Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 200 - Winner Winner - Asahi's Killer

In her own chair, surrounded by the previous judges of the match; Mana was enjoying the cold night near the fire that was lighted beside her. But what she enjoyed the most now is the heavy and delicious aroma flying around in the air hitting every fiber of her smelling sense. Mana swore that she can already taste the flavor.

In front of Alexander was a pot of vegetables and meat together with noodles. A Japanese dish to it's finest. Alexander put down his knife and sighed "Finally, after this, I can go to sleep."

Alexander looked at his half-brother and shook his head. The way he works tirelessly was a great trait to have. It is a trait that Alexander in all of the great chefs in the world he met, it almost makes him feel bad for trampling all over it.

Alexander picked up his dish and walked towards Mana.

[It looks like Mr.Alexander will be the first one to serve!] the MC shouted after he saw Alexander walking out of his station with a plate. The crowd started cheering for Alexander. There has been a strong aroma coming from his station since he started cooking.

Mana noticed Alexander coming and smiles ' Finally! I have been starving for ages now!' she thought.

Alexander presented his dish "Here. A simple Japanese dish. Shabu-Shabu. You can't hope for anything more Japanese, other than rice of course!" Alexander laughed as he took a seat beside Mana. This action seemed scandalous by the other three judges.

'Smelly brat!!'

'How dare he?! With the book master?!"

'And here I have been holding myself back from taking that place!'

Those thoughts made them forget the most important thing, Mana; as far as they know, can't eat anything and will throw up at the sight of food. Their mind was occupied by the fact that someone was sitting with their precious book master.

But Mana did not mind as she took her chopsticks and slowly took a bite out of the dish. Without any warning, she felt her Tongue dancing from joy as she felt the joy of taste again, she felt alive. Mana felt like she was a Queen inside her own palace getting pampered by Alexander, feeding her anything she desired to compensate for all the years lost without food. Was it an illusion or a vision? Who knows?

Mana had a satisfied smile on her face as she went down on the dish with no mercy as if there was no tomorrow. By the time she was done. Asahi was standing in front of her with his own dish.

"I hope you have enjoyed that because this will blow your mind." Asahi smirked and said.

Mana wipes her lips and calmed down a bit, She looked at what was in Asahi's hands and she frowned "The hell is that?" She asked.

"...Isn't this what you wanted?" Asahi responded, "A new dish that was has never seen before." He said as he presented his dish "Unlike him, I did not forget what was your goal in this BLUE." Hearing this, Alexander remembered what Mana's motive to even start this tournament and why she was playing with the matches 'Damn! I forgot...but wait, she didn't mention this at the start of this match.' Alexander thought 'If she wanted that new dish, this would have been her perfect chance, why didn't she remind us of it?'

Alexander's question was on point, but its answer was very simple, Mana herself shook her head at this and thought 'New Dish...That was the solution that I came with to overcome my God's Tongue curse...but now, I can eat, although only from the hands of only one man, the idea of the new dish is now unneeded.' 

"That is good," Mana said to Asahi, though she is now no longer in need of a new dish, that doesn't mean she can't appreciate the efforts made by this young chef. Though the dish didn't have a strong impact, it still does not stink like the regular dishes which is a big deal for Mana as she can only go from pleased to utterly disgusted.

"What is this anyway?" she asked the most important question that was on everyone's mind. Even Alexander was curious, but one look and he had a flashback of his father trying to make something like this and his brother always trying to make it.

Asahi smiled "I am glad you asked. This is my, Siab Asahi's style Squad Sashimi with peanut butter." He said, on the dish were thin brown squid parts with a peanut butter sauce.

Mana's face twisted "Peanut butter?" she mumbled. Alexander sighed, this family is really a bunch of weirdos! first it was Father and Soma, then Asahi joined the game of Peanut Butter, who is next?! Alexander thought.

"Well, let me see..." Mana took her chopstick and took a squad part to taste, she didn't feel strange as she expected, usual this strange combination will not synch with each other but it seemed it has worked for this young man.

But that was about. It worked, nothing more, nothing less as Mana showed no reaction to it and only ate in peace which shocked Asahi who couldn't believe it 'Impossible!!' he shouted in his mind. What Asahi didn't know is that Mana has already tasted the pinnacle of gourmet a few days ago on the hands of Alexander. 

Asahi's dish, as strange as it is, it was a phenomenal dish, that is why he was confident in winning, adding the fact that he made an original dish with a supreme flavor, and adding to that that Alexander didn't make any special dish and just made a traditional Shabu-Shabu dish, Asahi was sure to win, that if his opponent wasn't Alexander. Mana put down her chopstick and smiled "This was a moment of glory, for both of you." She said calmly. "I have tasted both of your dishes and it is time to decide who will lead this generation to the new age." She said. Following her words, Cameras flashlights went on crazy and the crowd starts cheering.

It was a moment in his story being made. And nobody wanted to miss it, even the MC didn't dare to speak and let Mana do the talking.

Mana smiled and stood up "I, Nakiri Mana, as the book master and president of WGO hereby declared the winner of this BLUE and the leader of this generation is...Saiba...Alexander." She said. Alexander raised his arms up to receive the cheers from the crowd while giving some good angles for the media to take pictures.

As for Asahi, he was still in denial, everything was going good, but did it turn out like this? 

Alexander noticed him still looking at the empty space and came to him "So...You lost, ey?" He said.

"...Shut up!" Seeing the smirk on Alexander's face, Asahi was so annoyed "You won nothing! You think this counts! this is only the beginning, once i awaken my phantom hands, I will show you!" Asahi shouted with passion "Remember this!! I will defeat you!" He said before leaving running away, but not running away from Alexander, but running away towards a path to improve his skills. One thing that was working for the Saiba Family,  they all were thick blooded people who hate losing and won't accept that as the final decision. Asahi maybe have lost this battle, but he was sure to grow stronger.

"Oi! Alexander, let's go, you still owe me another cold drink!" Mana who was far back called Alexander.

"Eh? since when?" Alexander asked as he walked towards her.

"Since you left me with your mess and went back to Russia." She said with a smile. In honesty, she only wanted some of that intoxicating flavor.

Alexander clicked his tongue and just followed her "Just one drink, I need to go see my little Arc." Alexander's eyes started shinning "He must be missing Papa so much! I can already hear him trying in the night! Arc! I will be there for you!" Mana almost tripped down and fell on her face.

"What the hell is wrong with this sudden change of character?!!" She thought.

Well. With this, Alexander is now officially the strongest of his generation according to WGO. Though many will Denny such thing, their words mean nothing if they won't fight for it. Strong as may he be. Alexander's journey is still going on. Totsuki has not finished with him yet.


AAaand CUT!! This ends BLUE arc with Alexander's easy victory. NOW!! this is where I want to go, the second year arc and third-year arc. A place unexplored by the original work. I hope that I have lived up to your expectation even if it was to a small margin. Please look forward to the next chapters 'cause we return to Totsuki as Champs. Alexander and the other will take their duty as the elite 10 like their seniors before and the---oh well, no need to tell you everything now. See ya!

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