Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 69 - A Business Meeting

Any mistakes in this chapter are not intentional, please be kind and forgive my mistakes


"Lady Alice, Lady Rindo..." Vlad called for Rindo and Alice while driving his black car followed by his men with Eizan who was kicking around struggling to free himself

"I hope you understand that your actions are causing us a huge amount of problems, we can't just show up with both of you with us." He said but his smile never left his face

"I don't care, I want to see where this is going, Totsuki's is my family's school and I can't let something like kidnapping a student go like this, not even for Alexander's sake." Alice was strong in her decision and won't change her mind

"And I am just tagging to see where this is going? It seems fun" she said, she is well aware of Alexander ways of doing things, after all, she had a long lesson from here father back then about the Helmet family

Vlad could only sigh and shake his head, the Boss is already pissed enough, and his women showing up suddenly will make him angrier for sure

The cars shuffled through the streets of Tokyo as the made their way to the Red Cloud Company HQ.

The cars stopped at the giant building with a big red could logo on top, the men opened the car and swarmed Eizan and surrounded him so nobody can see his covered head and they don't draw suspicious gazes at them.

Vlad opened the car for Rindo and Alice and followed behind his men.

Alice, Rindo, and Vlad took the elevator instead of the stairs like the henchmen and went straight up to the top floor where Alexander is...

Vlad guided Rindo and Alice to the only room in the top floor and knocked on the door, no one answered but he opened the door, he knows that the Boss is not in the mood to answer the door

As soon as Alice and Rindo entered the room, they were greeted with the sight of a man kneeling on an ice floor as he shivers from the cold.

Alice could recognize this man as Alfie, Alexander's uncle

"What is going on?" Whispered Alice as she wondered about the cause of Alfie's actions. Rindo had the same thought but didn't say anything

"What are you doing here?" A deep and cold voice came from the side of the room grabbing Alice and Rindo's attention

They shifted their gaze to see Alexander sitting in his office with his legs crossed on the top of his desk, behind him stood a middle-aged man with black raven hair split in half, in front of Alexander's disk, his mother, Alexandra was sitting taking a sip from her coffee, across of her is young man with white coat, his eyes weren't exactly looking anywhere as he was fidging in his place

"Alexander..." Alice looked at her fiancée's dark face, his eyes are covered by his hair.

"I asked you a question..." He said

"C'mon dear, don't be harsh on the girls, they must be here to check on you" Alexandra stepped in between the angry Alexander

"Isn't that right girl?" Said Alexandra

"Of course!" Said Rindo, Alice was stunned at first, this is her first time seeing Alexander like this, his warm personality is nowhere to be found, even if she is in front of him now, he doesn't seem to display his usual self.

"We will talk later, for now...sit" Alexander ordered the girls to sit down on the couch

Vlad took his position behind Alexander with Keanu and stood there motionlessly

The girls did as they were told and didn't dare to retort, Alice even forgot what she came here for.

"Hello..." The young man stood up as he said with monotone voice " I am...Dr.Shuan Murphy... Nice to meet you." He said with his body bowing a little repeatedly

The girl returns his greeting and that was it, Alexander continued to sit while crossing his feet on the desk

After a few minutes, the door was opened with Vlad's henchmen entering with a tied up Eizan who was screaming stuff like "where is this??" Who are you??" "Why are you doing this??" But his words fell on deaf ears

He was seated in the middle of the room, Alexander gestured for them to remove his blindfolds

"Gah! What the hell?!!" Fear is visible in Eizan eyes as he tried to adjust to the light, he looked around and saw he was surrounded by a bunch of men, his eyes landed on Alexander, Rindo, and Alice. Nothing can describe his shock

"Wh....what is going on?" He asked, he looked at Rindo and didn't even dare to look at Alexander

Rindo just shrugged her shoulders

"You should look here..." Said Alexander, his voice was as cold as ice

Eizan trembled a little as he shifted his eyes to Alexander, he felt fear when he saw his Golden eyes glowing from under his hair

"What want from me?" He asked slowly "is this about the tournament...?" He said

"I don't care about your little tricks back there... I brought you here to discuss about your sweet big brother."

Eizan felt his heart sink, he knew that a day like this will come

"Don't bother....he doesn't care about me, if you're trying to use me as a hostage, then just forget it, he will rather kill me than agreeing to whatever you say" Eizan's eyes went hallow for a moment as he recalled what kind of man his brother is

"You're not a hostage..." Said Alexander "And I don't take hostages."

Eizan felt shocked at his words but he didn't speak.

"What I brought you here for is very simple..." Alexander stood up from his desk and walked forward

Everyone else kept their eyes on him, from Eizan to Rindo, Alice, And Alexandra...well, the last one was just playing with Rindo's Red hair

"I want you to arrange a business meeting with your brother." Said Alexander


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