Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 156 - Noir or Bleu, It Doesn't Matter!

A sloppy new chapter, this is my take on the Noir Chefs arc. I just hope that i was able to convey what i have been imagining in my head into words


By the way...I lost my SIM card and now I can't log in to my Guild Wars Account... BRUH!!! I AM LVL 80!! 80!!!!! THE WORLD IS NOT FAIR!!!!


On their way to catch the one behind the strange closing of their restaurants, Alexander and Kouga went with Anna in her car towards SwordFish temple's restaurant.

"Are we there yet?" Kouga asked from the backseat making Anna grit her teeth as she said slowly "For the 15th time...NOT. YET." she said.

"Okay...Are we there yet?" he asked again.

Anna relax and looked at the red light in front of her 'What if I...' she thought. Kouga smiled devilishly at her, he likes this kind of reactions, they are the best.

Alexander turned to Kouga and flicked his forehead "Stop messing around," He said, "We need to be there in one piece."

"You guys are no fun," Kouga said as he leaned back in his seat. It was already boring enough that they were sent to investigate some strange happening in the city like an old school detective movie. Then the car stopped "We are here." Said Anna. Alexander looked at the restaurant to their left; it was a medium-sized restaurant with a huge and long SwordFish hanging above its door signifying that this is their specialty and pride.

"Wow! so unique, I never would've thought that this is a SwordFish Restaurant!" Kouga said with a surprised face making Alexander chuckled a bit.

Anna sighed and looked at Alexander beside her "Does he speak this much all the time?"

Alexander shook his head and walked in front of them "More than that." he said.

When the three entered the restaurant, they saw that it was almost full, the waiter was an old man in his 50s who had a warm smile on his face.

"Hello! We are looking for the owner, is anybody here the owner of this shop?" Kouga said loudly making everyone focus on him. The old man walked to them and looked at Kouga in annoyance "What do you want?" he asked.

Before Kouga could speak any further, Alexander put his hand on his mouth and spoke first "We are from Totsuki's guild, we are currently investigating a case of strange shutdowns of restaurants and we need your cooperation." He said. Anna supported him and presented her card.

The old man looked at the card and then the three before sighing "Follow me." he said. "Kanzaki! come out and serve the customers until I am done!" He yelled. A tall man with black hair and a scar on his left eye walked out of the kitchen "Okay, Dad." the young man took his father's towel and passed by Alexander and Kouga.

"This way." The old man took the three inside the kitchen where there was only a young girl cooking for the customers.

"Well, what do i need to do for you?" he asked. It has been years since the last person from the guild.

Anna stepped forward "We suspect that whoever is responsible for the shutdowns is targeting your restaurant, we have looked into his path and found your shop to be next in line...Allegedly."

"Why would someone want to shut down my shop? I don't have any animosity with anyone, I have been running this shop for 30 years with no problems." The old man said.

"It is not about your shop specifically, Mr...err?" Alexander frowned at the lack of introduction between them.

"Ryokasi..." The olan man said.

"Right, Mr.Ryokasi, the person behind this is targeting seafood restaurant. We don't ask much of you, just let us stay until after midnight and then if nothing happened, we will leave." Alexander explained the situation the best he could, the whole thing still doesn't make any sense so this is the best he could do.

"...." Ryokasi thought for a moment after looking between the three "...Just don't disturb my daughter's cooking and our customers, and after midnight, I expect you to be out before I can tell you to." He said.

"We won't disappoint you." Kouga saluted like a shoulder making Ryokasi scowl at him before he returns to his duties. After he left, Kouga turned to the beautiful young lady and he went to talk to her. Alexander and Anna looked at each other and they agreed to sit down and wait.

Time went by very slow, all that happened was Ryokasi returning to see Kouga flirting with his daughter and threatening him with a knife, while Alexander was catting with Rindo on the phone. Apparently she was preparing for her tournament which she called [The Red Tournament].

Midnight came and nothing happened, Alexander and Anna were disappointed as their trip was in vain but Kouga was happy to get the beautiful chef's number.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir." Alexander bowed slightly out of respect to the old man.

"This is my number, if perhaps someone came after us, please call us as soon as possible." Anna presented her phone number card before they left.

"Tsk! Here I thought this will turn out like a bad detective movie scenario." Kouga got into the car, this time he took the first seat and Alexander was in the backseat. He fastened his seatbelt and sighed, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw someone making his way to the shop.

"Oi! can that one be our guy?" he pointed.

Alexander looked at where he was pointing and shook his head "The guy we are looking for is a hooded man, and that is a girl." He said looking at the rainbow-haired girl walking inside the shop.

"...Should we wait just for a bit, maybe that man will appear after some time." Anna said. Kouga and Alexander shrugged their shoulders and leaned back on their seats.

One hour later, Anna's phone started ringing. She picked it up "Hello?" she answered. "....Ryokasi-san? what happened?" she asked. Alexander and Kouga immediately understood without the need for any further explanation 'That rainbow girl is the hooded person.' they thought.

Alexander and Kouga jumped out of the car and ran inside the shop just to witness Ryokasi with a phone in his hand trembling "My shop? 30 years...impossible?!" he mumbled. His son had an angry expression filled with hate looking at the girl in front of them who was playing with a knife in her hand.

The daughter was on the floor kneeling and crying "I am sorry! Father...I am sorry!" she cried out.

"Awe... c'mon, don't cry like that, you're making look like the bad guy here, I only challenged you and you accepted it, then you lost. I didn't force you to anything." The rainbow-haired girl said. A mocking smirk was forming on her face.

"Oi, oi, oi, what is going on here?" Kouga asked. He went to his newfound friend and pulled her up from the floor. The rainbow-haired girl looked at the two new guys and frowned, she thought they left a long time ago after getting in their car.

"Who is this girl?" asked Alexander "And what happened here?" Alexander asked. Ryokasi looked at him and spoke, "S-She came in and challenged us to a Shokugeki."

"A shokugeki? who are you, lesbian girl?" Kouga stood up seeming angry but his dark smile never left his face.

"Lesbian girl?! That is so rude of you Jackie Chan! For your information, this great one is named Ome Nova! the greatest seafood noir chef!" Ome spread her arms wide as she introduced herself.

"Noir Chef...?" The name rang a bell to Alexander as he remembered the letter he got for the invitation to the high crime families.

"I don't care if you are noir or bleu, but when I m done with you, I will make sure that your Blanc ass never steps in Japan again." Kouga was angry, he hated people like this the most, some nobody popping out of nowhere and declaring being the greatest.

"I challenge you to a Shokugeki." Kouga pointed at Ome who smirked back at him.


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