Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 92 - The Other Two...

Sorry for any mistakes ????


Alexander looked at the hotel in front of him. He had now remembered that his mother was building a six-star hotel in Tokyo, he has completely forgotten about it since it was her private project. It's been 5 years since she got the six stars medal and the license to build a six stars hotel.

While Alexander was marveling at the hotel design and structure, a black car stopped behind him and two people got out of it. One was a black-haired female with blood eyes and the other was a male with blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't our new Stagier boy!!"

Alexander snapped his neck to see his mother behind him with a person he had known for ages.

"Mother...Ramsay!" He shouted with a smile.

The blond-haired man is none other than the famous five-star chef, Gordon Ramsay.

"Chef Ramsay, if you will," Ramsay commented

"Oh c'mon, don't be like that! We're friends, aren't we?" Alexander had this fake smile that both Alexandra and Ramsay could see through without any problem

" we are not. Today you are Here as a stagier. Not as a friend, and of course, not as the head of the red cloud either." Ramsey said with his arms crossed. Alexandra was on the side enjoy the conversation between the two.

"Enough of that..." She finally stepped in "...Today is the grand opening day..." She looked at her son with serious eyes "...I expect you to give it your best, don't you dare to do that half-assed work you did in school or the autumn election!!" Alexandra was clear in her warning. If her son- if the stagier in front of her didn't give it his all, then he can only blame himself if she caused him to get expelled from Totsuki.

"Yes ma'am!!' Alexander saluted like a soldier. Alexandra and Ramsay rolled their eyes at him.l

" let's go up, you will meet the team you will be working with for the next week." Said Alexandra

Alexander could only sigh and follow the two. He knows he is in a difficult situation, this is not some 2 star or 3-star restaurant that he can get pass through with some casual work of his. This is a 6-star hotel!

This week was the week Alexander will work his ass off the most.

The three entered the hotel. immediately, Alexander widened his eyes 'Mother went all the way out!' He thought, the first floor was the reception area, there was a long squared counter with more than 30 workers just standing there with faces full of smiles.

"This way..." Alexandra guided Ramsey and Alexander the elevators section which was behind the counters.

There were roughly 10 elevators, they entered the nearest one and went up the 100th floor.

To end the awkward silent Alexander decided to say something that he has noticed "...Did you use my Tower prototype plan as a reference to build this?" He asked

"Indeed, your ideas from 5 years ago were magnificent, although such plans as multiple floors, counters, elevators are impossible to achieve and they wouldn't work, unless your amount of regular customers is in thousands..." Alexandra gave him a side look and smiled "...Luckily I am the GodMother." She laughed.

"Indeed, I was skeptical about this plan, if it did not work, it will be a waste of money, time, and manpower..." Ramsey said after Alexandra "But as soon as we announced the grand opening date, the 1937 rooms were reserved with much outrage from our regulars demanding for more rooms. Our website crashed in the first 13 hours!!" Ramsay had a proud smirk on his face "Even our location is the best we could hope for, the Haneda airport is near multiple train station that connects to every city in Japan. Also, we are in the middle of Tokyo's business district, there are dozens of reserved rooms just for other companies owners!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Alexander had a bored expression on his face which kind of annoyed Ramsay.

Alexander's thoughts drifted to his Golden Tower plan 'Maybe I should start now, I can tell the chefs that I gathered to relocate their restaurants to the tower, Koujy should be able to hand managing the tower alone.'


The elevator stopped, the three got out and walked in a long hall and were greeted by Alexandra's personal secretary who was sitting on her desk.

"My lady!" She called. She stood up and met Alexandra and the others.

"Are the others here?" Asked Alexandra

"Yes. They are waiting inside." The secretary said.

Alexandra nodded and walked past the secretary.

"Long time no see, Rouge!" Alexander waved at Rouge who smiled at him sweetly.

Alexandra pushed the door with both her hands letting them go inside.

As they entered, the 2 people inside stood up to meet the head of this place.

One of them locked his eyes on Alexandra.

A slim, yet muscular, long-legged young man with blond hair. He keeps his hair brushed over one side of his face. strangely, one of his visible eyebrows was shapes like a spiral.

"My lady!" He walked to Alexandra with a gentleman smile and kneeled before her "the stories I have herd doesn't do your beauty justice at all!" He reached for her hand to kiss, but it was met with Ramsay muscular hand

"Keep your hands to yourself! Or you may lose them!"

"What the hell old man!!" The blond boy was irrigated as his attempt to flirt was interrupted.

"Enough...Alexander, go stand with them." Alexandra ordered, she didn't spare the blond-haired even one look which he only found even more appealing.

Alexander did as he told but his eyes scanned the idiot who thought he cab sweet-talk his mother, the poor one didn't know that his mother hates this type of men the most. Alexander knows that with one mistake, he will be the first to leave.

Alexander stood in front of them with Ramsay behind her with his arms crossed."Introduce yourself, likes, dislikes, and dreams... You start." She gestured for Alexander.

Alexander played along and stepped forward "Saiba Alexander, I like playing games and hates losing in them... My dream... Building a tower." He looked up as he imagined his dream tower.


This time, it was a short, thin, and light-skinned young man with short black hair, large black eyes, and a rather wide nose with large nostrils "Komatsu Goltton, I like discovering new recipes, and hates dirty kitchens, my dream is to be a legendary chef just like you madam Alexandra, it is a pleasure to work under you!" Little Komatsu's eyes were shining with adoration and respect, the person he idolizes the most is just a few inches away.

Alexander smiled a little, she likes this one. She then looked at the fake Casanova on the side.

"...I am Vinsmoke Sanji..." He bowed. Alexander's eyes Widnes as he heard that name before, and it was a very familiar name too

'The Vinsmoke Family?!!' He thought, now that he looks at him more clearly, he saw the genetic traits of the Vinsmoke family.

Sanji continued "...I like serving the pretty ladies, and I hate seaweed. My dream is to serve my food to every beautiful woman in the world" he said with no shame, after all, no dream is a stupid dream.

Alexandra and Ramsay noticed the same thing as Alexander but they didn't give much thoughts

"Now...the three of you will be working as stagiers under me, the grand opening is just a few hours away," Alexander said. She looked at Ramsay meaning for him to continue

"You drop one plate, you're out! Your food is uncooked, undercooked, you're out! Any customer complains about anything from you, you're out!" Ramsay said with a little cold voice "I am now your superior. We have the whole week together, I want the three of you to pass for real. But don't you dare force my hand."

The three nodded their heads simultaneously.

"Good." Said Alexandra.


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