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This is a classroom where Totsuki students take classes. Today's class is taught by Shinomiya Kojiro. As the strictest teacher among the graduates, every student is anxious and fearful while making the dish this time, nine kinds of vegetable French jelly.

Fang Lin, however, handled the ingredients in his hands with ease.

When all nine kinds of vegetables were processed, Fang Lin lit the stove, put the pot on it and lit it, and added the broth to boil.

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, cut the carrots and celery into sections, put all these ingredients into the soup pot at once, and boil them with the broth.

This is to cook a noble and elegant French clear soup, which will be used in the final preparation of the nine kinds of vegetable French jelly.

This is an important place to increase the perfect taste of each vegetable. Even in the recipe, Shinomiya wrote the specific amounts carefully, for fear that others would not know how his French jelly was made.

""Okay." Fang Lin opened the lid of the soup pot and watched the boiling broth inside constantly bursting with bubbles. With a light sniff, he could smell the fragrance of fruits and vegetables. The

French clear soup required for the nine-vegetable French jelly is different from the general thick soup, because this clear soup is to set off the taste of vegetables, so it needs to be treated with special caution. Unlike other meat thick soups, such as beef soup, seafood soup, etc., if the French clear soup is too thick, it will destroy the taste of the vegetables in the final production, and then it will be impossible to have a perfect French jelly.

Looking at the cooked broth, these It cannot be used directly yet, Fang Lin has to filter it to get the real clear soup.

After a little filtering, Fang Lin had a full portion of French clear soup in his hand.

Pour a small amount of French clear soup into a small bowl, then add gelatin and stir to blend together.

Gelatin was used before when Chun Guoting made mousse cake. It is fish gelatin powder without fishy smell and is an excellent material for making cakes and jellies.

This time, the French jelly needs the fusion effect of gelatin.

Seeing that the gelatin and clear soup in the small bowl were almost blended, Fang Lin continued to pour a little French clear soup into it and mix it.

"It's the final step. Fang Lin's eyes lit up, and he took out a rectangular mold that he had prepared. This was a tool for shaping vegetable jelly, just like making toast. He placed the rectangular mold on the countertop, took out the plastic wrap to cover it, and covered the mold with the cabbage leaves that he had just prepared.

"Add vegetables. Fang Lin put the white and green asparagus in the first layer, then pour in the mixture of gelatin and French broth. After all the vegetables are submerged, add the mixture to the second layer of okra, cauliflower on the third layer, and then zucchini, cucumber, and corn shoots.

After all the vegetables are placed, seal the mold with fresh plastic wrap.

""Fang Lin put the mold into the refrigerator to solidify it at low temperature, so that each layer of vegetables can be perfectly connected together.

""Huh." Fang Lin looked up at the cooking tables around him. Many students had already brought their dishes to Sigong for tasting. Many of them were judged unqualified by Sigong, but of course a very small number of them were qualified.

Looking at Tanaka Hui, she was already doing the final plating.

"Not bad. Fang Lin smiled. It seemed that Tanaka Hui had shown her true ability. If Tanaka Hui was not nervous and showed her full strength, she would be ranked among the top students in the first grade.

After a short rest, Fang Lin continued to process the ingredients, which was the sauce. However, the sauce was not very complicated to make. It was very simple.

It did not take Fang Lin much time.

You know, when making the French jelly just now, Fang Lin had been using the power of time to constantly stimulate the extreme freshness of the vegetables, so that the vegetables were restored to the peak freshness and deliciousness when they were just picked.

With the ability of the heart of the chef, Fang Lin perfectly demonstrated the ability of this skill.

"This kind of French jelly, Senior Sigong, I will let you taste what the real ultimate French jelly is."Fang Lin looked at Sigong Kojiro who was tasting it and smiled gently.

"Making the sauce."Fang Lin took out a small bowl and put in egg yolk, thyme, garlic paste, mayonnaise, olive oil, milk, salt and black pepper, and used a stirring stick to grind them into a paste until they became a viscous sauce.

This is to add a different flavor to the French jelly. Otherwise, the pure vegetable French jelly would still taste a little monotonous.

In order to highlight the fragrance of the vegetables, auxiliary ingredients are also needed for embellishment.

After a while,

""Let's do the final finishing work." Fang Lin took out the vegetable French jelly from the refrigerator, then took out a white porcelain plate, tapped the mold gently, and the French jelly fell on the porcelain plate. He removed the plastic wrap covering it, then poured the sauce on the plate to finish it, and added mint leaves for decoration.

"Nine kinds of vegetable French jelly are ready." Fang Lin looked at the nine kinds of vegetable French jelly in front of him.

This vegetable French jelly exudes low-temperature cold air, and the fresh and natural smell of vegetables rushes into the nose, as if people are in the world of fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, each layer of vegetables exudes the ultimate color of the ingredients themselves, with green, red, and white colors complementing each other.

Just taken out of the refrigerator, under the temperature of the classroom itself, it turned into light dewdrops, as if the ingredients themselves had life, and they seemed to think they were growing.

It can be found that no matter what kind of vegetable it is, it seems to reveal a kind of vitality.

After Fang Lin finished his French jelly, the other students were almost done, and Tansho Kei just passed the review of the four palaces.

Those few students who did not finish may have given up hope.

"Then it's my turn." Fang Lin smiled as he held his nine-vegetable French jelly. Under Tanaka Hui's worried gaze, he nodded slightly, telling her not to worry.

"Senior Sigong, please enjoy my nine-vegetable French frozen jelly. Fang Lin placed the porcelain plate on the table in front of Sigong and said calmly.

"Nine kinds of vegetables French frozen * modified?"_Read the ununderlined version of the novel please download Feilu Xiao

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