Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 151 - Phantom Hands!

"This is all for the day, please go to your duties, the third years' graduation must be completed swiftly!" Erina spoke wit her advisers in the meeting room of the head master's building. The elders left the building to do as they were instructed. Erina faced the window and sighed. She then turned to leave, at the door, Hisako was waiting for her to come out.

"Thank you for your work, Head Master," Hisako said with a slight bow.

Erina chuckled and shook her head "You don't have to call me as such, Erina is fine by me." Hisako blushed a little as her relationship with Erina has evolved from that of a master and servant to that of close friends.

"Then...Thank you for your hard work, Erina." Hisako said, she said shyly and with a red face which caused Erina to feel embarrassed a little too, her face was painted red and she turned her face to not show it Hisako before leaving "A-Anyway! have the certificates been completed yet?!" she asked.

"Ah! yes, they will be ready for the day of the graduation ceremony." Hisako as she went through her memo.

"Good. We should not be behind the schedule." Erina said with a nod. The two girls walked down the hallway towards their next appointment. Just when they were about to take a left turn, Erina hit a hard wall and stepped back while holding her nose.

"Excuse me, I didn't see you coming." A raspy and deep voice said. Erina opened her eyes and saw her grandfather; Senzaemon.

"Grandfather!" She acknowledged. Senzaemon nodded his head and smiled, he looked up and down at Erina and then chuckled.

"Being the Head Master suits you for sure." He said. Senzaemon knows that he had made the right choice by retiring and letting the school have new blood rule it, instead of keeping that position to himself.

"Well, I don't know about that but what I know is that you, grandfather, should have consulted me about such serious matter." Erina looked at her grandfather with a little anger in her tone "Do you know how shocked I was when I know that I became the new headmaster? I didn't even get the chance to adjust to my situation and was thrown right away in trouble!" Hisako nodded in agreement with her friend and she cast Senzaemon a kind of cold glare together with Erina making the old one feel bad for them.

Senzaemon cleared his troth and then put his hand on Erina's shoulder "I believe in you, Erina."

Erina looked at Snzaemon with a moved expression "Grandfather..." She called "...Like I WAS SAYING!!" Though, that didn't serve to lessen any of Erina's anger.

In another location in Totsuki...

Alexander was walking toward the elite 10 council meeting room. He was wearing his usual black Totsuki uniform while leaving the buttons open to reveal his red T-shirt underneath with a silver necklace. He opened the door and immediately, a wave of shouting of arguments and insults.

"SHUT UP EIZAN!!! YOU DON'T GET TO GIVE US ORDERS, YOU JUST LOST A FEW WEEKS AGO TO US!!!" Kouga's voice boomed while he stepped on the table.

"IT IS YOU WHO SHOULD SHUT UP!! YOU FOUGHT AND LOST TO TSUKASA FIRST IN YOUR TEAM!!" Eizan countered as his blood rushed to his head.

"Savages," Nene commented quietly at Kouga and Eizan. But that didn't escape either of them as they turned to her with faces of devils.

"You said something you little runt?!" they said in unison.

"Ma, Ma, everyone. Calm down, we should decide the theme of the graduation ceremony, we don't have a lot of time." Isshiki stepped in with his shinning sun aura, but that only made Kouga and Eizan look at him with disgust together with Nene.

"Don't talk Isshiki! Dead cells are coming out of your mouth!" Nene attacked. Isshiki laughed it off but the blood vein on his forehead threatening to popout doesn't add up with his smiling expression.

While this was going on, only one person was enjoying himself, Alice was eating popcorn and watching as the fight is escalating. Alexander looked at them with a tired expression. He shook his head before a hand was put on his shoulder from behind him. He turned to see Takumi.

"Aren't you going to get in?" Takumi asked as he walked inside.

"...Yeah, I am." Alexander clapped his hands to get everyone's attention "Alight take your seats, everybody, we have a long talk to do."

When Eizan heard Alexander he calmed down and returned to his seat and behaved innocently like he never did anything. Kouga, on the other hand, didn't and together with Nene looked at Alexander and tilted their heads.

"Since you were our leader?" Nene said. Her eyes were judging Alexander like he had no authority here.

"I am done with this! You do this yourself." Kouga said as he huffed and walked out.

Eizan cringed and shook his head at them violently 'Don't doom us all you crazy monks!' he thought.

Alexader stopped Kouga in his tracks and then looked at him and Nene and chuckled. His chuckled gave the two a cold shiver as they looked in his eyes "I am not your leader...And you are walking out like this your father's land...Should I remind you two what I did of six of your caliber." Kouga and Nene felt like a Scythe was placed on their necks. They froze in their places and looked with fear at Alexander "I would advise you two to sit back and listen. And after we are done, you can go." Alexander said and took his place.

"I am the leader here, and if you believe otherwise, You are all free to come at me, just like your preceders." Alexander smirked, "So take your seats and let us begin our first meeting as the new elite 10 council." Alexander looked around him and he couldn't help but frown "Wher are the other 3?" he asked.

Takumi knew who he was talking about and sighed "Yukihira, Mimasaki, and Hayama are in the Shokugeki arena after they challenged each other to a Shokugeki for their seats."

"TSk! great!" Alexander shook his head "Let us continue without them." he said. There is no time to waste on them.

In Germany...

The Germa Culinary Academy...

Saiba Asahi, one of the best teachers that the Germa had in years is now walking out with only a bag in his hand. Behind him, a short and skinny old man is running to catch up to him.

"Wait!! Asahi-kun!! wait!" He called. When Asahi heard him, he stopped and looked at him with concern.

"Head Master?! why are you running, your health is not good." Asahi said, his black hair moved with the wind as his blue eyes shined with kindness for the old man.

"Forget about that!! but... what is the meaning of this?!!" The headmaster of the Germa Culinary Academy spoke with his ragged breath.

Asahi looked at the paper the headmaster showed him and smiled "Aah! that is my resignation request, headmaster. I am leaving back to Japan." He said.

"Are you crazy!!" The headmaster shouted, he throws the paper on the ground "How can you do that? is it the salary, I will double your salary if you quit this nonsense!" The headmaster didn't want to loos one of his best teachers, not yet. Finally, after 50 years of being in third place in the Red Tournament of the major academies, Germa finally had a chance and turned the tables and took the number one position for the last 5 years after Asahi enlisted as a teacher.

Asahi shook his head and looked up at the sky "It is not about the salary or anything related to this beautiful school...Just, it is time to use my abilities to their best." Asahi turned to leave and let the headmaster shout at him with anger which with the further he left the more the headmaster started to beg for his return.

"Erina-sama...With you, My Phantom hands will reveal themselves. I tried to manifest them alone but it seems that there is no other option but to meet you." Asahi mumbled.


Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 167 is out on Pat reon

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