Food Wars: The Golden Hands

Chapter 98 - Stagier!


Today is the day, today is the last day of the week that Alexander is supposed to be stagier at the red cloud...his own company.

He received a call from Ramsay saying that a few judges will visit the restaurant today. When he heard that, Alexander felt irritated, since the day he became stagier for the red cloud, his normal easy-going lifestyle was gone. He really worked hard like never.

Instructing 7 people who know nothing about each other to work as a team and meet the 3-star restaurant requirement is the hardest thing ever. But it wasn't impossible.

Although he wasn't able to fix some problems like Todoroki Yachiyo clumsiness, but he showed her how to deal with the situations she may fall in, and she a whole 3 days to work on that.

Lala's hot temperature was taken care of by her holy salary. Amai Anna was just a shy girl, Alexander just needed her to open up for her teammates, and with Lala beside her, that wasn't an issue.

Elias was just too arrogant, Alexander found that this guy was a former manager and chef at a local restaurant in this area, but it was shut down due to the owner dying and his inheritance was passed around.

As for the others like Raj, Boris, and Kanzaki; their teamwork proved to be supreme. Maybe because they all are around the same age, Alexander concluded that the three of them became friends as they hang a lot with each other lately.

All of that is running in Alexander's favor. Alexander watched as the 6 chefs and the 1 waiter girl started to run the restaurant on their own, he began to distance himself from them gradually.

'Great...Everything is falling in the right place.' Alexander was standing at the door of the manager's office looking at the customers. He sees that there are no problems, the waiter is doing fine, the dishes are not being delayed and he doesn't hear any fights in the kitchen. The customers are being satisfied and that is more than enough.

Alexander's eyes landed on the door as he noticed three people with suitcases enter. He immediately recognized them as the judges for today. They had gentle faces as they tried to blend with the customers.

"Excuse me, I would like to order!" One of them raised his hand.

"Right away!" Yachiyo ran to them with a note in her hand as she passed them a menu "Today's special is Sauerbraten or as commonly known as; the German Roasted Beef Stew!" Yachiyo said with a smile

The judges smiled and took the menu, the three exchanged a look and nodded.

"We actually are not from this area, we are just passing by and we are not familiar with the local food. We need to get going soon. If the young lady could do us a favor and order for us we would be more than happy!" One of them said with a sweet smile, his blue eyes were captivating but unfortunately they don't work on clumsy people.

"Then if you want, you can order, Borscht; it comes with chunks of beef, ham, and Vienna sausage. I am sure you would like it." She said.

The judges looked at each other and nodded again. The waiter is a pass. So they agreed to move to the next step.

"Then, we will take three of it and also, one of this, and this, also this, yeah..this too." Yachiyo could only look with shock at the people who have just said they were in a hurry, the list kept on going on and on

"And please, we must be on our way in an hour." He added. Yachiyo felt embarrassed in this man's place. She ran back to the kitchen.

Alexander's eyes glowed under the shadow of his hair. He realized what they were after.

They are aiming to mess with the chefs' line of thoughts and disturb them with the heavy orders from a single table "Quite cunning if I must say..."Alexander wanted to go in and help but he knows if he did that. Then the chefs will be fired and he will be expelled from Totsuki.

"Do your best...little chickens." Alexander chuckled a little as he went inside his office. He started gathering a few envelops that he made yesterday. He looked at them and smiled slightly...Now that he thinks about it...

Alexander has never taught anyone how to be a chef before, this was one of those rare occasions where he feels a sense of accomplishment. Even though the test is still going, he knows that they can do it.

Alexander switched off the lights in his small office and sat on his desk in the dark, he crossed his legs on the desk and started humming a song, he is waiting for news...Be it good or bad.

"Oi!! where is our order!!"

"It has been an hour and a half already!!"

"We are getting late!!"

The three judges started shouting in rage. Yachiyo came back running to them and tried to calm them

"Dear customers, please calm down, your order is still being cooked." Her face was a little red as she can feel everyone's gaze on her.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" shouted one of them, he scared Yachiyo as she took a step backward "I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION!!" he shouted.

"Sir..T..Th..There are too many orde-"


We can..not do such thing...the chefs are busy making orders..." Yachiyo trembled as this situation is a first. Alexander warned her about such a thing but this is the first time she is experiencing it.

[Never comply with anyone's demands if they started making trouble in the restaurant. Wither they demand an apology, explanation, or even compensation...Never comply] his instructions were clear...but is she supposed to that.

"What is going on?" Elias came from the kitchen with a towel on his shoulder.

"We gave our order about an hour ago...but I see no sign of it on the table." Said one of the judges.

"That is obvious, before your order, we have 21 orders that would take about 2 hours to finish them all. since you have ordered that much of food, we increased our pace and made it to an hour and a half, your order is being taken care of, please wait just a little more..." Elias did his best to sound as much professional as possible

"That doesn't matter!!!" Another judge shouted, "You should apologize, you couldn't even do a simple task like this and now you blame it on the orders, you should be ashamed of yourself. Looks the Red Cloud isn't that big of a deal now. I had high expectations!! "

Elias sighed and looked around him, customers are focusing on this little skirmish here so he can't let them embarrass the restaurant's reputation anymore.

Elias clapped his hands once for the guards, the two guards finally moved for the first time in a while "Looks around, everyone is waiting for their orders with patience, Unlike most restaurants, you won't find anyone who will be able to serve 21 orders in an hour and a half Please keep in mind that we serve our customers equally, if you are in a hurry, I recommend another shop. " Elias gestured for the guards and they dragged the three judges out





The guards kicked the three out of the shop while Elias bowed slightly toward the customers "Please forgive us for the noise, please continue your meals." He said before entering the kitchen with Yachiyo.

When Inside, Elias stood in his place and started biting his towel with hatred "those f.u.c.kas were so loud and disrespectful, who do they think they are!! I wanted to punch them but my holy salary will be cut even more!! Ahhhh! go to hell!!"

Elias started raging on in the kitchen while Raj and Boris calmed him down.

"What happened?" Anna asked

"Some customers were causing trouble so he kicked them out." Said Yachiyo

"Is that so..."

"what? someone was causing trouble!! you should've called for me, I would've punched the living bugs out of them!!" Lala started raging on too after she was filled in with what happened.

"I second that too..." Kanzaki grinned as he cracked his knuckles.

"Enough of this and let us go back to cooking, more customers are coming...Yachiyo, go take their orders." Said Elias.

The staff continued working as usual unaware of what just happened. Things went smoothly with no more trouble rasing up.

At 11 AM the restaurant started closing. Elias and Raj were cleaning the tables with Yachiyo while the others are washing the dishes.

*click* Alexander's office door opened "Gather around..." he said. He was in his office for about the whole day and never came out. He was wearing a long gray coat, leather shoes and a grey hat.

The 7 staff members all gathered and sat around a table with orders from Alexander.

Alexander held in his hand seven envelops and played with them slightly "This is your weekly salary..." He said as he passed them around.

"And as I have mentioned, Lala and Elias...your salary was cut off as I have mentioned." He chuckled as he sat with them. The others laughed too but not Lala and Elias. both of them started tearing up, especially Elias who was crying like a girl, in these three days, his salary was cut off by 80%.

The bunch of chicken got used to Alexander, it is true he was so mean but it was hard to hate him, very hard.

"And I need to mention that today, the judges that are responsible for evaluating your performance came today." As soon as h said, everyone's attention was on him.

"When did they..." Elias asked as he took a bottle of water to drink, all the crying he did made him dry

"The three you kicked out..." Alexander said. Everyone shut up and looked at him with a funny expression. Elias who was drinking water started drinking even more furiously with sweat running down his body while looking at Alexander with trembling eyes.

"Don't worry you passed," he said " I got an e-mail saying that you have passed the exam and the judges were pleased with your actions...Head Chef." Alexander emphasized on the word Head Chef.

"Puaah!!" Elias took the bottle off his mouth as he panted trying to catch his breath "Don't scare me like that, my holy salary being evaporated is already killing me!!" he shouted.

"Geez!! you scared me!!" Yachiyo' head fell on the table from fear, in the millisecond Alexander kept quite before he said they passed, she was already blaming herself.

"Teacher's sense of humor is twisted." Said Anna.

"Well, I am glad everything is okay, I wouldn't like for this squad to be disbanded this early on." Said Kanzaki

"Isn't that right, bro?!" Boris said as he locked Kanzaki's head between his arms while Raj is trying to free him saying it is dangerous.

"Well...Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a pleasure to work with you." Alexander stood up shocking the 7 of them "I must be on my way." He said.

"Oi, are you serious?!" asked Elias, the thought of Alexander suddenly leaving made him feel a little uncomfortable and he wasn't alone who felt such a thing.

The 7 followed him outside of the restaurant

Alexander looked back at the idiots who he was instructing for nearly a week now and smiled "What are you looking down for?" he asked, "My mission is over but your journey is still ongoing, don't make me see you in the streets." He said before taking off his hat and bowing a little before he started to fade in the night street.

"What the hell...!!" Kanzaki said with his head down

"Just walking off like that on your own!!" Lala added

"Alexander-san..." Raj looked in the distance trying to locate Alexander

On with Alexander. He was walking alone in the darkness of the night, just as he was about to make a turn, he met with someone blocking his way...

"Saiba Alexander, you have passed the Stagier exams, due to your special case of working under the red cloud, you have been forgiven from the doing the next two weeks of the remaining time until the exam is finished...Congratulations." The man in front of Alexander said those things and went on his way

"Of course I passed...humph" Alexander looked at the stars and laughed briefly "I can't wait to go back to Totsuki and meet the others. I can't believe I have three years of this to come!!"

Alexander was happy beyond anything. Ever since he came to Tostsuki, the school didn't stop to amaze him...

Alexander took off running like the little boy he is towards the bus station, eager to go back to school and share his story with Alice and Rindo.


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