Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 50 - Engagement!!

It is here again, it is one of those chapters that I fear the most!!


The next day, The North Star was filled with a heavy smell of food being cooked, the aroma traveled across all the rooms waking everyone up with a smack. Alexander in his room with Alice woke up by the delicious smell.

"Whos turn to cook today?" he asked with a sleepy voice

"...Mmm...I think it was my turn" Alice rose up from his chest and rubbed her eyes.

Both of them looked at each other for a moment and decided to leave the bed. Heading downstairs to the kitchen, they found Hayama, Takumi, Ryo, Isami, and Natasha surrounding Alexandra.

When Alexandra saw the two came down finally, she smiled at them and said: "Food will be ready in ten minutes."

Alice beamed with a smile as she ran to the kitchen and joined the others "Mother is cooking?" she asked with an overly excited tone sending an arrow to Alexandra's heart when she heard her call her mother again

"Yes, sweetie..."Alexandra couldn't help but smile at the little snowball, she really liked Alice like her real daughter

While everyone is marveling at the scene of the GodMother cooking in front of them, Alexander decided to lay on the couch until the food is ready so he can squeeze that last drop of sleepness out.

After ten minutes, Alexandra finished cooking as she presented her dishes which could only be described as one of a kind. Everyone got a taste, saying they have tasted the fruits of heaven is not an understatement. Everyone had a blissful expression except Alexander, the boy basically grow up eating this food as snacks.

They talked between themselves a bit with Takumi and Hayama asking a few questions about the frontlines of the cooking world which Alexandra was more than happy to answer.

While they are talking, the gate bell rang "I'll get it." Alexander stood up to answer the call so he can leave everyone to enjoy the breakfast that they may never get to taste again.

He opened the front door and walked to the outside gate with the morning mist making him feel cold but a pleasant kind of cold.

There was no one at the gate, he looked at the road and he saw a motorcycle leaving. he looked at the mailbox and opened it, he found an envelope and opened it.

What he read inside was interesting. It was a letter from the elite ten regarding the autumn election. It says that the autumn election's preliminaries will be held in the next week instead of the next month due to a new schedule of Totsuki dealing with a new business partner.

"Great...That saves a lot of time." Alexander took another sheet that has nothing on it other than...

[ Theme: "Curry Dish" ]

"Curry...? Theme...?" Alexander wondered about what is written in the paper, he tried to think for a moment before a lightbulb shined on his head "Oh! it's what we are supposed to cook in the preliminaries." Alexander shook his head not believing himself for taking a few seconds to realize what that meant.

He then went inside the house and informed his friends, they were surprised at first but not for long as they just accepted the deal and mentally prepared themselves for the autumn election this week

After finishing the breakfast that was made by Alexandra, Hayama stood up "I am leaving to Jun's place, I will be doing some research on curry if you want to join?" He said

"Count me in." Said Takumi, he had no experience why so ever regarding the curry field, the only thing he knows about curry is that it has a lot of, a lot of them.

"Let's go Isami." Takumi and Isami followed Hayama as they left the dorm

Ryo, Alice, Alexander, Natasha, and Alexandra were the only people left on the breakfast table

Alexandra looked at Ryo across of her and said: "Why don't you follow them?"

Ryo looked at her and said with a monotone voice "I don't need to"

"I wasn't asking." Alexandra smiled as she elaborated her words, she was ordering him.

Ryo didn't hesitate to leave immediately, leaving Only Natasha who too took the hint and stood up "I still have not cleaned my room" she went upstairs

"What is wrong?" Alice sensed something was wrong so she had to ask

"We have a very important matter at hand to talk about," Alexandra said seriously as she picked a little piece of carrot that was left ob her plate and hit Alexander to wake him up before he falls asleep again

"What is wrong, mother? This is weird" said Alice, she had this feeling that something is very bad was about to happen

"My dear, you seem to not realize this but...Alexander is getting into an arranged marriage." Alexandra dropped the bomb causing Alice's heart to feel like she was shot with a pistol

"What?!!" She asked with her mouth moving like a fish

"It is as she said...But it's not official yet, the other party is still thinking about the matter, but if she agreed, then I will be engaged to someone else." Alexander followed his mother's path. They didn't plan this but Alexander was quick to understand his mother's motive. She is trying to save him from a lot of trouble.

" who is she? Is it Erina?" Alice wanted to explode from anger. If what she said was true and it turned out to be Erina, she swore to make Erina suffer for life. Cousins or whatever, she wasn't willing to lose Alexander because of these dirty tricks

"Relax, it is not her, in fact, I have not spoken with Erina for over a month now." Said Alexander

"Then who is this girl?" Alice was dying to know who is this ugly duck who got in her way, it was supposed to be her, she was supposed to be his first girl and love. She can't lose yet.

"Well..." Alexander scratched his cheek as he struggled to speak "The 2nd seat" he said

Alice froze in her place trying to understand what just happened, then it fell on her "Kobayashi Rindo-Senpai?!!" She shouted this can't be! She thought

"Now now, relax my honey, what I wanted to talk about is not this but another thing." Alexandra tapped on the table as she looked at Alice with a loving eye

"The what?" Alice asked with a pained voice which made the mother and son feel like their heart are being squeezed

"I want to take the chance that the other girl is still thinking about the deal to say...Do you want to get engaged to Alexander? Like, right now" Alexandra said shocking the girlfriend and boyfriend duo.

Silence dropped in the room before Alice stood up sharply "YES!!!" She shouted as loud as she can. Yes!! If she got engaged first, then her efforts won't go to waste but only bring her one step ahead. Her relationship can go even beyond. They won't be a boyfriend and girlfriend anymore but an engaged couple soon to be married. Yes!! Her dream is just around the corner.

"Great!!" Said Alexandra " I've already talked with Leonora and they agreed. So now, both of you can consider yourself to be an engaged couple. " she smiled at both of them

Alexander looked at Alice ns smiled at her fondly, he ruffled her hair which earned a chuckle from her 'a disaster avoided' Alexander can only thank God and his mother, he was sure that if his mother didn't use the engagement card, his relationship with Alice can be damaged as he had been hiding this matter from her for days.

"Let's take a walk, honey," Alexander said to Alice as he extended his hand to her. With a slight blush, Alice took his hand and they left the dorm to walk together.

Alexandra smiled and nodded at the two, Natasha came down the stairs with a face full of smiles "Should we prepare for a celebration?" She asked

"No need, but more importantly, I am leaving to my company, my brother is crying blood from all the work Alexander throw at him," Said Alexander as she cleaned the table real quick

Natasha displayed a sad face which earned a chuckle from Alexandra "I'll come back later, I still have to attend this" she showed her a letter

"This is?!!" Natasha was shocked when she read the latter

"Yeah, so don't be sad auntie, me and Leonora will meet again."

And so, Alexandra packed her stuff and left the dorm.

The boys are at Jun's place researching a bit about Curry while Alexander and Alice are drunk in their own world.

And so, one week went by like a flash. And the grand stage if the autumn elections came. All of the students headed to the grand Shokugeki arena to witness the battles that are gonna take place today.

The North Star residents stood in front of the arena and exchanged a looked between each other, they grinned at each other and nodded understanding each other completely.

'Two of us must meet in the finals' that was their goal.


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