Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 26 - Broken arm

"I can't allow you to continue the assignment with your current situation," Doujima said in a regretful tone as he looked at Alexander's Casted Arm

"Then what about the assignment, what will my situation be?" he asked with a serious expression.

"Unfortunately, you'll fail because you couldn't participate."

"Alexander looked at him calmly and sighed " It's just one arm, and it's not that bad. I can still cook." He got out of the bed.

"Stop, don't move your body." Doujima prevented Alexander from getting out of the bed which annoyed Alexander even more than he is. He gave Doujima an angry look and said " Don't touch me, I know my body better than you, do you think that a cracked bone can stop me from moving. I had suffered more severe injuries in the past. This much is nothing."

Alexander got out of the bed again but Doujima didn't let him. Alexander was angry for real this time, he started losing his politeness with Doujima. Before he could do anything irrational he was cut off by another voice coming from the door.

"Just let him do what he wants, Doujima-san." Both Alexander and Doujima turned to see Shinomiya leaning on the door

"Shninomiya!" Doujima called in surprised, he didn't expect Shinomiya to show up " Shouldn't you help me to convince him to rest. His arm bone is cracked and his body has many bruises."

"I told you I'm fine."

"See. He said he is fine, besides, if it was any serious injury he would be sleeping instead of getting in a push and pull fight with you on the bed." Shinomiya walked in and put his hand on Doujima's shoulder "I don't even know why are you this scared?"

"Hearing Shinomiya's last question, Doujima couldn't help but feel cold sweat on his back ' If only you know what family this guy comes from...' He thought. Alexander's true origin is known only for a few people in this world. No one expects this guy to be the young leader of the old and powerful Russian Gangs in the world, The Red Blinders!

"But...It will be difficult for him to cook with a cast on his arm." Doujima tried to protest but he was cut by the doctor who came back after taking care of his business.

"It's okay Head General, as long as he can use one arm, then it's okay." He went to his desk and sat there typing something on the computer.

"See!" Said Shinomiya, he looked at Alexander and smirked which annoyed Alexander "What are you still here doing, there is only an hour left before the assignment begin." He said. At that, Alexander took off from his bed and left the room. His body was aching from the bruises, especially on his lower part, but he can take it. It's not bad as walking with a bullet in your belly.

When Alexander left, Doujima looked at Shinomiya with a confused look " Since when did you start caring for other people this much?" he asked.

Shinomiya shrugged and turned to leave "From yesterday, besides, you should investigate this case more, there is no way that two students started fighting on the stairs out of the blue. And I heard from Mizuhara that two other students missed with his dish at her assignment...."Shinomiya gave Doujima a serious look "...Someone is playing around here, and their Target seems to be the kid."

Doujima stood there thinking about Shinomiya's words and he found it made sense. It's not strange that students cause trouble for each other but...No matter how he looked at the CCTV it clearly shows that Alexander was just unfortunate that he was caught in a fight.

The two who were fighting and the two who missed Alexander's dish were already expelled for their reckless actions and there is no evidence that this was set up.

'Let's just hope everything ends here.' Doujima sighed with a tired mentality, Some students in this school are like timed bombs. If you harmed them, no one knows what can happen to you.


With Alexander. He was making his way to his room. He checked the elevators and found them working. He went up to his room and changed his clothes to a baggy hoodie. He struggled to get his cracked arm in. It was really awkward how he was wearing his clothes.

After wearing his clothes and being ready, he rested for a bit on his bed. He visualized the situation with his arm and found that the task will be difficult.

'Too many bottles to open, I should open them earlier before the assignment start and keep their covers loos so I won't keep struggling with them.'

"I was going with a light breakfast Burritos with cheese at first but it seems that I'll need to change to an easier one." No matter the situation Alexander Visualised, His broken arm is still a problem, either because the dish is in need of both of his hands or just hard to make with one hand.

Alexander was in a really bad situation now. If only there was something they could do to give him an exception for this assignment. Alas, if there was such thing, Doujima would've told him earlier.

"Maybe I could work with Devil spicy Eggs, they are hard to make with one hand but I can handle myself, I can attract more customers with the spice and the strong aroma. with that, I can get more customers with half the effort." Deciding on his dish, Alexander closed his eyes and visualize more scenes in his head to try to prevent any unexpected trouble.

The time until the assignment start is 30 minutes.


Outside of the hotel, at the parking lot. One of Totsuki's buses is preparing to head out back to Totsuki with 23 new expelled students. One of these students is the two that caused Alexander to fall down the stairs.

"Will, that really work? we spent so much time waiting for the perfect moment. I'm afraid that he didn't fall hard enough." The green haired boy asked his friend who was crossing his arms and looking down with a serious expression.

"It will work, he couldn't move one hand. Definitely, he will get his hand casted. He won't be able to cook." He said with conviction. But his partner is still worried.

"I'm not sure man. It didn't look that severe. Maybe we should've waited a little more so we can reach higher attitude and then we could've done more damage."

"Are you an idiot!!" The black haired dude hit his friend on the head "How about we just kill him then!!" He looked at his partner as if he was retarded " If we did that, he wouldn't break just a hand or a leg. He may die and we wouldn't get out of it that easily, worst case we would be charged with murder." The green haired boy looked in fear, he didn't think of that. The idea of Eizan's big brother punishing them clouded his head that he tried to do anything to just avoid that man. If only they were Eizan's subordinates and not his big brother's. That guy is the worst human alive.

"Anyway, we broke his arm, there is no way he can cook with just one hand. When we reach Totsuki, we will report and get out of there." The black haired calmed down and closed his eyes hoping that everything to work out.

They were the last two who survived this long in the camp. All the other boys got expelled before they encounter Alexander.

'Just do us a favor and fail.' The boys thought as the bus left the Hotel grounds.


6 AM.

[Attention all students, it's 6 AM now, please head to your assigned hall and prepare to start the assignment soon. The guests will arrive in about 30 minutes] Doujima announced through the speakers in the halls. All the students heard their call and stopped their work and headed to their hall.

There are 6 halls in total. From A to F. The students were shuffled and thrown into diffrent halls.

Takumi and Isami are in hall A with Soma, Megumi, and Erina.

In hall E is Alice, Mito, Yuuki, and Ryoko.

In hall F is Ryo and Alexander.

In hall B is Hayama and Hisako.

With everyone taking their station. The assignment was about to start. All of the Alumni are separated to diffrent halls in groups of 2.

In Hall F.

Alexander made his way to his station, he had asked one of the staff girls to help him in moving the ingrediants to his station. Once they saw his arm cast they didn't hesitate to help.

His station was near Ryo's.

Once Ryo saw him he greeted him with a bow but his eyes widened when he saw his arm.

"What happen to your arm?" He asked in a monotone voice despite his surprised expression.

"Some Idiots were fighting in the stairs and got me in their mess, so I ended up falling," Alexander responded with an annoyed tone.

"I see," Ryo said simply.

As everyone quieted down and took their station and the people who will oversee this assignment in this hall are going up on the stage. It Shinomiya and Mizuhara.

Shinomiya took the mic and said [Are you done preparing?... If you're done then listen closely, this is the conditions that you'll have to meet to pass this assignment...] Before Shinomiya could finish the doors were opened and a wave of people of various ages and races came flooding inside "You have to prepare 200 dishes for these guests in order to pass. Be careful, some of them are V.I.P who are suppliers for this hotel. If they didn't like your dish you will get expelled immediately.] Shinomiya said. His speech gave the students goosebumps.

"Are you for real?!!"

"200 meals!!"

"I am too tired, I can't even make 50 meals straight."

"This is it for me! This the end!"

The students are already at a breaking point, they didn't get even an hour of sleep and now they have to make 200 meals and what is even more terrifying is that there is walking expelling machines that can get them expelled.

Many students are terrified as hell but for some, it's just the normal Totsuki they know.

Like Alexander and Ryo, the two of them didn't mind what they heard, if the requirement is 200 meals then be it.

Alexander was holding a bottle of olive oil, he tried to open it but it was stuck " Damn you! Oi Ryo! help me with this." Alexander handed the bottle to Ryo who took and open it easily.

"Since you opened that, here open these too." Alexander pointed at a row of bottles of spices.

"What a luck I have?!" Said Ryo.

"Don't be like that, we're friends aren't we, help me today, I help you another." Alexander patted Ryo's shoulder as he laughed.

Some students saw their interaction and felt jealous "If only I could be as carefree as them."

The assignment started and the students started preparing their egg meals. The hall became filled with noises as the guest spread across the hall from being attracted to the aroma of the various dishes.

Now, Only Alexander was late, only his kitchen fire is on and nothing is being made.

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes with fire.

"Let's do this!"


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