Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 17 - From 0 Meal To 50 Real Quick

After the bus stopped and Alexander's group came back to the hotel, he parted with his brother who was bombarding him with questions about his Yakitori dish from earlier. That is the first time I heard someone talk this much, he thought.

"Congratulations to those who have passed, and better luck in your life for those who failed" Chef Inui did a little motivation speech before she went her separate way to where she can rest until her new group arrive.

The students from other groups who were outside of the hotel on an assignment similar to theirs started coming back too. Some of Soma's dormmates came back. Soma went and greeted them as they started chatting and checking if all of them made it past the first assignment.

"Let's go look for our own group." Alexander looked at Takumi and Isami who nodded and went inside the hotel, it didn't take them long until they found Hayama, Alice, and Ryo standing at one corner of the first floor. Hayama and Alice seem to be arguing. Again.

"It was because of me that we passed that assignment" Alice huffed her cheeks and turned away from Hayama

"What are you talking about, you used a completely different kind of spice. If it wasn't because I smelled the different earlier we would've failed " Hyama was pointing his finger at Alice who wasn't listening "That two kind of spices are similar but Spicy Baked Chicken Nuggets need spices that can mix with the sweet sauce without any bad smell." he said.

Alice was about to retort at him but when she saw Alexander, Takumi, and Isami coming she ran to Alexander and hugged him and buried her face in his chest " Alex-chan, he is bullying me." she pointed at Hayama with teary eyes making him facepalm himself.

Alexander chuckled lightly as he ruffled her hair " Glad that everyone made it safe for the first day." He said.

Ryo nodded lightly and Hayama with an annoyed look said: " Yeah, almost safe."

"What happened??" asked Takumi " you two were in the same group?" he looked between Hayama and Alice who looked at each other for a moment before turning to look away with an annoyed face.

"Don't remind about it..."Said Alice.

"Well, whatever happened, it's all good since you're here." Alexander smiled at them for a moment " Let's go rest for a moment before the nex-" before he could finish his words, an announcement came through the sound system in the hotel.

[To all first years, return to your groups for the next assignment. regroup and go to your assigned judge.]

"Guess we save resting for later." Said Isai with a chuckle, he looked at Alexander and Takumi " Let's go, our group is still on the ground floor."

"Yeah!" Alexander and Takumi nodded, they waved at Alice and the rest "See you tonight." said Alexander as they parted ways.

On the way, Alice and Hayama started arguing again making Ryo regret his life decisions.

When Alexander, Takumi, and Isami regroup with their group, they found out there was an additional group other than theirs. Soma and his dormmates seem to be one of them too.

Their new judge is Hitoshi Sekimori. He guided them to a room full of bodybuilders, they were so large for human beings, tanned and ripped. They were flexing at all time.

"Those who can finish dinner for them will have free time after this. More people from the American football club and the wrestling club will come later." Said Chef Hitoshi sending waves of despair to the students with his next words " Each of you has to make 50 these meals." he pointed at one Beef Steak Meal besides him" Some students started complaining and feeling their happiness from their earlier success fading away.

Hitoshi looked at his watch and continued with a monotone voice " One last thing, those who can't carry this out in the next 60 minutes..." All students held their breaths in "...WILL BE EXPELLED." he said.

I KNOW IT!!! This thought was shared by all students in the hall. " Start Cooking!!" shouted Hitoshi to the students, they all scattered around and started cooking like madmen.

Some were slow, some were fast, some were multitasking, some already gave up.

Students started fighting over all sort of things. Ingrediants, space, and many other things. Hitoshi was returning dishes after dishes. Many stents started to give and some are struggling.

But this situation is not applying to some skilled and talented students, mainly students like Alexander, Takumi, Isami, and Soma.

Alexander was already at his 49th meal, his line of man that came to his table was moving fast, every few minutes the man in the front will leave with his meal and a satisfied face. Soma was in his 37th meal while Takumi is in 39th Meal with Isami in 35th meal.

"Saiba Alexander finished 50 meals." Chef Hitoshi announced as the students heard him they all thought they heard him wrong.

He finished in almost 30 minutes!! they thought

"Damn it, he is fast!!" Thought Takumi as he flipped his pan " Just you wait Alexander..' Takumi was vowing inside his head as he looked at the departing silhouette of Alexander.

"Fast, too fast..."Soma looked at his leaving brother before taking a look at his brother's kitchen, he saw many pieces of equipment on it. " He was multitasking!!!" he thought. It is true, Alexander wasn't cooking just one meal at a time, he was cooking two to three meals at a time. the kitchens given to them are large enough to manage such a thing. But if it was easy, everyone would do it. But this feat is absolutely hard, you need to concentrate on different dishes and stoves at the same time, mix the ingrediants of one dish and being careful not to add it in another dish. All of that is very hard.

In the hallways, Alexander was walking toward his room to get him new clothes. His little trip around Totsuki's territory for that dish made him all sweaty and some parts of his clothes are dirty and somehow burned, mainly because he had to carry his mini grill while covering his hands with his clothes to prevent the heat.

He went to his room and grabbed a black tracksuit with a hoodie. He got a towel and headed to the bathroom. As he entered the bath he found empty with only one single person inside. He couldn't make out who he was due to the fog. "Another student was faster than me??" he questioned but he didn't have to think deeply as he walked forward and saw it was Doujima Gin who was inside the bathtub.

"Oh! Doujima-san!" he called causing the man to look back from his place of relaxation with a surprised face.

"If this isn't a surprise. Someone cleared the assignment in half the time!" he said with a grin

"It wasn't that hard, preparing multiple dishes is easy if you can multitask." Said Alexander as he started taking off his clothes.

Doujima was paying attention to Alexander, when he saw him taking off his clothes he was about to turn and let him change freely but something caught his eyes. He looked at Alexander's n.a.k.e.d upper body and he saw him covered in different wounds. Doujima scanned Alexander's body real quick and two things stood out about him. His surprisngly fit and muscular body and two wounds on his body, one on his chest near his heart and one beside his belly button. After that Doujima took off his eyes away from Alexander's body and waited for him to join him.

Alexander joined Doujima and slowly soaked himself in the water as he released a satisfied voice.

"Tell me, Alexander, how did you manage to finish this quick?" Doujima decided to break the silence between them and started a little conversation.

"I told you multitasking..."Answered Alexander with his eyes closed, he is enjoying the feeling of the water on his body.

"I heard that, but how did you manage to multitask, it's not something that everyone can do," said Doujima.

"Talent maybe..." Alexander answered simply making Doujima break into laughter.

"Hahaha!!! Why not, talented people can do all sort of thing." he said, " How is your mother... and that idiot of a father you have." Doujima asked about Alexander's parents but when he mentioned his father, it was clear that Doujima wasn't that pleased about his father.

"Good, great," answered Alexander, he opened one eye and looked at Doujima for a moment " They are probably at the world leaders meeting cooking and making things work out." He said, he looked at Doujima because he was one of the competitors he knocked out in the competition of taking the event from.

"Yeah! speaking of the world leaders meeting..." Doujima went lower in the bathtub as he returned Alexander's look " It really hurt my pride when I heard that a little kid too that from me." he said, it was a heavy hit to him, he was preparing whatever it takes to get that deal but he lost in the end. Doujima only lost the race to the event but based on his intelligent division, others lost more.

"Don't worry about Doujima-san, I am sure you will find something of the same caliber as the world leaders meeting." Said Alexander, it is true, the world leaders meeting is a big event but not the biggest, each day a new event is being made and you never know how big it could be.

"I will for sure..." Doujima stood up from the bathtub and sat on the edge of it " Do you want to join me in doing some light exercises for body maintenance??" he asked

Alexander kept his eyes shut as he went deeper into the bathtub, only is head can be seen " net ya v poryadke." he said in Russian, he forget to speak in Japanese from how good the bath felt

"What??" questioned Doujima not expecting Alexander to speak in another language.

"No, I'm fine." he corrected himself casually as another voice filled with satisfaction leaked from him. Japanese bathtubs are great.

"Suit yourself." Doujima smiled, he was kind of happy to see Alexander enjoying himself in the bath. As the general head of this place, it makes him proud to see things like this as it tells him he is doing a good job.

As Doujima spent a few minutes doing light exercises, loud footsteps came in running.

"Alexander/Aniki!!!" Takumi and Soma came running.

"Back off Yukihira," said Takumi

"Don't push you idiot!" said Soma

both of them were about to start fighting but when they saw Doujima both were frightened for a moment by Doujima's physic. But it was only a moment. Takumi was still overwhelmed to see the general head of the hotel in the same bath as him.

Doujima looked at them " Oh, another two came..." Doujima looked at them and invited them to join him. Soma quickly fit in as he started talking with Doujima as if he was a long time friend he didn't see for a while.

Doujima chatted with Soma a little as he told him about the current 7th seat of Totsuki being one of the people finishing first and catching him in the bath, Soma was surprised that it was someone he knew.

Takumi pulled out of the conversation and parked himself near Alexander who seems like he was sleeping in the water.

"Careful or you'll be drawn like that," Takumi said seeing that Alexander's face is slowly getting deeper in the water, now his mouth is underwater, he said something but only bubbles came out.

Doujima stood up after being done with speaking with Soma and looked at the three in front of them " This academy's bottom is deep." his eyes were serious and had hope in them " Polish your fangs to your heart's content...Boys!" Dojima turned to leave after that.

"This year's generation is something else, Senzaemon-dono, maybe your plan will succeed...Especially with that boy in here." Doujima was in the changing room wearing his clothes, he really hoped that Senzaemon-dono can lift that tongue's curse off that girl.

After leaving the boys there. Soma and Takumi had to pull Alexander out of the bathtub. he was enjoying the water too much that he didn't want to leave. As they were pulling him he kept on shouting in Russian and with the both of Soma and Takumi having no clue about he was saying they just pulled him out anyway.

After coming to his mind, Alexander wore his clothes alone and he and Takumi were separated from Soma as they went to their own room, his dormmates had their rooms close to each other. Maybe they will spend the night at Hayama's room again and play Uno again.

"Today will make my first win..."As they were walking to their rooms, Alexander's eyes were burning with passion, he needs to overcome this challenge by whatever means.

Takumi looked at him with a mocking face as he laughed at him " Pfftt!!! I didn't know you can tell jokes!"


The Side Chapter of the MC's mother after his death is out on Patr eon.

Go to: https://www.*******.com/RedVoidDoragon

Or on the mobile app: Doragon.

Hit me with whatever you can..

Also, I won't be updating for the next 4 days due to personal reasons.

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