Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 76 - Conclusion!

I will be doing some checkup for all of my chapters to clean any mistakes out there and I am sure that there is a lot of them.

So, I may be late to update.


The arena quieted down, no one spoke, all waiting for the judges to announce the winner

Soma clinched his apron tightly, this a difficult battle for him, he struggled against Takumi, but even that Takumi couldn't defeat his brother

'I counting on you...' Soma put all his trust in his dish

As if time in itself slowed down, the judges raised their signs with the winner name on it

It took the crowd a moment to react before they irrupted in screams

[The winner of the first of the autumn election's 2nd round is...Saiba Alexander] Doujima announced calmly while the crowd cheered behind him

Saiba Alexander - 5 votes

Yukihira Soma - 0 vote

Soma looked at the board where it displays his defeat clearly, he sighed with his head down, he removed his headband slowly, his heart is aching for his defeat

He felt someone punch him lightly in the back

"What are you looking so down for?" Alexander locked his brother between his arm

"Ouch! I am not looking down!" Said Soma

"Then what?" Asked Alexander

"I was thinking about a way to defeat you!!" Screamed Soma seriously, his eyes don't contain any hint of defeat, it is as if his soul was burning with a desire for revenge

Alexander smiled slightly "let's get down the stage..." He released his brother and walked off the stage.

Soma looked up at the screen where his defeat was shown to everyone, he clenched his hands tightly and swore to reverse these numbers

The next time we will battle again will be my victory, Soma thought

"Let's go Soma, stop starring at the board, it's not going to change!!" Alexander called for Soma who snapped out of his daze

"I-I am coming, stop screaming at me in front of everybody!!" Said Soma as he ran to his brother

"What did you say you brat?!" Alexander chopped Soma's head with a vertical hit

"Ouch! Stop it..."

The two brothers voices started to fade into the hallway

The judges who saw his the two behaved after the results were announced

"Tch...this was supposed to be the fun part" Tsunozaki displayed her displeasure, this was the part where the winner humiliates the loser with some clever speech and the loser looking down with shame

"Not every generation is as rude and savage as your generation, Tsunozaki." Koujiro pushed his glasses back to their place as he gave Tsunozaki a mocking tone

"Senpai...are you sure you don't know that Alexander?" Tsunozaki looked at Koujiro with a suspicious eye, the way he reacts to her actions is odd, it is as if he is defending someone by attacking her

Mizuhara and Inui looked at Koujiro with a knowing smile, both of them know what is going on very well

Being cornered, Koujiro used his ultimate weapon [Death Glar]

"Stop talking to me like you raised me!" He grabbed Tsunozaki by her head and pressed really hard on her crown

"Owowow!!!! I am sorry!!!" Tsunozaki regretted talking with her big mouth "I am really sorry, senpai, I will never do it again!!" She used every possible way to escape Koujiro but to no avail

"Shinomiya-senpai is such a Tsundere, isn't he?" Inui said with a cute and cheerful tone.

Ad soon as she said that, Mizuhara who was beside her faded into the background leaving Inui alone to face Koujiro who was already in front of her with a dark face that resembles the soul reaper

Inui looked at the giant death figure in front of her and trembled with tears on the side of her eyes "I am sorry...Tehe?" Until her last breath, Inui still tried to be the cute junior.

But alas, her faith was decided by the raging Koujiro

Doujima took the mic leaving the circus show behind him, he has a job and he needs to do it, he can't play around with them now.

[The next match will begin in 30 minutes, for the participants, please be ready...] He announced to the crowed

In the waiting room, Alice and Hayama exchanged a knowing glare

"Well then...I will get going." Alice stood up and left the room, Rindo waved at her while still watching the commercial break on the TV

"Good luck....both of you," Takumi said without looking at Alice and Hayama who followed her, he was reading a cooking book now to get some nice and fresh new ideas to do

Isami and Ryo said their encouragements always

Walking down the hallway, Hayama and Alice meet up with Alexander

"Oh, Alexander... Where you going" Alice hugged Alexander for some good luck vibe

"I am heading out to meet Vlad, and you two?" He asked

This time, Hayama spoke first " Our match is next, so we will go get our things in order"

"Well then, I better let you do that." Alexander kissed his girl's forehead while pumping Hayama's fist with his

He then separated with them and headed out.

Outside, he searched for Vlad's parked car and found it under a tree cooling down, precisely, it was Vlad who was cooling down, today was a hot day after all.

Alexander walked to the car and knocked on the window

The window rolled down revealing Vlad with Alfie beside him

"How is the situation?" Asked Alexander as he leaned on the hot surface of the black car

"Smooth as hell!" Said Alfie, his energetic feeling came from the AC in the car

Alexander ignored his uncle and looked at Vlad with a raised eyebrow

"The plan is proceeding as we planned, there have been multiple accidents but we took care of them..." Vlad knows why Alexander is asking "...There is no need for you to take charge Boss."

"Good...don't disappoint me." Alexander said with all seriousness "you can leave now." He said

The car turned on and left the school ground

Alexander sighed and looked at the sky while blocking the sun with his arm

He turned to leave, and that was when another car stopped in front of him

He halted in his track as the car blocked his way.

The door was opened and a slender white leg came out, a girl with honey blond hair came out of the car. Her aura is screaming elegance and nobility

When the girl looked around her and spotted Alexander standing in her face, a red blush appeared on her face

"A...Alexander... Sama!" Her sweet voice echoed in the area reaching Alexander's ears

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