Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 52 - None other than him!

Orie Sendawara, One of the twin sisters nicknamed as the Queens of curry. She made her way toward hall B where one-half of the participants in this year's autumn election is gathering waiting for the signal to begin

"Such a grand event for a bunch of kids." Isshiki who was walking with her smiled at that

"I wouldn't say they are kids as every last one of them is capable of working in a 4-star hotel." Isshiki praised his juniors without holding back

Orie Just ignored him and sat on her chair. The two judges who were already waiting for her smiled and said: "Would you like to announce the start of the tournament?" They handed Ber the mic and she took it casually

[Alright everybody, make the best curry dish you could make, and make sure you don't embarrass yourselves] with an arrogant and smug face she announced the beginning of the battles.

While doing so, she ran her eyes across the participants judging them.

The students didn't take long to start making their dish, each student had his own idea, many tools were brought out.

Takumi took out pasta dough, he made the spectators confused at his actions

"Why is he using a pasta dough?"

"Isn't it a bit yellowish?"

"Maybe he kneaded it with turmeric or something?"

A heated discussion is raising up about each student's ingredients they pull out.

Isami managed to stirrup the students to talk about him as he filled the bottom of the pot with tomatoes.

Orie sniffed the air as a heavy aroma hit her nose, she shivered from it and looked at the person responsible for it. It was Yuki

"So that what it is...a "wild game curry" " a few students managed to impress Orie so she can give them a look

Isshiki was happy to hear her praise his fellow dormmate

While this was going on, Alice managed to grab the attention with her scientific tools, she brought with her an instant freezer and centrifuge

While Hisako got the attention she deserves by her quick movement and her familiarity with her tools.

She poured the spices she mixed into the water.

Alice and Hisako looked ta each other with a little hatred, mainly from Hisako.

'How dare you hurt Erina-sama's feeling! ' Hisako is still angry as she remembers how her master is in pain knowing that the man she loves is with another woman

"Don't look at me like that...everything goes, Erina isn't the only one who is feeling bad knowing the man she loves is with another woman." Alice is still feeling bad knowing that she is sharing Alexander now and she got no choice in the matter, not her, not Alexander. The only thing that makes her bear it is that she is officially engaged to Alexander before anyone else.

Orie who observed the kids turned around to flirt with Isshiki

"Now that we are done here, Isshiki-chan, won't you be my possession already?????" her melodic and seductive voice made her fellow judges feel like their heart is about to burst, but Isshiki remained calm and acted professionally

"How mean???? stop teasing me and be mine already????" she pushed up her assets to show Isshiki what he will be missing.

In the middle of her picking up Isshiki. A faint and stealthily smell made its way across the hall making everyone feel a shiver of pleasure going down their spine

"What is this smell?"

"So good!"

"God, who is making this heavenly aroma?!!"

Many students exclaimed as they enjoyed the pleasant aroma.

It didn't take long to reach the judges' area. Orie, Isshiki, and the other judges felt like they were up in the cloud but there a sea of fire under them.

Feeling both of the pleasure and danger.

Orie closed her eyes and leaked a slight m.o.a.n "Mmm...This smell, where have I smelled something like this before?"

She opened her eyes to look for who is responsible for such an event.

Her eyes followed her strong sense of smell, it went beyond, Takumi, Hisako, Alice, and Isami.

Back at the last station inside this hall, one chef with a black T-shirt under his white chef uniform. His Redish-black hair swayed following the motions of the air, his Golden eyes glowed under the heavy illuminated area.

Orie's eyes went wide opened as she saw him"...AL...Alexa...nder-sama?!!" She could not believe her eyes, she closed her eyes and opened them thinking she was hallucinating

"ALEXANDER-SAMA????" Orie shouted as her eyes turned into the shape of a heart, she jumped from her chair and want to head to Alexander's place but she was stopped by the other judges and Isshiki

"Lady Orie, please stop, it's prohibited for a judge to walk inside the cooking area." One judge said

"Please, restrain yourself."

Isshiki put his hand on her shoulder and with a charming smile he said " Please wait until he wants to serve his dish, then you can meet him face to face"

Orie bites on her thumbnail, as she thought about all the time she wasted looking for him in Russia, just for him to be in Japan all this time.

"Fine." Orie sat down and played with her golden hair waiting for Alexander to come and present his dish. She can't wait already by the heavenly aroma he is releasing.

Her eyes are glued on him like he is the only thing in this universe.

"Oh! My sister... I must inform her about this" she took out her phone and messaged her sister. Her twin sister in the other hall received her message and wanted to run to B hall just so she can get a glimpse of Alexander. But she was stopped by Eizan and the other judges as Ryo was the first student to serve his dish, so they can't have her out just yet.

Back in hall B, the first to finish his dish is a student named Takumi Ishiwatari.

He served his new chicken curry dish to the judges

[Now everyone, the first contestant will be serving his dish, I wonder what the judges have to say about this?] A cute girl stood behind the serving student as his dish was being tasted

"Great...the flavor is strong and the chicken slices aren't hard to chew on. It is really a great dish" Osaji Kita, one of the judges praised Takumi's dish.

"It is as sir.osaji said, it is good." Judge Shinjo added too

"It is my honor to hear such words" having heard words that please his ear, Takumi was sure his score won't be anything fare from the top.

As the score was announced on the big screen, Takumi, the MC girl, and even the audience were shocked.

He only got 24 scores, Takumi jaw was on the floor as he couldn't believe their what he is seeing now

"Only 24?!!... How can this be? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake??" Takumi said to the judges

[Honorable Judges, the maximum score each of you can give is 20 ] the MC girl reminded the judges

"We are aware of this..." Mr.Osaji said to the MC before his eyes shifted to Takumi "...Boy...we are not looking for good chefs here. Anything less than phenomenal is bound to be crushed under the floor." His voice was cruel to the ear as he ripped through Takumi's pride.

The poor boy felt like he has just hit a wall that he will never pass his entire life. He trembled and his legs went weak. He fell on his knees and resigned to his fate.

The first victim was just crushed in front of their eyes.

This made the students spend more efforts on their dishes so they won't end up like them.

The next contestants to serve are Arato Hisako and Sadatsuka Nao.

Both of the girls seemed like they have some kind of hatred. Nao was first, her fish was simply creepy. It was a dark curry dish with noodles, it even made Orie shudder at the sight of it.

But against all predictions, the dish was anything but bad. Orie and the other four judges felt like they were slaves to the flavor making the audience feel awe and shocked.

The score was announced and Nao got 84 points.

"Now, Try to beat that, mess very annoying secretary." Nao looked at Arato as she laughed creepily

"Humph, you savage women, it seems you still have not learned your lesson. Let me show you the difference in our abilities

Arato presented her dish. Orie was the first to take a taste

Immediately she felt like she went deep down the ocean and swam with the fishes.

Arato's dish was a curry dish with seafood.

Her score was 92 points. The highest so far.

Next was Yuki from the polar star. Her dish was not anything far from the highest scoring dish. Her dish was a hybrid between curry, rice, and pineapple.

Although she got fewer points from Orie due to her strict judgment, the other judges still gave her night points.

Her final score is 86.

The next person was Houjou Miyoko.

Her Chinese curry dish gained the judges' pleasure and satisfaction, giving her a score of 87 taking second place after Arato.

Next was Isami, his Calzone wrapped Curry was a shock to everyone. The judges tasted the dish and they were assaulted with the taste of tomatoes that Isami put in the bottom earlier.

But the surprise is that his curry only uses tomato's water and no other form of water.

His final score was 87, gaining the third place from Yuki.

Isami looked at his brother and smiled "I gave it my everything, Nii-chan. So make sure you don't lose. I don't you to cry here."

"THAT WAS WHEN WERE KIDS!!" Takumi shouted as he almost dropped his dish " forget about it already."

"No, it is a good memory to keep" Isami smiled as he went back to his station and wait for the contest to be over.

Takumi Aldini served his dish "Bon appetite."

Orie observed his dish 'Mushroom...Bacon, pepper...The pasta's shape is similar to fettuccine.'

She took her fork and rolled some on it, as soon as the fork entered her mouth she felt like a storm was inside her mouth, as she swallowed the food down, the storm followed.

Orie felt like she was standing between a line that cuts between Italy and Japan. Both flavors of the two cuisines.

But most importantly, in her mind, she saw a Samurai Takumi cutting through an invisible barrier that held back many chefs in the world.

He had finally reached another level. Takumi Aldini is a new man with new ambitions.

As the judges were savoring the flavor of his dish.

Takumi looked back at his brother who had already realized the result beforehand. He smiled at his brother and shifted his eyes to Alexander.

'Alexander...look here, look at me... Every fight I lost, every advice you gave me. All of them are right here in this one dish.'

The score was announced and the hall was silent for a moment.

Takumi Aldini- 96 points



"How can that be?!!"

Many students were on the verge of breaking their skulls, they had already thought that Arato was the first place, her being Erina's aide didn't let them doubt her at all.

But to surpass her with 4 points is something phenomenal. Throughout the history of the autumn election, only one person was able to crack through the 95 point mark to higher scores.

"Grazie!" Takumi

Next is Alice.

"I hope you don't mind me serving before you babe." Alice held er curry dish as she spoke to Alexander

"Nah, just go ahead, I am still not done yet." Said Alexander as he put the final touches on his dish

[Next contestant is ...] Before the MC can finish her words, Alice was already at the judges' table.

"Here, I worked hard on this one, please try some" Alice smiles as she presented her curry dish...I guess?!!

Takumi walked to her and saw her dish, he frowned "Where is the curry part in this?" He asked

The judges were Already shocked

"You see, the mousse was made by mixing frozen crushed foie with turmeric and the white part in the center is a mix between 6 diffrent cheese potato puree. I used the quick freezer to make it melt as soon as it is inside the mouth" While Alice is explaining, Orie is feeling like she knows every single detail about the dish as it goes down her throat.

She leaked a pleasant voice as an electric shock spread through her body

"And I used an animation tool to make that crescent shape..." Alice is still explaining her dish to Takumi who getting his brain roasted from all the information he is getting

"There you go again with all of this science stuff, just cook like everyone else, will ya?" Takumi felt that this is too much to be called a dish, it's already like a lab dish than a cooked fish

The score was up and it was 95 points.

"Tsk...I am behind unpleasant"

"What? Does it hurt to lose? Hahaha" Takumi started laughing as hard as he can to get in Alice's nerves. And it worked as they started fighting... again.

[Next is...contester Tadokoro Megumi.]

It was Megumi's turn, she looked at the scoreboard and her heart felt like it was at the deepest part of the ocean. The scores were so high, if she wanted to be in the next round, she needs to get that 90 points.

Isshiki smiled at her and said with an assuring tone "Its okay Tadokoro-kun, you have grown since the training camp, you can do it."

Hearing her senpai's voice, Megumi Steeled her will and presented her dish

"This is my " goosefish Dobu-Jiru curry. I worked very hard on it, please don't hesitate "

The judges took a bite and they felt so warm and cozy as if they are inside their own home surrounded by their family members and loved ones.

Orie saw her sister peeling oranges for her as she fed her.

"This... Feels like...I want to go home!!" Orie smiled and closed her eyes to savor the taste of home as much as she can.

The judges didn't have any difference in their reactions as they all longed for their homes.

Tears went down Orie's cheek.

The score was up, Tadokoro Megumi- 91 points. She was in fourth place after Hisako

The audience went Wilde, Megumi was competing with the top at this moment, her score is way up high as she cracked the 90 points wall.

Tadokoro fell down to the floor as she breathed a sigh of relieve.

As everyone was discussing how surprising this turn of events was.

A faint sound of footsteps was heard in the arena. Megumi looked behind her and Alexander looked down at her with a sad smile

"I sorry." His voice held petty for Megumi as she was quick to pick that up. She suddenly remembered who this is...who was the person who managed to stand up against an Alumni? Who managed to finish an impossible training camp task with one hand? Who cooked a breakfast buffet with one arm and still finished 2nd?

Megumi's heart clenched very hard as she answered these questions ' was none other than him'


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