Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 80 - I Agree...


After Alexander left to his company, he met with Eizan who was waiting for him with his uncle who has returned to work after resting his legs for a couple of days, Keanu and Vlad were both there too

Then they headed to the Etsuya family building, Eizan can't wait to be done with his brother.

In the car, Alexander noticed Eizan's strange behavior and shaky hands "What's wrong, are you regretting your decision?" Alexander asked

"What? Of course not!" Eizan had a determined expression, he wasn't willing to back down, not after he was presented with this big present, Eizan was dying to see Tawagata dead

"Well, by the time we arrive at the building he would probably be dead..." Said Alexander

"Indeed, we sent 10 of our best men to lock his escaping routes while the rest attack the building from all directions..." Vlad spoke as he looked at his boss and their guest

Keanu added after him "...Until now, we did not receive any report from the scouting squad meaning everything is going according to the plan..." He said calmly

"That better be the case, today must be his downfall." Alfie was eager to end Tawagata himself but he couldn't move because Alexander was still punishing him

The car drove by until they found one road blocked by police cops that were actually some of Roberto's men who are now his men now, they blocked every direction that leads to the Etsuya building for about 2 Kilometers where the genocide of Tawagata and his men is taking place

They blocked every car with the excuse of a petrol station is under fire. But when Alexander's car reached the location they passed in smoothly and no one cared as they thought it was they were in charge in this situation.

As they made their way to the building's street, Eizan could see few bodies laying on the street dead. As they became closer the building the number of the dead rose up

Alexander and the rest got out of the car And they were greeted with few of their men

"zdes' vse sdelano...?" He asked

(Is everything done here...?)

One blond man bowed slightly "Da, nachal'nik."

(Yes, boss.) he replied

"This way..." Keanu lead Alexander and the rest through the secret chamber he discovered at the parking floor, they used that passage to get faster to the top floor where Tawagata will probably be

Eizan's heartbeat is going up with each step they took, he will finally be free, finally!

They reached a door and opened it, Tue foul stench of death invaded their noses making Eizan wanting to puke

One they entered, they found 17 men surrounding a heavily injured Tawagata with their guns on his head. Once they saw Alexander they saluted him respectfully

As for Tawagata, he gave up the will to live, his heart sank to his stomach as he realized his fate is sealed now

"Look at you..." Said Alexander as he walked toward his small and pitiful ex-enemy "You look so pitiful." His voice held so much nonexistent sorrow

While Alexander is talking, Tawagata's dead eyes shifted to his little brother and spoke weakly "I...Should've...killed you back...then."

"Back then...I saw it clearly how you killed both of our parents, I know they begged you to let me live, and you didn't mind yo became I was younger than and couldn't take anything from our father's inheritance... But I swore to avenge them no matter how long I have to wait..." His eyes were raining with tears, he couldn't forget his mother's weak voice as she begged for his life

Alexander, Vlad, Alfie, and Keanu stood to the side as they watched Eizan spell the beans, Tawagata killing his parents for power didn't come on Alexander mind at all, and that finally explains why Eizan was so hell-bent on his death

"Enough chitchat, Give me a knife..." Keanu passed Alexander a knife and Alfie pulled a gun and walked behind Tawagata

"I told you back then...I'll let you mean why we are called the red Blinders..."

Tawagata's body shivered intensely as Alexander put the knife on his forehead and made a horizontal line making blood gush out of his open forehead

You might want to close your eyes..." Alexander looked at Eizan

"No...I want to see it." Eizan came all the way just for this moment

As the blood came down his eyes, Tawagata could only see red, his face turned red with his blood

With his vision being red *BANG* the thunderous sound of a bullet going through his brain making him fall lifeless on the floor

Eizan seeing this unfold throw up on the floor immediately

"...and that's why we are called The Red Blinders..." Cleaning some of the blood on his face with a Napkin

"Well...Uncle, clean the mess here while Vlad, you go visit our friends in the police department to make sure they're happy..." He stood up and walked to the secret passage "...and as for you...feel free to play as much as you want, as long as you don't cause me trouble in my business..."

"Huff...huff...I see..." Eizan understood that Alexander has a bottom line, unlike the rich kids, this kid is a boss, he never cared about small things that don't cause him anything like trouble, he came to understand that Alexander took action only when his interest as a company and Mafia leader was concerned

His trouble in school, he deals with them as a student.

And with this, the Etsuya family's Yakuza became no more, all that was left is a few things that Eizan could build up from scratch again, but that will take a few years

As Alexander promised, it all took 3 days.

While in another location, at a certain fancy restaurant, Rindo, the red-headed princess was eating a plate of Sushi with a happy smile. In front of her, a man with dark hair and eyes that seem like the darkness itself, a single white wisp of hair was thrown back on his black hair. He enjoyed his red wine as he watched the girl in front of him while another silver-haired boy was looking down as if he was thinking deeply about something

"Have you decided...?" He asked but the girl never stopped eating as if she didn't hear but in fact...she did.

"..." After a little pause, the silver-haired boy looked up and with what seems like a determined expression "I agree to your plans...Azami-sama." Tsukasa said.

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