a hearty, spicy beef soup that's highly popular in Korea. Made with shredded beef, lots of scallions and other vegetables such as gosari (fernbrake fiddleheads), beansprouts, and mushrooms, this is a substantial soup that has a great depth of flavor.

The essence of Korean cuisine was kept in this dish even though Nene wasn't Korean and soups weren't her specialty at all. And as expected from her, the flavor was as dominant as any dish that has presented in this Shokugeki with her image being imprinted in the judges' mind.

After her was Eizan. The current 9th seat of Totsuki, Eizan to say the truth wasn't putting any effort. After he saw the men of the Red Blinders in the building, he couldn't muster any fighting power at all, all he wanted was to finish this farce as soon as possible.

His dish was the Canadian Cheese Soup With Vegetables, after the judges tasted his dish, it was very apparent that they didn't display as much of reaction and admiration for his dish as they did for the others, though, he didn't mind and just returned to his station.

"Looks like it is just you and me that are left." Alexander took a traditional Moroccan bowl that he order to be delivered for him earlier to serve his soup in.

"Aye, that is what it seems..." Tsukasa has finished too and did the final touches.

"It seems that this battle is reaching its conclusion..." Charme spoke.

"Indeed..." Histoire replied while Anne couldn't wait to taste their dishes, out of all the aroma that was spread and clashing against each other, these two's were the strongest.

Tsukasa was the first and it seems Alexander will be the last to serve.

"This is my Pea and Carrot Soup..." Tsukasa said cooly but that shattered in an instance "Ah! I don't know if you prefer a wooden spoon or a silver one!! is the temperature hot enough for you?!!" His anxious personality resurfaced again making the judges feel complicated at his change of demeanor.

"Tsukasa!! Stop whining and let the judges taste!!" Rindo shouted at her long time friend.

"Ah! do that please!" Charme spoke after the heavy smell of the soup entered his nostrils.

"Such aroma...It is as if the vegetables are alive." Anne said as she took her spoon for a taste. The other two followed after her.

It was as if the world in front of them crumbled and then replaced by a new field of vegetables as long as the eyes could see. Anne felt like she was dancing in the fields while playing catch with the other two judges and the vegetables are singing for them, it was a world full of joy and flavors.

"So magnificent!!" Anne shut her eyes to enjoy the taste even more. After emptying the bowl, the judges nodded at each other.

Tsukasa bowed and didn't say a word as he returned to his station. On his way, he met Alexander who smirked.

For a brief moment, Tsukasa was able to sniff a hint of the soup Alexander made when he passed by him. His legs stopped and his eyes widened in shock, he turned slowly to look at Alexander's back 'Impossible...he can't be on that level!!' Tsuaksa thought.

Just from a single sniff of Alexander's soup, Tsukasa felt fear, for the first time since he met with Alexander...Tsukasa finally had a rough idea of how much strong Alexander is...

"Alexander-san, you're the last one to serve but the first one to catch our attention." Histoire chuckled. He had his spoon in his hand, ready to devour what he has been anticipating for an hour or so...

"Make sure you don't burn your tongue. It is hot!" After serving them, Alexander warned them to be careful.

"Will do..." Charme said as he took a spoon and took a taste followed by Anne and Histoire. Without any warning, it was as if time was reversed and they were standing in the halls of the World Gourmet Organization.

"This is...?" Anne looked in confusion. Similar to her, Histoire and Charme were experiencing the same thing.

"Hurry up Anne!!"

Hearing such a voice that she can recognize anywhere, Anne snapped her neck to look behind her, just to see three younger versions of her and her two friends.

The one who spoke first was a younger Histoire.

"God! she is always gluing her face to that book." A younger Charme spoke.

"Shut up narcissist, I am learning, Master will kick my butt if I don't memorize 10 pages by the end of this week."

When Anne saw this, tears started falling on her cheeks.

"Oh my god!" She said. These were the times she cherishes the most, the times she spent with her two friends. After graduation, she couldn't see them that much.

It didn't end here as Anne went from memory to another, all of them of her friends, from the time they were studying, punished, partying, and even fighting. All of them. She wished she could return to these times.

Histoire and Charme experienced the same thing.

The elite 10, Azami, the audience, and even the rebels themselves were shocked. In just a moment, the judges started tearing up as they ate the soup slowly and carefully as if they were afraid it will end.

Alexander smirked "The Golden Hands weren't named as such for no reason. Every human has a golden memory that he cherishes the most, and it is my responsibility to awaken those memories." Alexander chuckled as he looked back at Tsukasa who was clenching his fists very hard.

"You still think you can destroy me?!" He spoke. Rindo was flabbergasted, she couldn't believe that her fianceé" was this ridiculously strong.

"We have tasted the 7 dishes from these 7 amazing chefs..." Histoire stood up after cleaning his lips and calming his emotions.

Charme stood up after him "But unfortunately, only one student can win this." he said.

Anne stood up and with a calm tone, she said "Among these 7 chefs, Tsukasa, Rindo, Eizan, Saito, Momo, Nene, and Finally, Alexander...The judges hereby announce that the winner is..."

"""Saiba Alexander!!"""

The crowd went nuts after such declaration, Azami in his VIP room flipped the table and punched the glass wall as he shouted in fury.

The elite 10 were shocked.

"Are you serious?!" Kouga had his jaw dropped to the floor.

"Kokoko! As expected from the man who could escape my tracing..." Mimasaki said.

Takumi clenched his fist 'So this is how strong... the strength of 6 elite 10 combined couldn't take you down, Alexander!' he thought.

Megishima was surprised, shock was displayed on his normally stoic face 'This kid...!'

As for Alexander, he looked at Rindo and ran to her. Without any warning, he picked her up and ran to his family "Wait!! where are you taking me?!" She questioned.

"To Mother Russia!" He answered.

"IMPOSSIBLE!! THIS CAN NOT BE!!" Azami got out of his room and stormed towards the arena, he needs to have a word with the judges. "I WILL NOT LET MY HARD WORK GO AWAY LIKE THIS!! MY PERFECT GOURMET WORLD WILL NOT DIE ON THE HANDS OF A GREEN BOY!!!"

"Aazmi!" A cold and raspy voice came from Azami as he was storming with rage. Azami stiffened and looked back to see Senzaemon, Leonora, and Doujima.

"It is over!" Doujima showed Azami the Shokugeki contract and said with his eyes full of sorrow at how his friend turned out to be. Azami felt his world crumble in dust and his dream turn into nothingness.

'It is really over...' he fell to his knees.


Aaaand CUT!!!

Phew, after so many chapters, the Central arc is over. Alexander has saved his friends and the whole school with him, all thanks to his grandmama who left him with no choice but to take the matter to his hand. The poor boy had no time to play the fun games of central anymore.


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