Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 166 - Toss The Coin...

I AM BACK!! Feels good, though i have started to sleep in the day and working in the night.


"I am Reiju Vinsmoke...Sanji Vinsmoke's elder sister." A tall girl with smooth white legs, pink hair, and a very unique spiral eyebrow. Alexander lowers his gun and puts it in its strap. Reiju was smiling charmingly at Alexander who was wearing a frown on his face.

"What is a Vinsmoke doing her?" Alexander asked, "Never took your family for tourists."

"My, I am just here taking care of my brother. Someone has to keep our little blondie safe." Reji replies "And I was concerned that some trouble may arise when he meets with the Helmet Family's leader."

Alexander scuffed at her "Sanji is a chef worthy of respect. I see in him the honor that you Vinsmokes don't have." He said.

"And the kindness that you Helmets don't have." Reju retorted. She stepped forward making Alexander reached for his strap.

"We are kind to our own kin." He says with a low voice.

Reiju smiles and "Us too..." she says.

Alexander sighs and shakes his head "Are you here for trouble or not?" he asks.

"No, not at all. I was just keeping an eye on you for my little brother's sake." Reiju replies as she pushes her pink smooth hair back.

" long." Alexander has already examined Reiju's body...not in that way, and saw that she has no weapon or anything. He decided to leave her for now and tend to his matter.

Seeing him leave. Reiju walks behind him "Do you need any help? I have heard that you will be buying heavy stuff." she spoke.

Alexander stops and looks back at her "How did you hear that?" he asked. But seeing her smiling face, he knew she won't answer. But all she said was "I just heard..."

"I have a car nearby, I can help you to lift your stuff."

Alexander shakes his head "A car won't do."

"I have a Hammer Car with a long steel trailer," Reiju added. Alexander heard her and was tempted. It will save him the trouble of ordering lifting transportation which will cost more money. Besides, he doesn't have that much heavy stuff to lift, a car trailer will do enough and the new Hammer cars are strong enough to pull such weight.

"Fine, but make it quick," Alexander says, they entered the main street and e leaned on a poll. "Wait here." Said Reiju. She left to get her car.

After 10 minutes. Alexander heard loud noises of a car. He turned to look at what it is and saw a huge car with wide tires with a long steel trailer behind it. He was surprised and froze for a moment.

The window of the "car" opened and Reiju popped her head out "Hope in boy, we gonna go shopping!" She said. Just the mere presence of the car caused everyone's attention to be on them.

Just to get in the car, he needs to climb a steel ladder near the door. "Just how many modifications did you install in this one?" Alexander asked.

"Until there was room for more," Reiju responded as she put her sunglasses back on. Alexander got in and he witnessed the most luxurious car interior ever, there was even a bed in the back too.

"This is no longer a car, it can be considered a truck." He mumbled.

"Stop sounding so surprised, it's not like you never saw something like this. Just 4 years ago your uncle had something similar." Reiju put the car in 2nd gear and they started moving towards the supermarket.

"Yes. but no like this."

"Anyway, wich market are we going to?" Reiju asked.

"The Red one, it is under my territory," Alexander responded.

As the car speed up, Alexander turned on the radio, then he heard [Oi, old man, how much for the Lemons?] a very familiar voice for both Alexander and Reiju. Alexander froze in his place with wide eyes. Reiju reached for the radio and turned it off as if nothing happened.

"That was Sanji, right?" Alexander looked at Reiju who was all smiles as she focused on driving.

"No. It's just the Radio," she responded. Alexander now understood why she said she "heard" they need to buy stuff.

'This girl is spying on her brother!!' Alexander shouted in his mind.

"We have reached the supermarket," Reiju said as she opened the door quickly and switched the car off. Alexander felt a shiver go down his spine. She feels like a stalker! he thought.

"Meh, who cares! as long as she is not stalking me." He said before jumping off the car and following Reiju.

The two entered the big market. It was empty for a large supermarket, Alexander frowned. This is strange, he thought.

"I am sorry, We are closed at the moment, we are doing some maintenance for the time being, please come back after a few hours." A man in a black suit came running to them.

"I know you..." Alexander said, he remembers this guy from the past year "You're Vados' underling, right?" he said. The man was shocked and looked at Alexander carefully. Then his eyes indeed.

I am sorry sir!!!" He bowed sharply "I did not recognize you with the sunglasses on!" he shouted. Alexander waved his hand dismissing the matter.

"Where is Vados? is he here?" he asked. Reiju didn't speak and just kept watching from the sidelines.

"Yes. He is in the warehouse, speaking with one of Roberto's past subordinates. Its been 15 minutes since they been there." The man responded.

"Well, I am now in a hurry, so I would like to buy some equipment for a kitchen..." Alexander took a paper and handed it to the man.

"Buy? sir, this is your store." the man found it selly that Alexander will be paying.

"Just get me the cheapest ones on the list that you can find and cut the price from my account. Load the stuff on the trailer outside before I return." Alexander handed him a black card and headed to the warehouse. Reiju followed behind him making Alexander look at her with a frown "Where the hell do you think you're going?" he asked.

Reiju shrugged her shoulders "After you, of course. You can't just let me here alone after I came with you." she responded.

"...." Alexander sighed and continued on his way. "Don't talk," he said.

Reiju chuckled and followed him, she took a bottle of apple juice she saw on the nearby shelf that she liked "Put it on his account too." she said to the underling of Vados as she followed him.

Inside the dimly lighted warehouse. A group of 10 men was going in a heated argument.

One man with perfectly smooth black hair and red eyes, wearing a purple trenchcoat and a black beanie hat " This is outrageous, Red Blinder!" he spoke with a low voice as his voiced echoed in the warehouse.

"It is not. Orders are orders. After Roberto married his daughter to our Boss, this land and every business he owned are under us now." Vados, a bald man with a scar on his face responded. He was wearing a black coat with a little icon of a blind red man under his collar.

"Viareggio is my city, it was under my control and my command. Why does he get to be in command." the black-haired man pointed at a boy behind Vados who was a slim boy with silver hair and green eyes.

"Mr.Sebastian..." Vados called "...Arnold was positioned here by orders of our Boss. I can't do anything for you."

"Bullshit!!" Sebastian shouted. he reached behind his coat in anger and everyone in the room dd the same in the blink of an eye.

"What is going on here?!!" A loud voice came from he door as a black-reddish haired boy with a pink-haired woman came inside preventing a possible Gunfight.

"Boss!!" Vados, together with Arnold and the other three red blinders were surprised at Alexander being here.

Sebastian's hands were trembling as he pulled his hand from behind him slowly 'This is the worst!!' he thought.

"I asked a question." Alexander came in the middle and looked sharply at the purple coat-wearing man and Vados.

"Boss...This man here is demanding that we give him the authority of all of Roberto's business and real estate." Vados tried to summarise the story as quickly as he can.

Alexander looked at the man "You..." he pointed at him "What is your name?" he asked.

"...Sebastian Rodriguez."

Reiju walked and leaned on a barrel and watched with interest "What will you do now? Alexander the Red." she mumbled lowly.

"Sebastian...A good name." Alexander smiled and spoke gently.

"Thank you for the flattery, sir," Sebastian responded.

"Yes. My grandfather had a got with that name too." Alexander added making Sebastian clench his fist in anger at that but calmed himself down.

"But anyway. I remember you. You were Roberto's 3rd commander. I got to read your profile, a married man with four daughters, unfortunately no sons. a very good businessman and a fighter. But you disappeared two months before Roberto contacted me. But still, he must have told you about why contacted me and of course, you should know that this was not part of our deal." Alexander walked towards Sebastian and looked him in the eyes "Everything in Italy now is under my command. including you and them." Alexander pushed Sebastian at the men behind him.

"No!!" Sebastian countered "Roberto promised me Viareggio two years ago! I worked all my life for this!!" he shouted.

Alexander scoffed at him and laughed "You don't work all your life to be given something, but you do so to take something. You're a fool to believe that you will be given a whole city just because you worked hard." Alexander found his reason laughable.

"Roberto gave me his word and so should you. I won't be getting orders from a feminine boy who is locking himself in his room and doing his hair all day." Sebastian pointed at the silver-haired Arnold "But... if you don't give it to me, then sell it. How much for the city?"

Alexander's face twisted "Nothing you see here is for sale."

"Everything is for sale. Name the price."

Alexander started thinking for a moment, his eyes never shifted from Sebastian "Last year, we got control over everything that Roberto owned. But there was only one thing we didn't get..." he spoke.

"...?" Sebastian made a questioning gesture with his body and waited for Alexander to continue.

"Roberto's safe...It had 70% off Roberto's bank accounts passwords and information. Once we went to the bank to reset the code and get the money, there was nothing left." Alexander smirked "Where did you get the money to try buy a city from me?" he asked.

Sebastian froze for a moment and then spoke "I have no relation to that matter and you have no evidence to link it to me. I made my own money so I spend it how I like." he said, "Name your price, boy."

"Fine..." Alexander reached for his pocket and pulled out a penny "This is my price..." he throws it at Sebastian who catches it with a confused face.

Reiju frowned at this, not understanding where this is going. And then Alexander spoke "Toss the coin," he said.

Sebastian was confused, Alexander snapped his fingers to get his attention "Toss the coin. If it's heads...I will give you everything We own in this city..." he said. Reiju was shocked at this. She straightened her back and was about to talk to him about this. But then she remembered that this is not her business. Vados and the others weren't even fazed by this and just continued to watch while still preparing for trouble from the other side.

"...And if it's tails?" Sebastian asked.

Alexander smiled and pointed with his finger at him "If it's tails...I will f.u.c.k your daughters, Dog." he said. Sebastian's eyes indeed, his hand which is holding the penny started trembling.

"Yes. You have four daughters, Rosé is the eldest in her late 20s and Mary the youngest with the age of 18 years old. I am 17 years so I guess there will be no problem with me going over them all." Alexander added, "And please, don't think this is a joke." He pointed at Reiju behind them "That girl will be your witness, she is a Vinsmoke. Toss the coin and get the city." Alexander said. Reiju was at a loss of words in this situation. But then she calmed down and stepped forward.

"Yes. If any of you two win...Then I will insist that the terms of this "wager"...are fulfilled." she said.

"..."Sebastian looked at the coin and nodded with his head and gritted his teeth "Alexander Helmet..." he called "...There will be no wagers today." he said. He raised the coin and showed it to Alexander " But I will keep this coin with me...To remind you of this moment... one day."

"Yes, sleep it... I have heard your daughters are one of the finest girls out there. Don't hesitate to come to me if you changed your mind." Alexander retorted and turned to leave "Get the f.u.c.k out of my city before I drown you in the ocean like the rest of your kind." Alexander mentioned for Vados and the others to get them out as he left the warehouse. More of Vados' men entered the warehouse after Alexander left it to help.

Reiju chuckled "Never took you for a filthy old man." she said.

"Never take me for anything..." He responded. He went to the cashier and took his Bill.

When they left the market, they saw that the trailer was loaded with everything on the list.

"So, to the beach...?" Reiju asked as she climbed her huge car.

"Where else do you think. I can't wait to tell your brother that you're stalking him." Alexander turned on the radio after getting to hear Sanji still arguing with some merchant about the price while Reiju's face turned grim.

The trip back to the beach was spent with Reiju sweet-talking Alexander into not telling a word of what she is doing to her brother.


Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 181 is out on Pat reon

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