Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 54 - 100 Points!!

Please forgive my mistakes, they are not intentional.


Chapter 67 is out on Pat reon

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Throughout the history of Totsuki, in all of the previous autumn elections. No one was able to break through the 98 mark. Only one person managed to achieve such a feat. It was the GodMother herself. With 99 points. But even she struggled to reach that level.

If someone shouted he will get full mark in the preliminaries of the autumn election, he will be dubbed as a naïve kid who doesn't know how hard it is, even the judges will feel petty for him as they will crush his dream.

And those same judges are now at their table with lights shining on them, crying from the emotional impact they had received.

No one said anything bad to them, no one touched them. But they ate something, something that pulled up the most treasured memory they have.

Orie, one of the twin curry queen. Was on her phone

"No mom, nothing happened to me! I just wanted to hear your voice...yes, my sister is okay too" tears are streaming down on her cheeks while she uses a napkin to wipe them out.

Another judge, Osaji, he pulled out a picture of his deceased daughter and started crying in silent. He touched the picture gently. His red eyes and tears didn't shadow his genuine smile. He recalled the first time she was born and how happy she was.

The other three judges, each one had the thing they treasured in their memory in front of them very clear. All of their ambitions were put aside for a moment before they realized for what they have been doing this all the time.

Some did it for their family, some wanted their kids yo idolize them and be proud. All in all, they remembered.

[Excuse me....] The MC girl called for the judges. The hall was very silent as the audience were very confused. No one knows what happened to the judges. One moment they were eating and the other they were crying.

The judges looked at the MC girl with a little bit of anger scaring her.

[I... I am really sorry to disturb you...but you must give us the result, contestant Alexander and his fellow students are eager to know the results] she pointed Alexandra who had Alice and Takumi standing beside him waiting with eagerness for the results although they have a really bad feeling about this.

"Fine..." Orie looked at Alexander and smiled "Alexander-sama, you did a splendid job with this coconut curry dish..." She hit two buttons in front of her "...Congratulations"

No sooner, the screen board showed the result, if the hall was quite earlier then now it must be nothing short of dead silent.

They can't be blamed, everyone looked up and dropped their jaws.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Said Takumi

"This is way too much of flexing, babe" Alice smiled awkwardly, she knows that her fiancée is very talented and can stand his ground against Alexandra...but this...this is what she had never imagined.

Saiba Alexander - 100 points

Alexander relaxed a little as he looked at Takumi. Takumi noticed him staring and looked back at him

"How about that?" He extended both of his hands at the screen.

A tick mark appeared on Takumi's forehead as he exploded "what the hell are you being proud for?! This is not over yet! Do you hear me." His finger was on Alexander's cheek pressing hard on him.

"Whatever~" Alexander played it cool and looked the other way with a smug expression.

Alice smiled ad she looked to the screen board "with this, three of the North Star are taking the top spots."

"Hell yeah!" Takumi quickly shifter his behavior to celebrating

"Congratulations, everyone!" Isami came to his brother with a smile "looks like I still got a long way to go." He said

"Do your best Isami" Takumi didn't forget to encourage his brother a little.

On the other side, Megumi was looking down, tears are falling on her cheeks while her body is trembling.

'I lost...again" she closed her eyes as she couldn't bear to look up at her friends and her hometown people who are watching



Several shouting came from the audience, Megumi dormmates are waving a flag that had a chibi Megumi in it.

"Don't be down!!"

"You did your best!!"

The two boys from the polar star are crying as they tried to make their friend feel better. They if all people know what she been through

Fumio looked at Megumi and the two idiots shouting at her, her eyes couldn't help but let tears go down.

She clenched her hands and then took a long deep breath "Megumi!!!" She shouted getting Megumi attention

"You are of the Polar star's residents, don't cry!! With her shaky voice, Fumio managed to say what she wanted. For her, these words are enough.

No matter what happened, Tadokoro was still worthy enough to stay in the Pilar star, meaning she has the potential to raise up the ranks.

As soon as Fumio stopped shouting, the crowd erupted with screams. A miracle happened, and they were one of the few people to witness this live. Heated discussions begin spreading between the students.

This is unheard of. Some were doubting their eyes while others are trying to figure out how that dish is made. They witnessed the whole process and they were sure it was just the normal coconut curry dish. This unbelievable!

At Alexander and co. Alice who heard Megumi friends shouting her name, felt her heart clenching as she started crying too " this is so touching! "

"Why are you crying too?!" Said Takumi with a surprised expression

"Shut up you heartless monster!!"

"What did you call me?"

"You monster!!"

The two didn't take long to start fighting making Alexander feel a terrible headache

"It must be hard," Isami said with a smile

"You have no idea!" Said Alexander

On the other side. At the audience area.

Three people were looking down at the person who made a whole stadium go crazy

"This guy is some big trouble." Said Kouga.

Tsukasa smiled as his blood started pumping very hard, his long-dormant competitive personality started to resurface again " He is not half bad...don't you think so too, Rindo?" Tsukasa said to Rindo but he never got an answer.

"Rindo...?" He looked at her and saw her eyes glued on Alexander

"Do you perhaps... know him?" He asked. Kouga picked that up and listened closely

"Yeah..." She smiled with a big grin, her cat eyes glowed as she eyes Alexander like a delicious meal " He is my Fiancée "

Tsukasa and Kouga froze as Rindo passed by them and left the arena.

"This is going to be fun!" Rindo left those words before she disappeared in the dark hallway again leaving her friends looking at Alexander with shocked eyes.


Chapter 67 is out on Pat reon

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