Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 234 - Nakamura

Back at the gluttony academy, Alexander's doppelganger; Veronica, is living her life.

Outside of Alexander's dorm room. Vlad was sitting on the stair steps outside, smoking with a frown on his face.

His two subordinates were too terrified, scared of the next call from inside 'Please don't call now!' they prayed.

However "O Vlaad~!" From inside, a sweet voice called.

Vlad's hands trembled as he stood up slowly and opened the door "Yes my lady?" He spoke.

"Gosh, my lady? I am your lord, how dare you insult me as such!" Veronica smirked as she spoke, sitting on her throne-like chair, with a book in her hands, a huge LCD tv playing a historical drama.

"Forgive me, my lord." Vlad bowed with a sweet smile "May i know what you called me for?" He asked.

"I feel like drinking a cold iced banana juice, with a long beef sandwich full of spices, also, bring me a new tv, this one is too bright, in addition, please recharge my subscription card, matter of fact, recharges all my cards," Veronica said as she played with his legs.

Vlad had veins pop in his head 'Calm down, calm down, everything is for the family, do as she said as the boss ordered, it is only for a few days.' Vlad was struggling to keep calm.

The girl was using everything in her mind so she can dry more money and get a lot of things for free. This is the 3ed tv she has ordered. Sure, money is no problem, they can throw money at her until she drawn. BUT HE WAS NO SERVANT TO HER.

"I will see to it." But nevertheless, Vlad smiled and exited the room, as soon as he left, his face distorted grim. His two men were silently praying for the girl inside 'Please, don't play with fire!' they thought.

"Well..." Vlad's cold voice sounded near the two scaring them "Do you perhaps think the shit she wants will come flying to us?" He spoke.

The two men shook their heads fast "NO sir! We will go get them fast!" They ran off leaving Vlad to guard the door. He took out another cigarette and his gun as he ran his hand on it 'Not today old friend... not today.' He thought. "That damned Keanu, why does he always get to have all the fun while i get to babysit children like this one."

Vlad then hears the sound of footsteps and looks up and sees the same guy that has been coming frequently looking for Alexander "What now?" He spoke.

Zhao Xi stopped at Vlad and adjusted his glasses while his bald head glowed under the hot sun, "I have come to see if Mr.Alexander is okay, I believe it is my duty as his supervisor in this academy. Can i see him?" He asked.

A hard "No." Was Vlad's answer.

"It has been a day now, i must report to the director, if he is sick, i must now, or if he just slacking off."

Vlad grunted "Sadly, he is sick, my young master is suffering from a disease called "Slacking off"." He said.

"What?" Zhao was confused.

"Dah..." Vlad stood up and stepped on the cigarette to put it out "Listen, my young master is a sensitive man, the climate change from Russia and China must have affected him, and he doesn't look good when he is sick, the last thing he wants is people seeing his snotty nose, crying red eyes and bed hair like a witch. Do him a favor and wait for a few days until he recovers. Okay?"

Zhao sighed "Alright, that other girl decided to take a rest and left for the city...or that was what she said in her letter to the director. How unmannered and unprofessional from both of them." He said those words while leaving Vlad.

Who was throwing middle fingers at him by the way vigorously.

Zhao turned sharply making Vlad hide his hands fast.

"I SAW that!!" Shouts Zhao from afar.

"Tsk." Vlad ruffles his hair "Kids these days." He then sat back to smoke again.

"O Vlaad~"

Hearing that. "Grngraa!" Vlad kicks around and slams his hand on the wall really hard like a maniac before tidying his clothes and clear his throat "Yes, sir." He entered the room.


Back in Totsuki...

Erina was walking down the hallways of the classrooms, very deep in her thoughts.

It has been a long time since she has heard that her father and mother are divorced 'I can't believe it, why would they hide something so big as this from me?' she thought.

Her heart couldn't bear the thought of her family being torn like this, but according to her investigations, her father does indeed have some sort of a family in China.

She wanted to confront her mother about this since she is here with Alexander's mother keeping her company. But from what she heard, the mention of her father brings great pain and displeasure to her mother.

'He cheated on her. Even though a man can have more than one wife, cheating was still a thing...Yet, why did father do that, why would he hurt mother so much like that?'

While in her thoughts, she sighed in annoyance as she stopped and looked back at the short boy walking behind her.

"You have been following me for a good time now...Chef Komatsu, i believe that my cousin Alice is taking good care of you and the German boy..." She said.

"A-ah! I didn't mean to follow you, i j-just want to see you that's all..." Komatsu has arrived in Japan with a thirst for family love. A family love that he knows very well he won't find her. Yet, his heart could not help but hope.

Erina frowned "Wanted to see me? Why?" She asked.

Komatsu froze in his place but before realizing he us stepping out of his boundaries "I-i have to go!!" He then ran off.

"Wait!" Erina tried to stop him but he was faster. "What the..." All she could do was hang her hand in the air as she watched his fading figure.

Then, a purple-headed girl came running from behind "Erina-sama!! I brought the doc.u.ments you wanted!!" Hisako stopped to catch her breath before looking at Erina.

"Hisako..." Erina called as she took the doc.u.ments from her hand.

"Yes, Erina-sama?"

Erina looked at Hisako and spoke, "The Chinese Chef...what is his name?" She asked.

Hisako pulled out her notebook "Chinese Chef...hmm, from the exchange student program, Chinese, yes here it is...His name is... Nakamura Komatsu!" Hisako said with a smile.

Erina's hands tightened on the doc.u.ments as her eyes trembled "Nakamura...?"

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